Schedule of Events

Visually Impaired Person Technology User Conference

Presented By the VistaCenter for the Blind and Visually Impaired

May 22, 2010, 12 pm to 5 pm

The Conference Center at Fenwick & West LLP, 801 California Street, Mountain View, CA 94041 (Corner of Castro Street and California Street).

Time / Description of Event
11:00 am to 12:00 pm / Registration, Vender Hall Exhibitions, and light refreshments.
11:55 am to 12:00 pm / VIP TUC Welcome and introductions by Walt Raineri, VIP TUC Event Chair.
12:00 pm to 12:45 pm / The Android® Operating System by Google, Inc. and its accessible touch screen and Eyes Free® Project technologies incorporated Into Smart Phone devices such as the Nexus One®for the visually impaired. Presented by Charles Chen of Google, Inc. Accessibility Team.
12:45 pm to 1:15 pm / Accessibility features for the visually impaired in smart phone devices and applications produced by Samsung. Presented by Martin Tannerfors of Samsung, Inc.
1:15 pm to 1:45 pm / Accessibility features for the visually impaired in smart phone devices and applications produced by Apple, Inc., such as the iPhone®, iPod®, and iPad®. Presented by Peter Cantisani, Accessibility Technology Consultant.
1:45 pm to 2:00 pm / Wireless phone services to complement the latest generation of smart phones for the visually impaired, with a focus on the services offered by AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon. Presented by Walt Raineri VIP TUC Event Chair.
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm / Key Note Presentation and Panel Discussion on The Future of Smart Phone Technologies by Mike May, CEO of the Sendero Group and Peter Cantisani, Accessibility Technology Consultant
2:45 pm to 3:00 pm / Refreshment Break and Vender Hall Exhibitions.
3:00 pm to 3:30 pm / First User Group Session: Screen Readers for Smart phones. Mobile Speaks Smartphone® presentation by Walt Raineri, VIP TUC Event Chair. Talks® presentation by Mark Stimson Of Access Ingenuity AND Mike May, CEO of the Sendaro Group.
3:30 pm to 4:00 pm / Second User Group Session: Navigation Applications for Smart Phones. Mobil Geo® presentation by Sendero Group Team Members. Navigation applications which work with the Android® Operating System by Google, Inc. presentation by Charles Chen of Google, Inc. Accessibility Team. Navigation applications which work with the iPhone® and iPad® Operating Systems presentation by Peter Cantisani, Accessibility Technology Consultant. Other presentations and discussion of upcoming devices by Walt Raineri, VIP TUC Event Chair.
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm / Third User Group Session: Book and Text Readers for Smart Phones. Mobil Daisy® Book reader application for smart phones by Cendero Group Team Members,® smart phone and hand held device readers presentation by John Glass ofBBookshare.Org. KNFB Reader® presentation by Mark Stimson
Of Access Ingenuity. iPhone book reader applications presentation by Peter Cantisani, Accessibility Technology Consultant.
4:30 pm to 4:35 pm / Transition into separate break out user groups
4:35 pm to 5:05 pm / Separate set of Break out User Group Sessions:
Session 1: the iPhon®e Smart Phone and iPad®. Discussion leaders Peter Cantesani, Accessibility Technology Consultant and Bill Huber, Advanced iPhone user.
Session 2: The Android® Operating System by Google, Inc. as used in a variety of Smart Phones such as the Nexus One®. Discussion Leader Charles Chen of Google, Inc. Accessibility Team.
5:05 pm to 6:00 pm / Break out session extensions, as needed. Vender Hall Exhibitions. Conference Wrap Up.
6:00 pm / VIP TUC Adjournment.

The Vista Center For the Blind and Visually Impaired is an IRC Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and with offices in Palo Alto and Santa Cruzserves the visually impaired members of the community in four counties. The VistaCenter empowers individuals who are blind and visually impaired to embrace life to the fullest. Its wide variety of programs and services promote independence and improve quality of life for the visually impaired and their families For more information and opportunities to support the VistaCenter, please visit