Standard-level Contextual Narrative

South Warren High School is blessed with an administration, faculty, parents and students who embrace a variety of leadership roles. These stakeholders work hard to ensure a school environment that foster positive interactions and learning experiences.

The site based council in consolidation with other stakeholder’s annually review policies and make revisions as necessary to stimulate improvement.

The faculty and staff are continuously involved in adapting to changing state curriculum and standards. Faculty members at south warren are organized into Professional Learning communities that are grouped by subject matter. Members meet monthly to plan, work on common assessments, and evaluate student work.

Departments also meet to coordinate efforts to improve student performance.

A leadership team along with profession learning committee’s have substantial input into the decision making process at the school. Issues range from best teaching practices to school discipline. Students are also included through our PBIS program and were recently surveyed about the best possible rewards for positive behavior and test scores.

The school participates in programs that provide support to all students. Tutoring through extended school services (ESS) is provided as well as a home -work help service that is student lead. Identified student with academic deficiencies are helped through a response to intervention program (RTI). This program is in the early stages of development. Advanced placement and duel credit courses are offered as an innovative way to challenge and engage students. Social, leadership and academic opportunities are available to all students through a variety of faculty sponsored academic clubs.

Teachers are active members of the school Site Based Decision Making Council (SBDM), departmental Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), various faculty committees, and student organizations. Teachers also lead faculty professional development sessions on a wide variety of school-wide topics. Students are encouraged to participate in seek leadership positions in organizations that effectively impact school activities and day-to-day operations. Student Council and other student organizations allowing student input into school instructional and behavioral practices as well as other non-instructional activities. Parents impact instructional practices and programs through their involvement with SBDM, and they also participate in the leadership of booster clubs and other volunteer capacities.

South Warren faculty and administration provide equal instructional and non-instructional opportunities for students of all backgrounds through RTI, Extended School Services (ESS), and compliance with all federal Title IX requirements. Communication with parents regarding access to these opportunities occurs through Infinite Campus, school email, teacher webpages, Open House events at SWHS, and individual parent-teacher conferences.

To ensure the effectiveness of best practice at South Warren, all instructional staff members undergo a scheduled evaluation process. Administrators also conduct random, informal walk-through observations. As well, collegial observations are also conducted periodically in which instructional staff observe their colleagues.