Mt. San Jacinto Community College District

Budget Committee Meeting


May 24, 2012

Members Present:

Management Co-chairBecky Elam

Faculty Co-chairMichael Welden

Management:Dennis AndersonFaculty:Ted Blake

Irma RamosElias Escamilla

William Vincent Elisabeth Anghel

Beth Gomez (alternate)

Classified:Gail Jensen

Fred FrontinoStudents:Steven Sanchez

Jennifer Pickens

Karen Connell

Bruce Brady

Visitors: Pat James,Julie Venable, Paul Hert, Rebecca Teague, Brandon Moore, Joyce Johnson, Regina Howard, Richard Rowley, Charles Hawkins



  1. Approval of March 29, 2012 Minutes—Corrections to the minutes: Add conference attendees from 3 to 2 to the Budget Reductions Strategies and correct the date of the next meeting. On motion by Jennifer Pickens and seconded by Gail Jensen, the corrected March 29, 2012minutes were approved.
  1. Approval of Year-End Report—The Committee reviewed the Year-End Report and it was suggested to add in the need section a District Bond for future infrastructure. On motion by Jennifer Pickens and seconded by Gail Jensen, the updatedyear-end report was approved. The year-end report will be submitted to college council for review and approval.
  1. Resource Allocation Proposals—Beth Gomez, Dean of Business Services provided the Committee with a brief recap of the RAP and PAR scoring process. Over 125 RAPs were submitted to the Business Office in April. During the April 17, 2012 IPC meeting,it was recommended that only one-time funding RAPs be considered for funding; no personnel or ongoing funding would be considered. Further,each Division was asked to submit a RAP prioritization list (only one-time funding RAPs) to Business Services to be considered for scoring. Each area was allowed to submit the following numbers of RAPs.
  1. InstructionStudent Services—ten each
  2. Business Services, Human Resources, & President’s Office—five each

At total of twenty (20) RAPs were submitted for review and the list is as follows:

Number / Division / Administrator / Request Type / Description / Amount
2013-A / Instr. / J. Johnson / Renovation / Reno of MVC modular for AJ Center / $19,000.00
2013-AL / S. Serv. / J. Quejada / Printing / Revision & Printing of View Books / $12,000.00
2013-AQ / S. Serv. / J. Quejada / Training / Student Conduct Training / $7,070.00
2013-AR / S. Serv. / J. Quejada / Equipment / SGA Sound System / $2,000.00
2013-BG / Bus. Serv. / B. Orlauski / Equipment / Wireless Management Software & Access / $90,000.00
2013-BI / Bus Serv. / B. Twitty / Equipment / Commercial Lawn Mower / $25,000.00
2013-BN / Bus Serv. / T. Sisco / Equipment / Mail Machine for MVC / $25,000.00
2013-BO / Bus Serv. / T. Sisco / Equipment / Purchasing Office Furniture / $10,000.00
2013-CD / S. Serv. / T. Spillman / License Fee / Collegesource subscription / $2,380.00
2013-CI / Bus. Serv. / B. Gomez / Equipment / Info Sealer / $2,000.00
2013-G / Instr. / M. Conner / Equipment / Audio Mixing Board (Perkins will cover 50%) / $75,000.00
2013-LL / Instr. / R. Rowley / Supplies / Primate Skeletons / $9,396.34
2013-MMM / Instr. / K. Winston / Fees / Accreditation fees for CAAHEP / $9,750.00
2013-PPP / Instr. / N. Napolitano / Equipment / A&P Bio Pac / $4,600.00
2013-QQ / Instr. / R. Rowley / Renovation / Renoof 300 bldg for lab prep for BIO MVC / $22,000.00
2013-QQQ / Instr. / N. Napolitano / Equipment / Microscopes for Life Science, / $29,200.00
2013-SS / Instr. / R. Rowley / Equipment / Equipment for Chemistry 107 / $22,327.00
2013-TTT / Instr. / N. Napolitano / Equipment / Earth Science Microscopes / $21,303.00
2013-W / Instr. / P. James / Supplies / Fire Safe Book Drop for SJC Library / $5,200.00
2013-YYY / S. Serv. / P. Springer / Training / Professional Development Training / $3,500.00

The Ad-Hoc Committee met on May 3rd & May 14thand the average of 3 scores (reviewed by a classified staff, faculty member and administrator) were used to score each RAP. The Committee only reviewed one-time funding RAPs; any ongoing RAPs were not scored. The Ad-Hoc Committee felt that safety issues should be funded from an alternative source. The results of the Ad Hoc Scoring Committee were as follows:

Number / Division / Request Type / Description / Amount / Cumulative Cost / Score*
2013-AR / S. Serv. / Equipment / SGA Sound System / $2,000.00 / $2,000.00 / 83
2013-LL / Instr. / Supplies / Primate Skeletons / $9,396.34 / $11,396.34 / 82.67
2013-G / Instr. / Equipment / Audio Mixing Board (Perkins will cover 50%) / $75,000.00 / $86,396.34 / 81
2013-QQQ / Instr. / Equipment / Microscopes / $29,200.00 / $115,596.34 / 77.67
2013-PPP / Instr. / Equipment / A&P Bio Pac / $4,600.00 / $120,196.34 / 69
2013-BI / Bus Serv. / Equipment / Commercial Lawn Mower / $25,000.00 / $145,196.34 / 64.33
2013-YYY / S. Serv. / Training / Professional Development Training / $3,500.00 / $148,696.34 / 64.33
2013-SS / Instr. / Equipment / Equipment for Chemistry 107 / $22,327.00 / $171,023.34 / 62.33
2013-AL / S. Serv. / Printing / Revision & Printing of View Books / $12,000.00 / $183,023.34 / 62.33
2013-CI / Bus Serv. / Equipment / Info Sealer / $2,000.00 / $185,023.34 / 57.33
2013-A / Instr. / Renovation / Reno of MVC modular for AJ Center / $19,000.00 / $204,023.34 / 55.33
2013-W / Instr. / Supplies / Fire Safe Book Drop for SJC Library / $5,200.00 / $209,223.34 / 45
2013-TTT / Instr. / Equipment / Earth Science Microscopes / $21,303.00 / $230,526.34 / 44.33
2013-BO / Bus Serv. / Equipment / Purchasing Office Furniture / $10,000.00 / $240,526.34 / 44.33
2013-BN / Bus Serv. / Equipment / Mail Machine for MVC / $25,000.00 / $265,526.34 / 26.33
Considered a Safety Issue
2013-QQ / Instr. / Renovation / Reno of 300 building for lab prep for BIO MVC / $22,000.00 / $287,526.34 / 75
Considered On-going Funding where not scored
2013-MMM / Instr. / Fees / Accreditation fees for CAAHEP / $9,750.00 / $297,276.34
2013-BG / Bus Serv. / Equipment / Wireless Management Software & Access / $90,000.00 / $387,276.34
2013-AQ / S. Serv. / Training / Student Conduct Training / $7,070.00 / $304,346.34
2013-CD / S. Serv. / License Fee / Collegesource subscription / $2,380.00 / $389,656.34

After a lengthily discussion, it was recommended that the top 75% scores (based on the highest score) would be recommended for funding. The following RAPs were recommended for funding:

Number / Division / Description / Amount
2013-AR / S. Serv. / SGA Sound System / $2,000.00
2013-LL / Instr. / Primate Skeletons / $9,396.34
2013-G / Instr. / Audio Mixing Board / $75,000.00
2013-QQQ / Instr. / Microscopes for Life Science, Compound & Dissecting / $29,200.00
2013-PPP / Instr. / A&P Bio Pac / $4,600.00
2013-BI / Bus Serv. / Commercial Lawn Mower / $25,000.00
2013-YYY / S. Serv. / Professional Development Training / $3,500.00
2013-SS / Instr. / Equipment for Chemistry 107 / $22,327.00
2013-AL / S. Serv. / Revision & Printing of View Books / $12,000.00

On motion by Ted Blake and seconded by Irma Ramos, the above listed RAPs were recommended for funding. These RAPs will be submitted to the Institutional Planning Committee and Executive Cabinet for funding. Once final approval is received individuals of funded and unfunded RAPs will be notified. Unfunded RAPs will be provided with reasons why their RAP was not funded to help them improve future submittals. All remaining RAPs will be scored this summer and requestors will be notified. The RAP/PAR Website will be updated with 2012/2013 RAPs & PARs.


  1. RAP/PAR Process—The RAP Ad Hoc Committee assessed the RAP/PAR process and made suggestions to improve the process and the forms. Recommendations were as follows:
  1. Reorder the RAP & PAR so that they are in the same order
  2. Update the PAL
  3. Provide Samples of a Completed RAP
  4. Add a comment box on the PAR for scorers

A revised PAR will be completed first so that the RAP can be revised to reflect those changes. The updated PAR will be brought to the next Budget Committee for approval.

  1. Divisional “Think Tanks”—Becky Elam shared that President Schultz spoke to a colleaguewhose college has Divisional “Think Tanks” to develop ideas to decrease expenditures and streamline processes. This concept is similar to what the Budget Committee is currently doing with the Budget Reduction Strategies. It was requested that each area Vice President develop their own Divisional Think Tanks and report their findings to the Budget Committee.


  1. State Budget Update—Becky Elam stated that the State Budget continues to be extremely volatile. The Committee was provided with an article from the Community College Update that reviewed the Governor’s May Revise. Highlights of the May Revise includes:
  1. Budget Gap increase from $9.2 billion to an estimated $15.7 billion
  2. Governor largely maintained his January positions regarding K-14 education
  3. No proposed increase to student fees, no growth funding, no cost of living adjustment
  4. November Ballot Measures Key to 2012/13 Budget

If the November ballot measures do not pass the $286.6 million trigger cuts will take place resulting in a 6.4% workload reduction. The District is framing the 2012-2013 budget as if the November ballot measures do not pass.

  1. Fiscal Impact on Basic Skills—Ted Blake provided the Budget Committee with a brief update on the Basic Skills Program. He has been working with Charles Hawkins to discover the cost of MSJC courses that were under the 100 level (below college level). It was estimated that during the Fall semester the cost of these courses was about $1.15 million. Due to this, strategies to reduce the number of students taking courses below the 100 level are being developed. It is important to stress to students that when taking the assessment test that this is how the District gauges the level a student is at and to place them at the appropriate level. It has been suggested to change the name of the Assessment Test to a Placement Test. Ted will keep the Budget Committee informed on the Basic Skills program.
  1. Student Report—No Report
  1. Next Meeting—The next meeting will be held on June 21, 2012. The purpose of this meeting is to review the 2012-2013 proposed budget.

Budget Committee Minutes—May 24, 2012 1