CURRICULUM VITAEPfeiffer, William F.

HOME ADDRESS: 9410 Chapman Road, New Hartford, New York, 13413; (315) 737-9168

BUSINESS ADDRESS:Division of Arts & Sciences

Utica College of Syracuse University

1600 Burrstone Road

Utica, New York 13502-4892

(315) 792-3071 (includes voicemail)

Secretaries: 792-3057, 792-3028

FAX: (315) 792-3292


DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: February 1, 1941; Washington, D.C.

MARITAL STATUS: married; two children



B.S., Chemistry, 1963, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio 45501

M.S., Chemistry, 1966, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Ph.D., Chemistry, 1970, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106


1971 - NSF Summer Institute in Modern Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Tufts University

1981 - ACS Short Course on Heterogeneous Catalysis, Saddle Brook, N.J.

1981/82 - NSF Chautauqua Short Course on Computers as an Aid in Learning Science, Hampshire College

1998 – NSF Short Course on Chemical Applications of Lasers, James Madison University

1998 – NSF Workshop on Molecular Modeling, Lebanon Valley College


7/81 - Present - Professor of Chemistry, Utica College

7/75 - 6/81 - Associate Professor of Chemistry, Utica College

9/70 - 6/75 - Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Utica College


1968/69 - NSF Graduate Trainee, Case Western Reserve University

1973 - Outstanding Educator of America

1986 - Distinguished Teaching Award, Utica College


American Chemical Society

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Council on Undergraduate Research


1976/77 -NASA-ASEE Summer Faculty Fellow, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. 1976: Research in interfacing of solar photovoltaic cells with a redox flow cell system for energy storage. 1977: Research in fundamental transport properties of membranes used in redox flow cells.

1978 -NASA Temporary Employee (summer), Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Work with the Space Experiments Definition Section to generate candidate experiments for Spacelab.

1981-1983 -Research Associate, Department of Chemistry, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York. Project research on the use of laser-induced fluorescence for quantitative analysis of drugs in solution. Research in time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy.

Mar. 1983 -Project reviewer for Universities Space Research Association in their evaluation of a project for the Physics and Chemistry Experiments (PACE) in space section of NASA.

1/84-6/84 -Visiting Professor of Chemistry, University of Arizona, Tucson. Research on time-resolved fluorescence of propynal while on sabbatical from Utica College.

5/87-8/87 -Guest Scientist, Syracuse University - continued collaboration with Janos H. Fendler on studies of surfactant-vesicle-stabilized colloidal semiconductors.


1973, 1982 - Utica College Summer Grants

1979 - NASA Contract for preparation of report

1986, 1988 - Utica College Summer Grants for study of colloidal semiconductors stabilized on surfactant vesicles.

1988 - 90 - Principal Investigator, NSF - ILI # USE -8851770-"FTIR Spectroscopy in Undergraduate Laboratories"

1992 - 93 - Utica College Core Course Development Grant (General Chemistry)

1998 - Utica College Summer Fellowship – “The Introduction of Lasers and Molecular Modeling in the Physical Chemistry Course”


5/17/72 -ACS 5th Central Regional Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, with I.M. Kreiger. "Gas-in-Liquid Diffusion Coefficients from Bubble Solution Rates."

7/1/80 -ACS 10th Northeast Regional Meeting, Potsdam, New York, "Electrical Conductivities of Anion-Selective Membranes in Aqueous Alkali Metal Halide Solutions."

8/24/92 - 204th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, with Curtis R. Pulliam (presenter), "Incorporation of FTIR and Diode Array UV-vis Instrumentation into the Undergraduate Curriculum." (Abstracts of Papers, CHED 57)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Fundamental molecular processes, particularly photochemistry, photophysics and molecular transport in colloidal semiconductors and surfactant vesicles. Artificial photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation.


1. Meyer, H.H., Pfeiffer, W.F., Ferry, J.D., Biopolymers, 1967, 5, 123 - "Dynamic Viscoelastic Properties of Solutions of Shear-Degraded DNA"

2. Pfeiffer, W.F., Krieger, I.M., J. Phys. Chem., 1974, 78, 2516 - "The Bubble Solution Method for Diffusion Coefficient Measurements: A Critical Evaluation"

3. O'Donnell, Patricia, Gahn, Randall F., Pfeiffer, William, NASA TM X-7352 (1976) - "The Redox Flow System for Solar Photvoltaic Energy Storage"

4. Speiser, S., Pfeiffer, W.F., Atkinson, G.H., Chem Phys. Lett., 1982, 93, 480 - "Non-Exponential Fluorescence Decay of Gas Phase Acetaldehyde"

5. Chang, A-C, Pfeiffer, W. F., Guillaume, Baral, S., and Fendler, J. H., J. Phys. Chem.1990, 94, 4284 - "Preparation and Characterization of Selenide Semiconductor Particles in Surfactant Vesicles"

6.Price, John, Atkinson, George H., Pfeiffer, William F., Strickland, W. Bowe, Schuh, Merlyn D., J. Mol. Spectros. 1993, 159, 42, "Analyses of Time Resolved Single Vibronic Level Fluorescence Spectra of Propynal"

CONFERENCES ATTENDED (the last 10 years):

16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Ann Arbor, MI, July 30-Aug 3, 2000

8th Annual Conference of The Council on Undergraduate Research, June 21-24, 2000

14th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Clemson, SC, Aug 5-8, 1996

204th National Meeting of the ACS, Washington, DC, Aug 24-26, 1992.

12th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Davis, CA, Aug 2-6, 1992.

22nd Northeast Regional Meeting of the ACS, Syracuse, NY, June 21-24, 1992.


Teaching Experience: (NOTE: The first four lines represent my principal responsibilities.)

CHE 101 - Chemistry for liberal arts students (lecture course)

CHE 121,122, - General Chemistry (lecture & laboratory)

CHE 342,342L,343,343L - Physical Chemistry (lecture & laboratory)

CHE 301 - Quantitative Analysis (lecture & laboratory)

PHY 151,151L - General Physics, non-calculus (lecture & laboratory)

PHY 152, 152L – General Physics, non-calculus (lecture & laboratory)

PHY 342,(367) - Thermodynamics (lecture course dual listed with CHE 342)

PHY 263 - Modern Physics (lecture & laboratory)

CHE 221,222 - Organic Chemistry (laboratory only)

CHE 471 - Inorganic Chemistry (lecture only)

CHE 411 - Instrumental Methods (lecture only)

HPS 126,127 - History/Philosophy of Science (lecture course)

Administrative Experience:

9/73-8/76 Chairman, Division of Science and Mathematics

9/81 - 6/83Coordinator, Department of Chemistry

9/86 - 6/96Coordinator, Chemistry and Geology

Committee Experience:

HEOP Committee, 9/71 - 5/73; Chairman 1 year

AAUP Hearing Committee, 9/72 - 5/74.

Dean Selection Committee, 1972-73.

Curriculum Committee, 9/73 - 5/77; 9/79 - 6/83; Chairman, 2 yrs.

Residence Committee, 9/77 - 5/79.

Advisory Committee for the Health Professions 1973-present; Chairman, 9/80 - 6/92, Interim Chairman,1/00-5/00.

Self-Study Committee for Middle States Accreditation 7/86-3/88.

United Way Committee – several years in the 80’s and 90’s

Faculty Affairs Committee, 9/84-6/88, 9/90-6/94;Chairman pro tem, 9/85-6/86, 9/91-6/93.

Orientation Committee, 9/88 - 5/90.

Budget Review Committee, 5/94-5/95

UC-2000 Committee, 9/94 - 5/95

Steering Committee, The Campaign for Utica College; Chairman of the Campus Campaign, 7/96-9/99

Chairman, Work Group on Programs & Curriculum, Utica College Self Study, 8/96 - 5/97

Search Committee for President, 12/97-5/98

Faculty Computer Committee, 9/97 – 5/98

Strategic Planning Committee, 10/98 – present

ad hoc Space Committee, a portion of 1999/2000 academic year

AAUP Executive Committee, 6/99-present

Search Committee for Assistant Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, 2/00-6/00

Technology Advisory Council (ad hoc), Chair (interim), 1/00 – 5/00 (I think)

Faculty Representative to Board of Trustee Committees: Development (1997/98), Planning (1998/99), Technology (1999/2000)


Oneida County Environmental Management Council (reformed as Oneida County Environmental Management and Water Quality Council, 1998)), 1974-present; Chairman, 1/78-12/81; 7/96 - present

New Hartford Presbyterian Church: Installed Elder 1/75-12/77; 1/91-12/93; Trustee 1/83 - 12/85;

choir member 1973 – present; Personnel Committee member 1/91-12/96 (Chair 2/92-12/93);

Pulpit Nominating Committee Chair, 1/92 - 11/92; Worship Committee, 1/98-present

Science Fair Judge: Clinton, N.Y. Public Schools, 1980, 1983; Utica College, 1992-2000

adhoc Oneida Country Herkimer County Solid Waste Advisory Committee, 9/85 - 8/86

Oneida County Local Emergency Planning Committee (Title III, SARA), 3/88-5/90

Presbytery of Utica: Committee on Ministry, 5/93-6/99; Special Administrative Commission member, 2/00-present

Updated: 10/10/18