Home-School Agreement:

Home and School working

Children achieve best when home and school work together. To make sure your child’s time at Southmere is successful the school, parents and children need to be clear about each others responsibilities.

Set out below is our Home-School Agreement by following this we will ensure maximum opportunities for success for your child.

School Responsibilities

  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum in a positive and safe learning environment which will help to enable each child to reach their full potential
  • To encourage children to question and involve them in their learning and understanding of their progress
  • To encourage children to work and play co-operatively, valuing the contributions and rights of one another
  • To ensure children understand our expectations in relation to behaviour
  • To talk to Parents/Carers at an early stage if we have any concerns so we can work together to best support your child.
  • To develop your child in both his/her academic education and social skills
  • To provide clear information to parents in a variety of forms including newsletters, school prospectus, notices, texts, written reports and the school learning platform
  • To ensure you have the opportunity talk to an appropriate member of staff about any concerns you might have as soon as possible
  • To make sure instructions for the children’s homework is clear
  • To make you feel welcome and allow you opportunities to ask questions, express your view and be involved in the life of the school

Home Responsibilities:

  • To make sure my children come to school every day and on time – Children including Nursery start school at 8.55am every day
  • To ensure my child is ready for learning – has had a goodnights sleep, has had breakfast either at home or at breakfast club.
  • To inform the school by 9.30am if my child is going to be absent
  • To let the school know if someone else is collecting my child
  • To keep the school up to date with any contact numbers
  • To ensure my child is in uniform and wearing appropriate school shoes.
  • To ensure my child has any equipment or clothing (P.E Kit, swimming costume etc) which they require for the school day
  • To only request leave of absence for holiday purposes in exceptional circumstances to limit the impact this has on your child’s learning. To complete the forms for this a minimum of three weeks before leaving.Please note authorisation for holidays is at the discretion of the Principal
  • To support my child’s learning ensuring they complete any set homework
  • To hear my child read and to share books with my child on a regular basis
  • To support the schools Behaviour Policy and encourage good behaviour at home.
  • To attend Parents Consultation evening
  • To inform the school about any concerns you have about your child or any changes at home which may effect him/her
  • To promote a healthy lifestyle for my child.
  • To inform us of any actions by another child which causes your child serious upset.

Child Responsibility

  • To come to school ready to learn and to join in with activities
  • To arrive wearing school uniform including appropriate school shoes and bringing all necessary equipment/clothing for the day
  • To behave well, follow the school rules, and care for other children in the school
  • To respect all the people in our school and their property
  • To ensure I have completed my homework and returned it to school on time – to tell my teacher or parents if I don’t understand the work I have got to do.
  • To take good care of the school building, grounds and equipment
  • To take care of my own possessions
  • Tell one of the staff if anything is upsetting or worrying me

Home-School Agreement For:

Teacher’s signature: ______

Child’s signature: ______

Parent’s / Carer’s signature: ______

Date: ______