Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN)

N043 – Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File Specifications

Version 7.2

SY 2010-11

November 2011

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION N043 - Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento)

File Specifications v7.2

This technical guide was produced under U.S. Department of Education Contract No. ED-PEP-09-O-0044 with 2020 Company, LLC. Brandon Scott served as the contracting officer’s representative. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service or enterprise mentioned in this publication is intended or should be inferred.

U.S. Department of Education

Arne Duncan


Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development

Carmel Martin

Assistant Secretary

November 2011

This technical guide is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, N043 – Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File Specifications, Washington, D.C., 2011.

This technical guide is also available on the Department’s Web site at: http://www.ed.gov/edfacts

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Title: / N043 – Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File Specifications
Revision: / Version 7.2
Issue Date: / November 2011
Security Level: / Unclassified – For Official Use Only
Filename: / n043-7-2.doc


Version Number / Date / Summary of Change
1.0 / Version 1.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 1.1, 1.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SYs 2003-04 and 2004-05.
2.0 / Version 2.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 2.1, 2.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SY 2005-06.
3.0 / Version 3.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 3.1, 3.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SY 2006-07.
4.0 / Version 4.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 4.1, 4.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SY 2007-08.
5.0 / Version 5.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 5.1, 5.2, etc.) of this file specification is used to build files for SY 2008-09.
6.0 / Version 6.0 or subsequent updates (i.e., 6.1, 6.2, etc) of this file specification is used to build files for SY 2009-10.
7.0 / May 2011 / Updated specifications for SY 2010-11.
·  1.2, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 - Changed category set A to use "age/grade (all)"
·  1.2 – Add zero exceptions to table 1.2-1
·  2.0 - Added definition of “out-of-school”
7.1 / September 2011 / ·  4.2, 4.3, 5.2, 5.3 - Corrected permitted value from 3TO5 to 3TO5NOTK.
7.2 / November 2011 / ·  2.0 – Revised guidance to explain “under 3” and out-of-school” permitted values


Name / Signature / Date
Release Authority


This document provides technical instructions for building files that are submitted through the Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN) Submission System (ESS). The EDEN Submission System is an electronic system that facilitates the efficient and timely transmission of data from SEAs to the U.S. Department of Education.

This document is to be used in coordination with other documentation including the EDEN Submission System User Guide and the Business Rules Guide.

Data submitted through the ESS is authorized by an Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary Education Data Through EDFacts (OMB 1875-0240, expires 9/30/2013). EDFacts is a U.S. Department of Education (ED) initiative to govern, acquire, validate, and use high-quality, kindergarten through grade 12 (K–12) performance data for education planning, policymaking, and management and budget decision-making to improve outcomes for students. EDFacts centralizes data provided by SEAs, LEAs and schools, and provides users with the ability to easily analyze and report data. This initiative has significantly reduced the reporting burden for state and local data producers, and has streamlined data collection, analysis and reporting functions at the federal, state and local levels.





1.1 Changes from the SY 2009-10 File Specifications 1

1.2 Requirements for Submitting this Data Group 1



3.1 Population Status 5


4.1 Header Record Definition 6

4.2 Data Record Definition 7

4.3 SEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File Examples 9

4.3.1 Partial Record Sample for Fixed Format SEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File 9

4.3.2 Partial Record Sample for Comma–Delimited File Format SEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File 10

4.3.3 Partial Record Sample for Tab–Delimited File Format SEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File 11


5.1 Header Record Definition 13

5.2 Data Record Definition 14

5.3 LEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File Examples 17

5.3.1 Partial Record Sample for Fixed Format LEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File 17

5.3.2 Partial Record Sample for Comma–Delimited File Format LEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File 18

5.3.3 Partial Record Sample for Tab–Delimited File Format LEA Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) File 20

November 2011 / v / SY 2010-11

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION N043 - Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento)

File Specifications v7.1


This document contains instructions for building fixed and delimited files to submit EDFacts Data Group: Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) Tables, DG560. The definition for this data group is in the row “Table Name” in Table 4.2-1.

A separate document contains the XML file formats. General guidance for constructing all file types may be found in the EDFacts Workbook.

The data collected using this file specification are used to monitor and report performance on programs and activities supported by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended. These data will be used as responses in the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR).

1.1  Changes from the SY 2009-10 File Specifications

Changed category set A to use "age/grade (all)"

Other editorial changes and guidance updates listed in the document history on page ii have been made to this file specification.

1.2  Requirements for Submitting this Data Group

This section contains two tables that summarize the reporting requirements. The first table contains the reporting period, the education units included or excluded, the type of count, and zero count reporting. The second table contains the required categories and applicable totals.

Table 1.2-1 Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento, Core Reporting Requirements

/ SEA / LEA / School /
Reporting Period / School Year (state)
Education units reported / Include SEA / Operational LEAs that have subgrants funded by McKinney-Vento Program. / File not submitted at the school level
Education units not reported / Closed, inactive, or future LEAs
LEAs that do not have subgrants funded by the McKinney-Vento Program
Type of count / Students should be reported once for the SEA. If the SEA is unable to eliminate duplicated counts, include in the explanation field a note such as “may include duplicate students.” / Students should be reported for any LEA where students received services under a subgrant funded by the McKinney-Vento Program
Zero counts / Required, except as explained below / Not required
NEW! Zero count exceptions / Zeros are not required for the age/grade (all) permitted values of under 3 years old and out of school

The following table indicates the valid combinations of categories and the subtotals and/or totals needed for this file. An “X” in the column indicates that the column must be populated when reporting that particular category. The total indicator must be either “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No). If the record is for a detail count, specify an “N” (No). If the record is for a subtotal or total of the education unit, specify a “Y” (Yes).

REVISED! Table 1.2–2: Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) Tables, Required Categories, and Applicable Totals

Category Set / Table Name / Age/Grade
(All) / Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status / Migrant Status / Disability Status (Only) / LEP Status
(Only) / Total Indicator / Comments /
Category Set A / HOMELESSSERV / X / N / Student Count by Age/Grade (All)
Category Set B / HOMELESSSERV / X / N / Student Count by Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status
Category Set C / HOMELESSSERV / X / N / Student Count by Migrant Status
Category Set D / HOMELESSSERV / X / N / Student Count by Disability Status (Only)
Category Set E / HOMELESSSERV / X / N / Student Count by LEP Status (Only)
Total of the Education Unit / HOMELESSSERV / Y / Total of the Education Unit


This file specification collects the unduplicated number of homeless children/youth who receive services under program subgrants funded by the McKinney-Vento Program

See below for additional guidance concerning this file:

REVISED! Which students should be reported?

Report homeless children and youth who received services under program subgrants funded by the McKinney-Vento program. Include children age 5 or under who are served by the subgrant program. Include children enrolled in a preschool program regardless of whether that program is operated by an LEA, or where the LEA is a partner administratively or financially or has any accountability in serving the children.

What does it mean to “receive services?”

Services include both direct services as outlined in the McKinney-Vento Act in Section 723 and indirect services such as those provided by a staff member whose position is supported through McKinney-Vento funds.

What age/grade levels should be reported in this file?

Records for LEAs need only include those age/grade levels offered at the LEA. For example, if the highest grade of an LEA is 6th, the record for that LEA does not need to include grades 7th through 12th.

NEW! What does the permitted value “out-of-school” mean?

Out-of-school means youth through age 21 who are entitled to a free public education in the State but are not currently enrolled in a K through 12 institution. This could include students who have dropped out of school, youth who are working on a GED outside of a K through 12 institution, and youth who are “here-to-work” only. It does not include preschoolers.

NEW! What does the permitted value “Ungraded” mean?

“Ungraded” is defined as students who are assigned to a class that is not organized on the basis of grade grouping and has no standard grade designation. This includes both regular and special classes that have no grade designations. Such a class may contain students of different ages who are identified according to level of performance in one or more areas of instruction, rather than according to grade level or age level. The definition of “Ungraded” does not include out-of-school youth, preschoolers, or children who are not yet school age.

How are data reported when the McKinney-Vento grant is awarded to a consortium of LEAs or a regional entity instead of individual LEAs?

Report every individual LEA affiliated with or served by a consortia or other regional entity that is a McKinney-Vento subgrantee. This change from past guidance is necessary to avoid duplication at the SEA level in reports on students served by the subgrant program.

Examples of regional entities which might receive McKinney-Vento subgrants: Intermediate School Districts which are recognized as LEA's but do not enroll students;

Educational Service which are administrative units separate from or subordinate to the SEA or LEAs it serves; Other regional groupings such as BOCES, County Offices of Education, Regional Educational Service Agencies, etc.

How are student counts reported by homeless unaccompanied youth?

Report students who are homeless unaccompanied youth.

A homeless unaccompanied youth is a youth who is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian and who fits the McKinney-Vento definition of homeless.

There is no age range specified for an unaccompanied youth in the law. The upper age range is determined by what a state defines as school aged, unless the child is in special education in which case, the upper age range is twenty-one (21) years of age. There is no lower age range. Therefore, as an example, a young child not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian, though living with a caregiver, and is living in a situation that is not fixed, regular, and adequate, would be identified as a homeless unaccompanied youth.

How are student counts reported by migrant status?

Report students who meet the definition of eligible migrant children in section 4.4.1 of the EDFacts Workbook.

How are student counts reported by disability status (only)?

Report students who meet the definition of children with disabilities (IDEA) in section 4.2 of the EDFacts Workbook.

How are student counts reported by limited English proficient status (only)?

Report students who meet the definition of limited English proficient students in section 4.3 of the EDFacts Workbook.

What is the relationship of this file to other EDFacts files?

N/X118 collects data on the number of Homeless Students Enrolled. N/X043 collects data on the number of students who received services under programs funded by McKinney-Vento. Students are reported in N/X118 by the LEA in which the student is enrolled in a school. In N/X043, students are reported by the LEA in which the student received services, which could be a different LEA than the one in which the student is enrolled.


Being able to readily identify any particular file transmission is an important consideration for users of the EDEN Data Submission System. Being able to identify a particular file can greatly facilitate any technical assistance that may be requested by the state. A maximum of 25 characters (including the file extension) is allowed for the file name. The following is the naming convention for Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) file submissions:



ss = Two–character USPS State Abbreviation for the submitting SEA

lev = Three–character abbreviation for the level submitted. Use:

SEA for a State Education Agency Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) submission

LEA for a Local Education Agency Homeless Served (McKinney-Vento) submission

Filename = HMLESSVRD (no more than nine characters)