5th Year Book List 2015/2016

Religious Education:

Texts provided by School.

Irish Higher Level

Fiúntas New Edition (Edco)

Bua sa Bhéaltriail (Mentor)

An Triail le Máiréad Ní Ghráda (An Gúm)

An Triail: Cabhair agus Cúnamh (Edco)

Foclóir Póca ( an Gúm)

2 A4 paperback copies (such as Ailing A4) not spiral or hardback

1 hardback A4 copy

1 Lever-arch folder with dividers

Ordinary Level

Fuinneamh New Edition (Educational Company)

Bua sa Bhéaltriail (Mentor)

Foclóir Póca (An Gúm)

2 A4 paperback copies (such as Aisling A4) not spiral or hardback

1 hardback A4 copy

1 Lever-arch folder with dividers

English: Hamlet, William Shakespeare, (Folens Edition).

New Discovery Poetry Anthology for Leaving Certificate Higher and Ordinary Level 2017 (Edco)

English Key Notes 2017 – Higher Level. Pat O’Shea, Tony Lake (Mentor Books)

Expression: A complete guide to Leaving Certificate English Paper 1, James Carney (Folens)

Mathematics: Higher Level:

Textbooks: Text & Tests 4, 5, 6 and 7, O.D. Morris et al. (Celtic Press) These books are available to buy separately or as a pack of 4. Book 5 latest edition - 2015 onwards

Casio Scientific Calculator. fx-85GT PLUS or fx-83GT PLUS

Mathematical Formulae and Tables

Ring binder with poly pockets

Project Maths Graph Copy (160 pages) - educate.ie

Mathematical instruments

Ordinary Level:

Textbooks: Text&Tests 3, O.D. Morris, Paul Cooke & Paul Behan (Celtic Press) 2015 onwards edition

Casio Scientific Calculator. fx-85GT PLUS or fx-83GT PLUS

Mathematical Formulae and Tables

Ring binder with poly pockets

Project Maths Graph Copy (160 pages) - educate.ie

Mathematical instruments

Applied Mathematics:

Fundamental Applied Maths, Oliver Murphy (Folens) Second Edition (blue book)

History: The United States and the World, 1945-1989, Francis T. Holohan (Folens)

The Pursuit of Sovereignty and the Impact of Partition, 1912-49, Vincent Foley (Folens)

Case Studies: Dictatorship and Democracy, 1920-1945, Stephen Tonge (Edco)

A4 Pad/ Copy

Folder and poly pockets

Geography: Today's World 1 – Core Units (3rd Edition), Liam Ashe & Kieran McCarthy (Edco)

Geographical Investigation: Coastal, Sue Honan (Mentor)

Graph Paper copy

A4 Geography folder and a refill pad

30cm ruler

Coloured pencils

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5th Year Book List 2015/2016 (Page 2)

French: Passe-Partout. Leaving Cert. French, Ann Sheppard & Françoise Brotelande-Dunleavy (C. J. Fallon)

French dictionary

Entendu, Listening and Oral Exercises for Leaving Certificate, J. Dobbyn & D. Farrell (Gill & MacMillan)

Accent Français Leaving Cert French Oral and Aural Preparation, Higher Level, Cian Hogan (Folens)

Spanish: Espanol En Acción, Elaine Higgins (Folens)

Vamos A Escuchar & CD - Leaving Certificate. Nueva Edición, R. Graham

Leaving Certificate Examination Papers (Edco)

Accounting: Accounting for Senior Cycle (3rd Edition), Christy Tyrrell & David Kielthy (Edco)

Biology: Leaving Certificate Bio-Plus. Michael O’Callaghan. Special Advisor Angela Bury (Edco)

Hardback science notebook.

Chemistry: Chemistry Live! Declan Kennedy (Folens)

Chemistry Live! Workbook, Declan Kennedy (Folens).

Chemistry Exam Papers (Higher and Ordinary) (Edco)

A4 hardback practical notebook

​ Lever Arch folder, plastic pockets, dividers and A4 Refill Pad.

Physics: Real World Physics Textbook & Workbook, Dan O’Regan (Folens)

Practical Physics, Mandatory Experiments Workbook, Maurice Crowe (CJ Fallon)

Practical notebook (hard backed)

Leaving Certificate Examination Papers (Edco)

Classical Studies:

Please note that it is essential to purchase the specified translation of the prescribed plays as these vary greatly.

Medea and other plays – Euripides – translated by Philip Vellacott (Penguin) ISBN 0-14-044129-8

The Theban plays – Sophocles: translated with an introduction by E.F. Watling (Penguin)
ISBN 978-0-14-044003-4

A Guide to Classical Studies, Edna Nash (Folens) ISBN 978-1-84741-185-3

Roman Art and Architecture, Mortimer Wheeler (Thames & Hudson World of Art) ISBN 0-500-20021-1.

A4 Pad

Folder and plastic pockets

Home Economics:

Lifelines, Carmel Enright & Maureen Flynn (Folens) Second Edition & Workbook

1 Lever-arch folder, dividers, plastic pockets, A4 pad (Lined and margin).

Art: Students may have some of these materials/equipment from 3rd Year or 4th Year module.

A2 Sketchbook A3 Hardback Notebook - without lines

Pencils - HB, 2B, 4B, 8B Long Ruler

Charcoal Pencil Graphite Pencil

Prittstick 3 Paintbrushes (with pointed bristles) – Sizes 3, 6, 8

Set of acrylic paints Packet of oil pastels

Packet of chalk pastels Packet of colouring pencils

Packet of felt tip pens A2 cardboard art folder (for storing work in school)

A2 plastic art folder (for transporting work to and from school)

History of Art:

Appreciating Art for Leaving Certificate, Áine Ní Chárthaigh & Aidan O’Sullivan, (Gill & McMillan)

Leaving Certificate Examination Papers

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5th Year Book List 2015/2016 (Page 3)

Music: Leaving Certificate Scores - Group A (2017):

1) J.S. Bach, Cantata Jesu, der du meine Seele / Jesus, by Thy Cross and Passion, BWV 78. 2) Tchaikovsky, Fantasy Overture Romeo and Juliet. 3) Gerald Barry, Piano Quartet. 4) Freddie Mercury/Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody. Available at McCullough Piggott, 24 Suffolk St., Dublin 2 or Opus 2, 24 Sth. Great Georges St., Dublin 2.

Leaving Certificate Workbook Set A (includes CDs), Anna Heffernan (Folens)

2 A4 manuscript copies

Hardback notebook

Business: 21st Century Business, William Murphy. Revised edition (C.J. Fallon)

Leaving Certificate Examination Papers

Hardback notebook

Folder & plastic pockets

Economics: Positive Economics. Susan Hayes, Trudie Murray & Brian O’Connor (Edco)

Hardback notebook

Folder & plastic pockets

Career Guidance:

Career Assessment from Careerdecisionmaker.com

€40.00 to be paid to Ms Foody in August.

Miscellaneous: Fee of €25 for Holy Child School journal and locker rental will be payable online from the beginning of August. Details to follow.