Huckleberry Finn: Chapter 6 to 10 Questions (be sure to give page numbers) Name:

Chapter 6

1. How does Pap treat Huck in the beginning of the chapter?

2. Why does Pap not vote?

3. What does Huck wake up to Pap doing and how does it end?

Chapter 7

1. What did Huck drop "so as to look like it had been done by accident?"

2. What was Huck's destination once he was in the canoe?

Chapter 8

1. Why was the ferry-boat firing the cannon?

2. What did Huck find that made his "heart jump up amongst his lungs?"

3. Why did Jim escape from the Widow?

4. Why does Jim consider himself to be rich?

Chapter 9

1. What did Jim say that the little birds said?

2. Were they right?

3. How does the houseboat look and how did the man die?

Ch. 10

1. What did Huck and Jim find sewed up in the lining of an old blanket


3. Why does Huck think that Jim got bit by the snake?

4. What did Huck do in order to escape notice in the town?