Homework: Week ofJanuary 30th

Spelling Words / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
1. home
2. rose
3. those
4. hose
5. rode
6. hope
7. woke
8. bone
9. joke
10. stone / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg. 83
2. Spelling- Put your spelling words in ABC order
3. Go Math page
4. Read for 20 minutes
Parent Initials______ / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg. 84
2. Spelling- Write a sentence for each word #1-5
3. Go Math page
4. Read for 20 minutes
Parent Initials______ / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg. 85
2. Spelling- Write a sentence for each word #6-10
3. Go Math page
4. Read for 20 minutes
Parent Initials______ / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg.86
2. Reading Response Journal- Read a story and complete page 14(Due Monday)
3. Spelling- Write your spelling words 3 times each.
4. Go Math page
5. Read for 20 minutes
*Reading/Spelling test Friday
Parent Initials______

*Please remember to review your sight words each night for The Big Circle*

Homework: Week of January 30th

Spelling Words / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
1. home
2. rose
3. those
4. hose
5. rode
6. hope
7. woke
8. bone
9. joke
10. stone / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg. 83
2. Spelling- Put your spelling words in ABC order
3. Go Math page
4. Read for 20 minutes
Parent Initials______ / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg. 84
2. Spelling- Write a sentence for each word #1-5
3. Go Math page
4. Read for 20 minutes
Parent Initials______ / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg. 85
2. Spelling- Write a sentence for each word #6-10
3. Go Math page
4. Read for 20 minutes
Parent Initials______ / 1. Daily Reading Comprehension pg. 86
2. Reading Response Journal- Read a story and complete page 14(Due Monday)
3. Spelling- Write your spelling words 3 times each.
4. Go Math page
5. Read for 20 minutes
*Reading/Spelling test Friday
Parent Initials______

*Please remember to review your sight words each night for The Big Circle*