Hon. Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, CF(Mil), OStJ, MSD, jssc, psc

Prime Minister of Fiji and Minister for iTaukei Affairs and Sugar Industry


Schenzen Sun. 19th July, 2015


Excellency, I’m very pleased to be in Shenzhen – the epitome of the China’s economic success – and to convey to you the warmest greetings of the Fijian Government and the Fijian people.

Thank you for your warm welcome and the courtesy extended to my delegation. I have been very keen to visit Shenzhen to see how it has achieved it’s remarkable economic and social growth—from a small town of only 35 thousand people to an urban metropolis of about 15 million with a diverse and robust economy.
The way in which your industrial base has developed in such a relatively short space of time is an extraordinary achievement. More than anywhere else in China, Shenzhen is generating the economic strength that is making your nation such a force in the world today.
Excellency, this is a historic year for the development of the relationship between our two countries because it is 40 years since Fiji and China first established diplomatic ties.

We regard your nation as one of our greatest friends – having stood by us during some of Fiji’s most challenging periods – and we are working to strengthen the relationship even further. That includes expanding our links with Shenzhen.

My visit here is a clear sign of our growing relationship and cooperation in a number of important areas. And we look forward to continuing to build on the existing relationship.

The designation of Shenzhen city (in 1980) as the first Special Economic Zone in China, and the remarkable development trajectory the city has taken since then, presents Fiji with many valuable lessons for national development.

As a Pacific Small Island Developing State, we naturally have a range of development priorities that need addressing.

Your Excellency, the investment incentives offered by the Fijian Government are some of the best in the region – low taxes, no taxes at all in some instances and a range of other measures that make Fiji a highly attractive investment prospect.

While trade between our nations is growing, we are very keen to attract further investment in Fiji and expand the existing trade between us.

Following my visits today to Nansha Port and the Longxue shipyard of Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI), Fiji is keen to explore further opportunities for greater cooperation, trade and investment with Guangdong Province, and Shenzhen city in particular.
Fiji's Minister for Industry, Trade and Investment is present here and has been asked to take up these areas of cooperation and to work with other national stakeholders as a follow up to this visit.

Excellency, I close by again thanking you for hosting my delegation. We are deeply impressed by the achievements of Shenzhen and your people and the contribution you are making to China and the world at large.
Please accept our congratulations and best wishes for the continuing prosperity of Shenzhen and your great nation. And we look forward to continuing to build the relationship between Shenzhen and Fiji.

Vinaka vakalevu. Xie Xie!
