Home Run Ministries Book List-- 2015-2016
Parents are responsible for purchasing in advance of the beginning of school (September, 2015) these books unless otherwise noted. HRM has bought as many as possible used copies in good condition of the English literature titles to rent inexpensively to the students for $10 for the school year; HRM will charge $5 for lost or damaged literature and Algebra 2 books.
Basic English Grades 6-7(TBA) (Literature books will be rented.)
Easy Grammar Plus by Wanda C. Phillips, ISBN #0-936981-14-8 (BUY NEW!)
Workout Series Pupil Edition, Level E(2011 edition) by Modern Curriculum Press, ISBN #978-0765224842 (BUY NEW!)
English 1 (Grades 7-8 (Mrs. Marguerite Armistead) (Literature books will be rented.)
Wordly Wise 3000, Book 8,3rd edition, by Hodkinson and Adams, ISBN #9780838876084 , (BUY NEW!)
Writing & Grammar 8 Student Worktext, 3rdedition, Bob Jones University Press (278432) (BUY NEW!)
English 2 Grades 9-10 (Mrs. Kathy Carman) (Literature books will be rented.)
Wordly Wise 3000, Book 10, 3rd ed., by Hodkinson and Adams, ISBN #978-0838876107,(BUY NEW!)
English 3/4 Grades 10-12 (Mrs. Ann Jackson) (Literature and vocabulary books will be rented.)
Jensen’s Punctuation by Frode Jensen, Wordsmiths, ISBN #978-1886061-26-2(BUY NEW!)
IEW Student Resource [spiral] Notebook, ISBN #9781623410414, (included with summer workshop)
The Official SAT Prep Study Guide, 2nd edition, The College Board, 2009, ISBN #9780874478525 (BUY NEW!)
Spanish I (Annette Canales)
Realidades 1 (Texas Edition) by Peggy Palo Boyles (hardback or paperback), ISBN #013-116300-0(BUY USED OR NEW!)
Realidades 1 Practice Workbook with Writing, Audio and Video Activities(Texas Edition), Pearson/Prentice-Hall (phone 1-800-848-9500)ISBN #013-116463-5 (BUY NEW!)
Latin 2 (Middle School) (Mrs. Fayee Czarnik)
Langenscheidt’s Pocket Latin Dictionary, ISBN 9780887291739
Required to join the Cambridge Latin Website—Cost about $10/year. Provides online support, practice, games, and cultural information --
Cambridge Latin Course—Unit 2, 4th ed., North American edition, ISBN #0521004306,
Cambridge Latin Course—Unit 2, 4th ed., Omnibus Workbook, North American edition, ISBN #9780521787413
Social Sciences
Ancient World History -- Grades 6-8 (Mrs. Fayee Czarnik)
Streams of Civilization, Volume One, by Stanton, McHugh, and Hyma, 1992. ISBN #0-89051-017-2
Rand McNally Historic Atlas of the World, ISBN 9780528839696
Additional literature selections as announced in class.
Geography—Grades 9-12 (Mr. Patrick Keegan)
Cultural Geography Student Text, 3rd edition, by Michael D. Matthews, Item #23151 or ISBN #978-1-59166-496-3
Cultural Geography Student Activities Manual, ISBN# is 978-1-59166-778-0, Bob Jones University Press.
Government (1st Semester) Grades 9-12 (Mr. Patrick Keegan)
American Government, 3rd edition, A Beka Book #89281, and Test & Quiz Book A Beka #89311
Economics (2nd Semester) Grades 9-12 (Mrs. Sheri Dyer)
Economics: Work and Prosperity, 3rded., by Russell Kirk, A Beka Book #174653, Test & Quiz Booklet #1714718for 2ndsem.
U. S. History Grades 9-12 (Mr. Patrick Keegan)
United States History by Keesee and Sidwell, Bob Jones Univ. Press, 4th ed, #268961 (ISBN #9781606820056) an d Tests #268946 (ISBN #9781606820049)
Basic Math(Mrs. Kimberly Thorsen)
Basic Mathematics (7), A Beka #148407
Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Lisa Cunningham)
Pre-Algebra , 2nd edition, 2009, Bob Jones #233114, ISBN #9781591665465
Algebra 1 (Mrs. Sheila Watts)
Algebra 1 by Vicky Mobley (HRM has these printed. The PARENTS WILL BE BILLED FOR THESE; students will receive in class.)
Algebra 2(Mrs. Debbie Teel) HRM will rent these used copies to HRM students; this text is now out of print. Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach, 7th edition, Aufmann, WE HAVE THE BOOKS--WILL RENT THEM TO THE STUDENTS—DO NOT BUY.
Geometry (Mrs. Debbie Teel) Barron’s EZ Geometry by Lawrence S. Leff, 2009 (red cover), ISBN #9780764139185
General Science (Mrs. Amy Cline) Lab fee $40
Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd edition (Student Text Only) by Dr. Jay L. Wile, Apologia, ISBN #9781932012866
(Note from Mrs. Cline: You will NOT need the CD or the Solutions and Tests Manual for this course.)
Space and Earth Science (Mrs. Sheila Watts) Lab fee $40
Space & Earth Science, 3rd edition, (2-volume set which includes student activities) BJUPress (#215533) [Note: BUY NEW or Be sure there is no writing on the student activity pages at the end of the book and that those pages are not missing.]
Physical Science (Middle School and High School) (Mrs. Liz von Dohlen) Lab fee $40
Physical Science, 4th edition, student text #233171 (ISBN #9781591665526) and student lab manual (BUY NEW!) #252627
(ISBN# 9781591667933), Bob Jones University Press
Biology (Mrs. Amy Cline) Lab fee $50
Biology for Christian Schools Student Text, 4th edition, Bob Jones order #268078, (2001), ISBN #9781606820179
Biology for Christian Schools Lab Manual, 4th edition, Bob Jones order #268094 (BUY NEW) ISBN #9781606820155
Chemistry (Mrs. Liz von Dohlen) Lab fee $50 Chemistry for Christian Schools, 3rd edition (#233007) by Bob Jones Press
Student Lab Manual for Chemistry for Christian Schools, 3rd edition (#235655) by Bob Jones University Press
Anatomy and Physiology (Dr. Scott Pagano) Lab fee $50
Visualizing Anatomy and Physiology by by Freudenrich and Tortora, ISBN #9780470491249
The Anatomy Coloring Book by Wynn Kapit and Lawrence M. Elson, ISBN #0805350861 or 9780805350869
Physics (Mrs. Liz von Dohlen) Lab fee $50 Physics, 3rd edition, student text #259069 (ISBN #9781591669302) and student lab manual #182238 (9781591669319), Bob Jones University Press
Health (Mrs. Kimberly Thorsen)—Health in Christian Perspective, New Edition, A Beka (#174157)
Environmental Science (Mrs. Liz von Dohlen)—Holt Environmental Science: Student Edition 2008 ISBN #9780030781360
The Homeschool Store, 12315 Ann Lane (near 1960 and 249, near Willowbrook Mall), Houston, TX 77064, 281-890-4295, (open Tuesdays-Saturdays [Mondays only in July and August], from 10 AM-5 PM) (map on their website)
Also books may be ordered new from the publishers or new or used through , , , half.com, abebooks.com, alibris.com, etc. New A Beka books can only be ordered new from the publisher-- wwwabekabook.com, but used copies of texts may be found at The Homeschool Store or on the Internet. If you’re buying a workbook, it must be purchased new so that all the pages are included and are void of answers already written on the pages.