Monday – February 11, 2013

District #1: Gray SmithNearby Citizens: Pennie AlleyEnvironmental:William Jones(absent)

District #2: John Curtis(absent)FBO’s: Shane BurnsCommercial Pilot: Kevin Waters

District #3: Jim Kirstead (excused)Flying Club: Dale Flint(absent)Business: Bill Maddox

Also present:Jeff Northgraves, Carol Maines, Gregg Cohen, Shane McDougall, Kathy Allain, Greg Peet

Pennie Alley called the meeting to order at 4PM.

RECOGNIZE GUEST: Stantec’s Gregg Cohen and Shane McDougall were present along with Public Relations/Environmental (Master Plan Update) Subcommittee members Kathy Allain and Greg Peet.

SET NEW MEMBER TIME-TABLE AND CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: Bill Maddox moved and Gray Smith seconded the time table below and the recommended the attached press notice for release by the County Commission. Passed 5-0.

PROJECT UPDATES: Stantec and the airport manager updated the committee on the status of currently working projects (2012 Projects: #38 = Design and Permitting for the Rwy 13/31 rehab, wildlife fencing, obstruction clearances and the parallel road from the approach end of Rwy 31; #40 = Airport Master Plan Update; 2013 Projects: #42 = Avigation Easements for off-airport obstruction removal; #45 = Road from approach-end of Rwy 31, parallel to runway, out of safety area, to the flying club area ramp; #43 = Wildlife Fence; #44 = Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) purchase (3/4 ton pickup with 8’ plow).

QUESTIONS AND PUBLIC COMMENTS: The committee discussed the advantages and issues associated with becoming a ‘port of entry’ airport. The committee expressed strong support for exploring funding (possibly as a public/private, joint effort) to meet DHS requirements to establish the airport as a designated ‘port of entry’.

SET NEXT MEETING AND ADJOURN: Next meeting will beMarch 11, 4PM (later changed to April 8). Pennie Alley adjourned the meeting at 5:00pm.

February 12, 2013: Press Release: Airport Public Advisory Committee (APAC) Vacancy

The Airport Public Advisory Committee (APAC) is designed to provide a real and visible link between the mid-coast communities, the airport manager and the County. The nine-seat committee was specifically tasked to facilitate airport communications flow, to and from local communities and citizens, as well as provide aviation, environmental and business advice for airport management. Committee members are appointed to the nine seats, with staggered terms. The terms for the District #1 seat (representing Owls Head, Rockport, Rockland and South Thomaston), the Flying Club seat and the Commercial Pilot seat expire this year. The County Commission will fill these seats, for three-year terms. In addition, the District #3 seat (representing Appleton, Camden, Hope, Isle Au Haut, Matinicus, North Haven, Union, Vinalhaven and Washington) is vacant and the Commission will appoint a new member to complete the current term, until 2015. The Commission will make these appointments during their April 9, 2013 County Commission meeting.

The APAC and the County Commission are asking for nominations. Nominations should be sent to the Airport Manager, Jeff Northgraves () or any current member of the APAC by March 29, 2013. The APAC will compile these nominations and provide recommendations to the County Commission. Citizens interested in becoming a member of the APAC should notify their town office or organization as soon as possible. In addition, requests to be considered for appointment may be submitted to the County Administrator prior to April 4, 2013 or directly to any Commissioner prior to April 9, 2013.


The APAC normally meets the second Monday of each month, in the airport manager’s office, at 4:00PM. There are three standing sub-committees (Environmental/Public Relations, Operations/Maintenance and Business Plan) which meet on an as needed basis. All these meetings are open to the public and anybody interested in attending any meeting or serving on one of the sub-committees should contact the airport manager or one of the APAC members:

District #1 Seat: Gray Smith, South Thomaston (term expires: 2013)

District #2 Seat: John Curtis, Thomaston (term expires: 2014)

District #3 Seat: Jim Kirstead, Camden (term expires: 2015)

Environmental Seat: Bill Jones, Hope (term expires: 2015)

Nearby Citizens Seat: Pennie Alley, South Thomaston (term expires: 2014)

Business Seat: Bill Maddox, Rockland (term expires: 2015)

Airport Business Seat: Shane Burns, Appleton (term expires: 2014)

Flying Club Seat: Dale Flint, Union (term expires: 2013)

Commercial Pilot: Kevin Waters, South Thomaston (term expires: 2013)

Additional information, APAC Charter, By-Laws, meeting agendas and meeting minutes can be found at