AVID (2014-2015)

Cathedral Catholic High School

Ms. Bormann

858-523-4000 ext. 1219

Room: Cabrini 105

Office Hours: 2:15-2:45 and by appointment

Shortcut iTunes U Link: https://itunesu.itunes.apple.com/enroll/K9D-ATR-MK6

Course Mission and Objectives:

AVID is a college readiness system delivered via the elective class that helps the student who has the potential to be successful, but lacks the support. This class will teach students how to utilize AVID methodologies of writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading to become better prepared for honors and AP courses as well as post high school education.‬‬‬

Major Student Learning Outcomes/ Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs):

People of Faith, People of Character, Skilled Lifelong Learners, Responsible Individuals

1)  Learn and practice important and necessary skills for college-bound students: organization, note-taking, study, test-taking, reading and writing skills.

2)  Make goals – both short and long term – and work to achieve them

3)  Participate fully in education – doing homework, communicating with teachers, keeping track of grades, etc.


Rubrics will be given to the students for each major assignment (binder checks, tutorials, etc.). They will also be made available on the homework website.

Grading Scale:

A+ 97-100 A 93-96 A- 90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82

C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62

F 0-59


Organization (Binder Checks) 30%

Tutorials 40%

Assessments 20%

(includes participation in class discussions)

Final 10%


TOTAL 100%

Required Materials and Texts:

·  School-issued iPad (fully charged/bring every day)

·  Binder

·  Loose leaf paper, pens, highlighters, #2 pencils, sticky notes, calculator, ruler, and eraser.

·  Apps: iBooks(already installed), Pages (already installed), Keynote (already installed), Notability (already installed), FREE Exam Vocabulary Builder by AccelaStudy (free), flashcard app (suggested: flashcardlet/Flashcards* by Jeff Holliday Software - free), Popplet Lite (free)

Units of Study:

1)  Organization – Cornell Notes, Binder Checks, Homework Calendars, Organizational Structures, etc.

2)  Tutorials – Participating in tutorial process in order to increase understanding in difficult content areas (math, science, English, etc.).

3)  Skill Building – Learning and applying organization, note-taking, study, test-taking, reading and writing skills (Socratic Seminars, Philosophical Chairs, Annotating, etc.).

4)  Reading/Writing – Reinforcing strong reading and writing strategies for college success.

Homework/Late Work:

·  Taking notes in all other classes, preparing for discussions, reading and annotating texts, writing assignments, etc.

·  If a student has a problem on an assignment or does not understand the material, they should ask for help before the assignment is due.

·  The assignment needs to be complete in order to receive full credit.

·  All papers must be typed in 12 pt. font (Times New Roman, Tahoma, or Arial) and double-spaced.

·  Late assignments are accepted for partial credit.

·  Homework will be updated on my iTunes U page, and on the Cathedral Catholic homework website. Students need to use homework calendars to copy down assignments in class. The homework website is not an alternative to copying down assignments in class but rather an aid in the educational process.

Make-up Policy:

When a student is absent due to illness or a school function, it is their responsibility to get information about the missed assignments from the homework website, the teacher (via email or before/after school) or a fellow classmate. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in completed work on time. For every day the student has an excused absence, they will have one day to complete the assignment. If the student is in class on the day an assignment is assigned and absent on the due date, the assignment is due immediately upon their return.

Plagiarism/Academic Honesty:

Students at CCHS should pursue their education with honesty and integrity. A student’s work and achievement should be the result of his/her own efforts. As stated in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Sixth Edition, “Using another person’s ideas, information or expressions without acknowledging that person’s work constitutes intellectual theft. Passing off another person’s ideas, information, or expressions as your own to get a better grade or gain some other advantage constitutes fraud.” Plagiarism can be any of the following: copying another’s work verbatim (word for word) without acknowledgement, paraphrasing another’s work without acknowledgement, patching together a paper using different sources (including Internet sources) without acknowledgement of all sources, using someone else’s idea or information that is not public domain or commonly known as your own idea.

Students will be using turnitin.com on various assignments. Plagiarized assignments will receive the following consequences: a zero on the assignment, a phone call home to parents and a disciplinary referral. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating on quizzes, tests, and other assignments will result in a zero, a phone call home to parents, and a detention or referral.

Technology Policy:

iPads are learning tools in this class. Students will be expected to follow the guidelines of the Responsible Use agreement they and their parents signed. iPads will be used in a responsible, legal and ethical manner at all times. Teacher will determine when, how and why students will use them in class. Consequences for violation of responsible use policies will be a warning the first time, a 45 minute detention and teacher will contact the parent the second time, a 2 hour detention and a referral to the dean’s office the third time. Technology will not be an acceptable excuse for late or incomplete work.


Honesty, respect, kindness and support are the foundations for maintaining a positive environment. I will model these behaviors in class and expect the same from the students. I expect all school rules to be followed in the classroom (dress code, attendance, tardies, proper language, etc.) If these expectations are not met, consequences will result in a warning, detention, parent phone call, and/or referral.

Both you and your parent(s) or guardian(s) need to sign this, indicating that you have read and understand what our goals and expectations are for the school year.

We have read and understand the course expectations for AVID.

Student’s Name (please print): ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent or Guardian Name (please print): ______

Parent or Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Preferred Parent Contact Information (please include any/all numbers/emails you wish to use):

Phone number: ______

Email address: ______