Course/ Subject: Graphic Design IGrade: 9-12
Month: September
Enduring Understanding
- Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
- A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
- Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
- Graphic Design is a section of technological design where visual arts are used to communicate information.
Essential Questions
- What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?
- How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?
- How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Evaluate the purpose and
effectiveness of
information and
communication systems.
Synthesize the effects of
information and
communication systems and
subsystems as an integral
part of the development of the
Information Age.
Recognize that
development has been
evolutionary, the result
of a series of refinements
to a basic invention. / File Structure/Computer Basics
- Computer nomenclature
- Z:drive access
- Folders/Files
- Line
- Color
- Shape
- Texture
- Form
- Image that uses lines to create the image
- Can be resized without losing image quality
- Used primarily by Adobe Illustrator
- Can be used for screen printing
- Image that uses dots (pixels) to create the image.
- Can NOT be resized without losing image quality.
- Used primarily by Adobe Photoshop
- Can NOT be used for screen printing
Compare and contrast the attributes of a vector image and a raster image.
Skills using Adobe Illustrator
- New page creation & settings
- Drawing lines & shapes
- Saving work
- Stroke & Fill
- Opening existing documents
- Teacher/Student shared folder
- File structure/location
- Drawing lines
- Changing colors
- Creating layers
- Changing layer names
- Creating complete shapes using the Pen Tool
- Changing stroke size/color & fill color with a Pen Tool drawing
- Blending adjacent areas
Shape, color and stroke size activity
Stop Sign Activity
Vector Drawing 1 activity
Vector Drawing 2 activity
Mr. Potato Head activity
- Design brief & rubric will be used for assessment of this project.
Month: October
Enduring Understanding
- Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
- Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
Essential Questions
- What is technological literacy?
- How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations used in Graphic Design?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Compare and contrast
how a number of
different factors, such as
advertising, the strength
of the economy, the
goals of a company and
the latest fads, contribute
to shaping the design of
and demand for various
Illustrate how the
development of
technologies is often
driven by profit and an
economic market. / Image duplication using the Pen Tool
Google Images
- Images must be 1024 x 768
- Bitmap
- Need to screen print the image
- Need to re-size without damaging the image
- Need to manipulate a raster image
- Space (both positive & negative)
- Rhythm
- Unity
- Contrast
- Balance
Differentiate between the types of raster images.
Change resolution standards in Google Images
Skills using Adobe Illustrator
- Pen Tool
- Blending
- Changing colors
- Creating and renaming layers
- File structure/location
- Text tool
- Image duplication
- Opening images
- New page creation
- Saving work
- Selection tools
- Move tools
- Creating & renaming layers
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
Month: November
Enduring Understanding
- Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
- A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
- Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
Essential Questions
- What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?
- How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?
- How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?
- How do the elements of design determine the quality of the printed product?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Evaluate the purpose and
effectiveness of
information and
communication systems.
Synthesize the effects of
information and
communication systems and
subsystems as an integral
part of the development of the
Information Age.
Recognize that
development has been
evolutionary, the result
of a series of refinements
to a basic invention. / Image Manipulation
- Changing an image to make it meet the needs of the user
- Space (positive & negative)
- Color
- Form
- Creating the illusion of depth in a 2-D image.
- Used to print images on textiles.
- Versatility of screen printing
- Image generation
- Screen preparation
- Printing
- Clean up
Skills in Adobe Photoshop
- Review previous selection tools
- Magic Wand
- Quick Mask
- Layer Opacity
- Transform & Free Transform
- Paint Brush
- Eraser
- Zoom in/Zoom out
- Laser printing on vellum
- Coating screens
- Exposing screens
- Taping up and checking for pin holes
- Registration and inking
- Printing
- Reclaiming screens
- Due to class size, this will extend through the entire marking period.
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity.
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
Month: December
Enduring Understanding
- Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
- Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
Essential Questions
- What is technological literacy?
- How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Compare and contrast
how a number of
different factors, such as
advertising, the strength
of the economy, the
goals of a company and
the latest fads, contribute
to shaping the design of
and demand for various
Illustrate how the
development of
technologies is often
driven by profit and an
economic market. / Screen Printing
- Used to print images on textiles.
- Versatility of screen printing
- Image generation
- Screen preparation
- Printing
- Clean up
- Image is damaged by the editing process.
- Image is NOT damaged by the editing process.
- Laser printing on velum
- Coating screens
- Exposing screens
- Taping up and checking for pin holes
- Registration and inking
- Printing
- Reclaiming screens
- Review previous selection tools
- Magic Wand
- Quick Mask
- Layer Opacity
- Transform & Free Transform
- Paint Brush
- Eraser
- Zoom in/Zoom out
- Smart Filters
- Blur Tool
- Smudge Tool
Explain situations where one would rather use non-destructive editing as opposed to destructive editing and vise-versa. / 1 color screen printing job
Color Addition Project (carries over from November)
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
Postcard Project
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity.
Month: January
Enduring Understanding
- Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
- A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
- Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
Essential Questions
- What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?
- How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?
- How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Evaluate the purpose and
effectiveness of
information and
communication systems.
Synthesize the effects of
information and
communication systems and
subsystems as an integral
part of the development of the
Information Age.
Recognize that
development has been
evolutionary, the result
of a series of refinements
to a basic invention. / Screen Printing (through end of 2nd marking period)
- Used to print images on textiles.
- Versatility of screen printing
- Image generation
- Screen preparation
- Registration & Inking
- Printing
- Clean up
- Images on a flat surface
- Images that wrap onto different faces of a 3 dimensional object
- Exposure
- Physical Damage
- Yellowing/Fading
- Laser printing on velum
- Coating screens
- Exposing screens
- Taping up and checking for pin holes
- Registration and inking
- Printing
- Reclaiming screens
- Review previous selection tools
- Magic Wand
- Quick Mask
- Smart Filters
- Blur Tool
- 3-D file transfer
- Opening files from Teacher/student shared folder
- Clone Stamp
- Blur
- Smudge
- Due to class size, this will extend through the entire marking period.
Cereal Box Project
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity.
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity.
Month: February
Enduring Understanding
- Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
- Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
- Information technology is used to convey messages to an end user.
Essential Questions
- What is technological literacy?
- How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Compare and contrast
how a number of
different factors, such as
advertising, the strength
of the economy, the
goals of a company and
the latest fads, contribute
to shaping the design of
and demand for various
Illustrate how the
development of
technologies is often
driven by profit and an
economic market. / Photo Restoration (continued from January)
- Exposure
- Physical Damage
- Yellowing/Fading
- Freehand
- Tracing
- The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function)
- Space (both Positive and Negative)
- Line
- Color
- Shape
- Texture
- Form
- Value
- Review previous selection tools
- Magic Wand
- Quick Mask
- Smart Filters
- Blur Tool
- 3-D file transfer
- Opening files from Teacher/student shared folder
- Clone Stamp
- Blur
- Smudge
- Pen Tool
- Blending
- Changing colors
- Creating and renaming layers
- File structure/location
- Live Paint Bucket
- Line Tool
- Shape Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
- Packet of 7 tutorials
Month: March
Enduring Understanding
- Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
- A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
- Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
Essential Questions
- What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?
- How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?
- How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Evaluate the purpose and
effectiveness of
information and
communication systems.
Synthesize the effects of
information and
communication systems and
subsystems as an integral
part of the development of the
Information Age.
Recognize that
development has been
evolutionary, the result
of a series of refinements
to a basic invention. / Elements of Design
- The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function)
- Space (both Positive and Negative)
- Line
- Color
- Shape
- Texture
- Form
- Value
- Exposure
- Depth of Field
- Contrast
- Line
- Shape
- Review previous selection tools
- Magic Wand
- Quick Mask
- Clone Stamp
- Blur
- Smudge
- Shape Tool
- Line Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Live Paint Bucket
- Layer Options
- Pen Tool
- Blending
- Changing colors
- Creating and renaming layers
- File structure/location
- Live Paint Bucket
- Line Tool
- Shape Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
Month: April
Enduring Understanding
- Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
- Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
Essential Questions
- What is technological literacy?
- How would you apply technological design and problem solving methods in the development of inventions and innovations?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Compare and contrast
how a number of
different factors, such as
advertising, the strength
of the economy, the
goals of a company and
the latest fads, contribute
to shaping the design of
and demand for various
Illustrate how the
development of
technologies is often
driven by profit and an
economic market. / Elements of Design
- The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function)
- Space (both Positive and Negative)
- Line
- Color
- Shape
- Texture
- Form
- Value
- Rule of Thirds
- Contrasting colors for reading
- Background vs. foreground
- Used to print images on textiles.
- Versatility of screen printing
- Image generation
- Screen preparation
- Registration & inking
- Printing
- Clean up
- Review previous selection tools
- Magic Wand
- Quick Mask
- Clone Stamp
- Blur
- Smudge
- Shape Tool
- Line Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Live Paint Bucket
- Layer Options
- Pen Tool
- Blending
- Changing colors
- Creating and renaming layers
- File structure/location
- Live Paint Bucket
- Line Tool
- Shape Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Converting files to JPEG’s
- Laser printing on velum
- Coating screens
- Exposing screens
- Taping up and checking for pin holes
- Registration and inking
- Printing
- Reclaiming screens
- Design brief & rubric will be used to assess this activity
Month: May
Enduring Understanding
- Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
- A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
- Each area of technology has a set of characteristics that separates it from others; however, many areas overlap in order to meet human needs and wants.
Essential Questions
- What knowledge and skills are essential for humans to make sound decisions about creating, using, and modifying technologies?
- How have technological developments impacted devices, processes, and systems for the way we live?
- How do various areas of technology influence the economy, the environment, and society?
Standards / Content / Skills / Assessment
Compare and contrast
how a number of
different factors, such as
advertising, the strength
of the economy, the
goals of a company and
the latest fads, contribute
to shaping the design of
and demand for various
Illustrate how the
development of
technologies is often
driven by profit and an
economic market. / Elements of Design
- The 3 F’s (Form Follows Function)
- Space (both Positive and Negative)
- Line
- Color
- Shape
- Texture
- Form
- Value
- Rule of Thirds
- Contrasting colors for reading
- Background vs. foreground
- Used to print images on textiles.
- Versatility of screen printing
- Image generation
- Screen preparation
- Registration & inking
- Printing
- Clean up
- Review previous selection tools
- Magic Wand
- Quick Mask
- Clone Stamp
- Blur
- Smudge
- Shape Tool
- Line Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Live Paint Bucket
- Layer Options
- Pen Tool
- Blending
- Changing colors
- Creating and renaming layers
- File structure/location
- Live Paint Bucket
- Line Tool
- Shape Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Converting files to JPEG’s
- Laser printing on velum
- Coating screens
- Exposing screens
- Taping up and checking for pin holes
- Registration and inking
- Printing
- Reclaiming screens
- Design brief & rubric for logo portion
- Design brief & rubric for album redesign
- Design brief & rubric for lyrics poster
Month: June