Rules and Regulations Committee Agenda
Thursday 10/16/14 3:30pm
Conference line: 404-443-6397
Participant code: 943611#
1. Opening comments: Chair Stevenson.
2. Review feedback received by committee members.
3. BE handbook/rule revisions: Topics to cover:
a. Active participation definition; Recommend moving to Elected committee section, integrate with language in section.
b. BEP unit defintion; recommend better definition, that doesn’t conflict with vending facility.
c. Blind person definition; use both fed & state definitions to encompass both. Proposed change to: "means a person who qualifies as a blind person under either ORS 346.510(2) or 34 CFR 395.1(c).
d. BEP Definition, Resolve BEP unit definition or vending facility. Shorten to resolve. Proposed language: BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PROGRAM (BEP) means the program administered by the Commission that provides self-employment opportunities for blind persons
e. Building manager definition; not used consistently, needs language to cover all locations and correct contact person. Need to re-draft language.
f. Elected Committee definition; needs to represents “licensees”. Ensure definition matches EC section in rules.
g. Commission definition; re-draft language to encompass all roles, not just vending.
h. IGA definition; may not needed, not used elsewhere. If used need to match up with ORS. Inter-Agency vs. Inter-governmental.
i. Facility definition; new term, doesn’t match up to ORS definition. Need to rework this definition. Potentially “vending facility”.
j. Federal property definition; insert language to paraphrase federal code. Recommended change “has the meaning provided in 34 CFR 395.1(g), for property within the state of Oregon.”
k. License & Licensee definition, terms need to align with federal definitions. Recommended language: “License" has the meaning provided in 34 CFR 395.1(i), except that the license authorizes the licensee to operate a BEP unit." "Licensee" could be defined as "Licensee" has the meaning provided in 34 CFR 395.1(b) except that the licensee is authorized to operate a BEP unit”.
l. Licensed blind manager definition, definition doesn’t line up with state or federal definitions of “operator” or “vendor”. Need to re-draft.
m. Management service definition, If needed. Recommended language: “has the meaning provided in 34 CFR 395.1(j), as applied to all BEP units within Oregon."
n. Net proceeds definition, need to ensure federal language cited is correct, and also encompasses Oregon. Check for “vending machines” used here, need to define.
o. Net profit definition, defined but not used? Recommend deletion.
p. Permit definition, federal defined term. Recommended language: “has the meaning provided in 34 CFR 395.1(o)".
q. Public property definition, should refer to ORS definition. Recommended language: “has the meaning provided in ORS 346.510(3)."
r. Set aside funds definition, incorporate federal definition, and tie in Oregon locations. Recommended language: “Set-aside funds" has the meaning provided in 34 CFR 395.1(5), and also includes funds derived in the same manner from BEP units operated at state or local government facilities within Oregon”.
s. SLA definition, do not need definition, remove. Recommended language: Replace SLA with Commission entire document.
t. Temporary manager definition, re-draft section. Ensure timelines ok. Check ability to fill if qualified person is ready.
u. Trainee definition, need to refine definition.
4. Next meeting date/time.
5. Adjourn.