Home-to-School Communication Guide – Whom to contact and when?
Duxbury High School recognizes the importance of cordial two-way communication between families and school. Because there are myriad reasons for that communication, DHS offers this quick-reference guide for assistance.
The DHS Main Office phone number is (781) 934-7650.
1.)For all matters pertaining to daily tardies, absences, and documentation to excuse such, please contact:
Carol Sullivan, attendance clerk / / x41022.)For matters pertaining to Loss of Credit and/or extenuating circumstances for an absence, please contact the appropriate assistant principal:
Jim Donovan (Grades 9 & 12) / / x4110Joseph Scozzaro (Grades 10 & 11) / / x4109
3.) For long-term absences, please contact:
- the child’s guidance counselor to arrange for make-up work. The guidance counselor will serve as the liaison to the classroom teacher. Please do not contact the classroom teacher in these instances.
Lisa Dembowski, Director / / x4124
Jon Cucinatto / / x4128
Kelly Jurgens / / x4134
Patrick Maguire / / x4135
Bridget McDonough / / x4133
Elizabeth Walsh / / x4126
- the school nurse, so that she can serve as the liaison for all medical needs (if applicable).
Margi Malone / / (781) 934-7665
1.)For all matters involving grades, assignments, student behavior, etc. parents and students should first contact the classroom teacher.
- (781) 934-7650 to leave a message
- visit for teacher email addresses
2.)If a matter is not resolved after speaking with the classroom teacher, parents and students should then contact the appropriate subject supervisor:
Karen Baynes, English / / x4316Stephanie Iacadoro, Math / / x4528
Ric Madru, Music / / x8118
Kathy McCarthy, Science / / x4625
Sarah McGuire, Social Studies / / x4216
Diane Mehegan, World Language / / x4329
3.)If a matter is not resolved after speaking with the subject supervisor, parents and students should contact the appropriate assistant principal. Please see contact information above.
PEER-to-PEER RELATIONSHIPS (including bullying/harassment)
For all matters involving student relationships, please contact:
1.)the appropriate guidance counselor to inquire about mediation and conflict resolution. Please see the contact information above.
2.)If warranted, please contact the appropriate assistant principal to inquire about more serious concerns. Please see the contact information above.
For matters involving discipline assigned by DHS Administration, please contact the appropriate assistant principal. Please see contact information above.
NOTE: Disciplinary procedures and information are located in the following areas:
1.) Duxbury Public School Code of Conduct (Appendix I) for all matters concerning student discipline – p. 46
2.) DHS Co-Curricular Code of Conduct for all matters concerning Co-Curricular Activities (excluding Athletics) – p. 28
3.) Athletic Handbook for all matters pertaining to Athletics – see Athletic Handbook on DHS website
For all matters involving student health and well-being, please contact:
1.)Margi Malone, school nurse. Please see the contact information above.
2.)The appropriate guidance counselor. Please see the contact information above.
3.)The appropriate school psychologist (for social/emotional well-being)
Alissa Nemzer (grades 9,10) / / x4129Michelle Ryan (grades 11,12) / / x4132
4.) The appropriate assistant principal. Please see the contact information above.