Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

Parish Council Minutes

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Call to Order: President Mark Langford called the meeting to order. Father Paul Christy led us in prayer.

Members Present: Evan Bundros, Toula Capetanos, John Demos, John Fakiris, David Ford, Fotis Fotiu, Penny Gallins, Eve Kantner, Jim Klemes, Leon Kythas, Mark Langford, Don McEnteer, George Pappas

Members Absent: Jimmy Ellison, Helen Perros

Reading of the Minutes: A motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting was made by Jim Klemes and seconded by John Demos. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Because our April meeting is so early in the month the March numbers are not yet available. We will have our March report available at the next meeting.

Parish Business:

a. By-laws Review: Our by-laws need to be reviewed and updated. David Ford and Jason Kekas will co-chair this committee. Anyone who wishes to help is welcome. Revisions will need to be approved by the General Assembly.

b. Stewardship updated: John Demos said trends are still strong. As of 3/30/12 we have 227 pledges for $313,599 as compared to 210 pledges for $282,123 on 4/1/11. We are very close to the total for 2011 which was $314,543.

c. Capital Campaign update: George is working on getting a sign to put in the hall to display information. Penny hopes to have more news at our May 9th meeting.

d. Spring Dance: Katina Rogers, co-chair of the dance, was our special guests. Fotis said we need help selling tickets. Around 35 tickets have been sold and we need to sell 110 tickets to meet our monetary commitment. We also need to sell advertising sponsorships. Katina echoed Fotis’ comments. All PC members were asked to sell at least 6 tickets.

e. Holy Week Duties: Mark passed out a list of our duties and said there will be a copy at the candle stand.

f. Sign up sheet: Mark passed around a sheet for everyone to volunteer for at least 2 shifts.

g. Picnic:

i.  Baskets for collecting donations – suggested donation is $10 to be collected as people enter the fellowship hall

ii.  Set up fellowship hall – to be done Saturday night

iii.  Clean up – let’s all try to be there until the very end

Comments: services/events/other: Fr. Paul said he uses the memorial service in the back of the red books which is different than the white printed versions. Fr. has also been very pleased with the Wednesday night Lenten Lecture Series. Fr. Michael gave an update on OCF and said meetings have been better attended.

Old Business:

a. Minutes: Toula asked about having the minutes in the hall updated. Mark said he will take care of this. Fotis asked if we can post the minutes on the website. Penny said she can make that happen. John Demos pointed out that they will be a month behind because they can’t be posted until voted on and accepted.

b. Easter Play: Toula asked that we encourage families to have their children participate so we can have a play in the future.

c. Stool by Theotokis Icon: John Fakiris said the stool is secured. PC members thanked him.

d. Directory: Penny sat in on a committee meeting and said we will have around 200 families in the directory and they anticipate all costs to be covered by advertising.

New Business:

a. Pews: Don said one of the pews has a big split in the wood that needs repair. Mark will ask Matt Johnson if he can repair.

b. Change: Toula asked about having a jar for change that is counted monthly rather than having to count each week.

c. Leak: Mark said there is a roof leak that needs to be repaired. All agreed & approved.

d. Marketplace Fundraiser: Will be discussed further at a future PC meeting.

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made and seconded.

Closing prayer: Father Paul led us in prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

David Ford