Home Learning Year 6 – 13.10.17
- If possible, finish your parallel narrative plan for Monday 16th. We will start writing these narratives on Monday. If you cannot finish it completely, please make sure that you have half of the plan for each character in your narrative ready, so that you can write the first half of the story. You can then take the plan home to complete in time for Wednesday, when you will continue writing the rest.
2.Maths -this week, this is an optional piece.I said that I wouldn’t give you it…but, you all said that you found it very useful and wanted it. So, you decide what to do!
- 8 times table booklet- work through the booklet, but where you see any page that has Set A & Set B, only do Set A. You should do the booklet in order: ‘Learning your tables’ then ‘Using your tables’ then ‘Assessing your tables’. …for Wednesday 18th
3. Topic Books – DON’T LOSE OR MESS UP!
- OK. Year 6, you win. I have let you take home your topic books after much nagging. Please complete your learning on North Korea and continue with your World War 2 learning. Share your learning with your parents. Please see the separate document on the blog that indicates the key questions that you need to answer. Remember to be creative and use the ‘creative ways to record learning document’. These books are important so look after them; don’t lose them; be proud of them! These are due in for a celebration look on Friday 20th however they will need to be in for our topic session on Tuesday 17th too. You can then take them back home.
Weekly ‘non-negotiables’ – these are things that you should be practising all of the time anyway!
- TT Rockstars- Focus is the 8 times table. Play as much as possible! Competition Day is Friday! Mr K will be online (hopefully) at the following times over the weekend:
Fri @ 17:15; Sat @ 18:00; Sun @ 09:00
- Reading: Eagle in the Snow
Pre-read pages 171-201 for Wednesday 18th October
- Learn the spellings sent home (see separate document on the blog) and in your Learning Journals, have a ‘play’ with the words using some of the strategies and ideas on the helpful document provided(for Friday 20th)
- Could all parents remind their children to bring in their planners which should be signed by a parent to acknowledge that they have seen what needs to be done this week.
- Don’t forget your ERIC books!
- Gill Lewis- author of Sky Hawk is in on Tuesday morning- do you want a signed copy of her new book? Have you brought your letter slip back with payment?