Hardwick Rd, Hethe, OX27 8AW (01869 277630)
Welcome to the MotherChurch of the Catholic community of North-East OxfordshireFather Paul Lester, Parish Priest. Archdiocese of Birmingham Charity No. 234216
Sunday 17thApril 2016. 4th Sunday of Easter.Mass 10.00am (Parish Mass Book P268) & 12.00noon (Latin EF)5.00pm Holy Hour
Mon 18th April. Mass at 9.30am.
Tues 19th April. Mass at 9.30am
Weds 20th April. Mass at 9.30am St Beuno
Thurs 21st April.No Mass St Anselm
Fri 22nd April. Mass at 9.30am
Sat 23rd April. Mass at 9.30am. 12.00pm (EF Latin)
Sun 24thApril. 5thSunday of Easter. Mass at 10.00am and 12.00 noon (EF Latin)
Sundays at 5.30pm (during Holy Hour).
Prayers for the sick
Pleaseremember the following in your prayers: Caroline Wethey, Tony Fairbairn, Becky Moyce,Christine Roe, Jean Withers and Peter Latham.
Collections & Attendance
Mass attendance was 73. The cash offertory was £111.20. In March offertory contributions from parishioners via Bank Orders amounted to £1036.00. There is a second collection to-day for the Clergy Training Fund.
Readers SundayCollection Flowers
To-day: Michael ManettaMr & Mrs Squire
24th April: Kevin d’SilvaMrs Roscoe & Mr d’SilvaMrs Kelly
1st May: Mr/Mrs O’SullivanMr/Mrs O’Sullivan
8th May: Patricia LeeMr & Mrs LeeMrs Evans
Fashion Sale Fundraiser
On 23rd April we are holding a fashion sale event in St Philip’s Hall in aid of church funds. Please see the poster on the notice board.
Village Coffee Morning
We will again host the Hethe village Coffee Morning on Monday 25th April at 10.00am.
Pro-Life News“For it was you who created my being, knit me together in my mother’s womb” Psalm 139
Pope Francis strongly reaffirmed the Church’s teaching on abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide in his Apostolic Exhortation ‘The Joy of Love’. He writes: “The family is the greatest defence against the culture of death”
Survival at 23 weeks. The mother of a healthy baby born at 23 weeks – below the abortion time limit – has said “The fact that I could’ve had an abortion after she was born is a disgrace.People don’t realise how developed they are at that stage”.
Associated Press has reported a 12% drop in US abortions in 2015 thanks to pro-life campaigns.
The American Civil Liberties Union (sic) has failed in its legal attempt to force the Catholic Trinity Health Corp. to perform abortions.
Spuc is calling on the public to ask their MPs to intervene following the suicide of Jade Rees (21) following an abortion. Most abortions are granted on grounds of damage to the mother’s mental health in the pregnancy continues. Abortion itself has
recognized mental health risks.
Regina Caeli
O Queen of Heaven Rejoice, Alleluia
For He whom thou didst merit to bear, alleluia,
Has risen as He said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia
P. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.
R. For the Lord has risen indeed, alleluia.
Let us Pray
O God, who gave joy to the world through the Resurrection of your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech you, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, his mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen
We send our very best wishes and prayers for their future happiness to Laura and Oliver, Mr & Mrs Kerrigan, who were married here yesterday.