Home FellowshipManual for the week ofJanuary15th, 2017

(Based on Sermon by Rev. David Edosa)


Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 16:13-14, 17:32, Job 39:9-12


We lose our position whenever we don’t keep God’s commandments. Saul began to do things in his own way; he did not keep God’s commandments, therefore God took the kingdom of Israel and gave it to David, who was a man after God’s heart. God takes His words seriously, He expects us to do exactly whatHe says. There is something about us that always seems to get in the way of God, that something is our will. If our will isnot broken, we cannot be used by God. We need to trade our wildness for God’s will.

Points of Discussion:

A wild person does the following:

A wild person doesn’t follow.

A wild person cannot be trusted with God’s labour.

A wild person cannot be tied down.

A wild person is usually disobedient.

A wild person cannot be trusted byGod given natural abilities.

A wild person isn’t humble when they receive the blessings of God.

A wild person doesn’t play by the rules.

How do we trade our wild for His will?

First,we must submit to God.Our will never lines up with God’s will, the word of God said no one is good, not even one, therefore we need to submit totally to God, and His will.

We must guard our hearts, out of the heart comes the issues of life, don’t let sin own your heart.

We must have a broken and contrite heart-Psalm 51:17, like a wild horse or donkey that must be first broken in order for them to be ridden so we must be broken by God so that He can use us.

Training is required in order for us to give up our wild for His will. It’s natural for us to push God away from us, but God wants us to draw close to him.

We need to go far and not fast, life is not a sprint, but a marathon whenever we try to go too fast we burn out and get out of God’s will.

God is not looking for a flawless heart, David wasn’t without flaws; however, he had a heart of repentance, Saul on the other hand was a man of excuses, and evil. God accepted David and rejected Saul. Let’s examine our hearts, whether we have a heart like David or one like Saul.


We all want to be used by God, however God cannot use us if we are not broken. We must trade in our wild ways for His will. Only God can get us to where we need to go, but He cannot get us there if we don’t submit to His will. Getting rid of our wilds isn’t an easy task, it might even be painful, but we must never give up, because God is the rewarder of a heart that is diligent.