2STREAM:Local Government Employees Award
3LEVEL:5 (Loader Operator)
4 DEPARTMENT :Works – Pt. Lincoln
1 To provide skilled, plant operator services to the construction and maintenance functions of the Works Department.
2To carry out any other works as directed by the Area Supervisor.
3To provide leadership to small work teams involved in a variety of Council functions including road construction and maintenance activities when required.
4To provide assistance with maintenance and operations at the PortLincolnAirport.
1Operate and maintain Council’s loader;
2Undertake routine services and maintenance of various Council plant and equipment;
3Undertake any other duties as determined by the Area Supervisor;
4Machinery to be used and maintained correctly;
5Duties to be carried out in a safe, efficient and workman like manner with due regard to cost efficiencies, public safety and convenience;
6The promotion of good public relations and favorable image of Council in all contacts with the public and other authorities/organizations;
7The promotion of good working relations within the team environment and other Council personnel;
8Day to day service and maintenance of Council’s assets.
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1Competent and efficient loader operator;
2Competent in the requirements for traffic control at roadworks;
3Be self-motivated and have the ability to work with limited supervision and assume a team leader role within a small work group;
4Procedures for locating other services prior to undertaking excavation work;
5Sound communication and leadership skills.
1Competent in the procedures required to maintain, construct and re-sheet open surface roads, including and understanding of selection and treatment of natural rubbles and gravels;
2Competent in the procedures required to construct rural and urban sealed roads, including requirements for compaction and level control;
3Competent and efficient in the use of other Council plant and equipment;
4A sound knowledge of Council policies and procedures;
5Competent Airport Reporting Officer (if required);
6Aerodrome and Airport procedures (if required).
- Current HC Drivers License;
- Current load shifting equipment operator accreditation;
- Relevant Civil Construction certificate;
- Work Zone Traffic Management;
- OHS&W White Card
- Aerodrome Reporting Officer course (if required).
Council will provide training to ensure these qualifications are gained by the successful applicant, as required.
Responsible to the Area Supervisor.
As an Employee:
1To take reasonable care of their own safety and that of others at work;
2To use safety devices and protective equipment correctly and in accordance with health and safety procedures;
3To obey all instructions from their supervisors issued to protect their own personal health and safety and that of others and not to perform any procedure or task unless they have received appropriate training and instruction;
4To take such action as is within their competence and responsibility to report or make such recommendation to a higher level as they deem necessary to avoid, eliminate or minimise hazards of which they are aware in regard to working conditions or methods;
5To report any accident or injury which arises in the course of their work;
6To keep work areas in a safe condition;
7To ensure that they are not, by the consumption of alcohol or a drug, in such a state to endanger their own safety or that of others;
8To not interfere with, remove or displace any safety guards, safety devices or protective equipment unless it is as part of an approved maintenance or repair procedure;
9To elect Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Representatives, and
10To support and use appropriate consultative structures.
As a Leading Worker:
1To enforce Council’s safety policies, rules and regulations;
2To develop a safe work environment by controlling, directing and monitoring work practices by:
- Informing, instructing and training all subordinates in the safe use of all plant, machinery, equipment, substances and materials;
- Ensuring issue and proper use and maintenance of personal protective equipment;
- Ensuring all plant machinery and equipment is well maintained;
- Ensuring good housekeeping;
- Promoting safety awareness by setting a good example;
3To inform, instruct and train all volunteers and work experience persons in the safe use of all plant, machinery, equipment, substances and materials;
4To respond to proposed changes to the workplace if such changes may affect the health, safety and welfare of employees;
5To respond to proposed changes to health, safety and welfare practices, procedures and policies that are to be followed at the workplace;
6To ensure safe access and egress from the workplace;
7Be aware that Council has Equal Employment Opportunities Policy and that the employee has a responsibility to ensure that their behaviour is appropriate at all times.
Present Occupant:Date Appointed:
Prepared By:Date Issued:
Supervisor:No. of sheets:
Chief Executive Officer:……………………………Date:……………………
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