Holy Angels CPTA Meeting
May 17, 2017
- Call meeting to order: Clair Luna
***Ashley Muro filled in for Clair
- Opening prayer: Blanca Scofield
- President’s report: Clair Luna
***Ashley read Clair’s report: Jog-a-thon and Grandparents day worked well together. Kudo’s to committees.
**The postponement of the Mother/Son event shows the importance of getting events on the calendar at the beginning of the school year.
***CPTA positions have been broken up into different categories. First: executive board, second: fundraising positions, third: standing committees (example: grandparents day, mother/daughter event, etc; lastly: volunteer opportunities (examples include bulletin boards, hospitality, uniform exchange). This last category will NOT be receiving 30 hours of service. If you choose to attend each monthly meeting you will receive a service hour for that meeting. Only the executive board will meet every month and the standing committee and volunteer opportunity would meet the month that you have an event or something to report. This is new so there will be a learning curve.
***Committee binders are going digital through google docs. Melanie Savarese.
- Treasurer’s report: Sara Vasquez
***Opening balance for April 2017: $47,249.55
No deposits:
Checks: $ 7,328.03
Ending balance for April: $ 39,921.52
- Principal’s report: Ted Carroll
***Spoken to new Pastor several times. The parish will be in good hands. Very accessible.
***Principal search is progressing. Hope to know something in the next few weeks
***Improvements are coming to the Holy Angels app. Will have sign-ups for service hours and parent conferences
****Hearing test sign-ups, need permission slips in by this Friday
***STAR testing is going on right now.
- Terry Schreiner, Parish Council
***The Parish Council is a ongoing committee that works with the Pastor to improve the parish. For example, the new windows, sound system, roofing repairs.
***They would like to have a school representative on the council
***June 24 and 25 after all Masses are the farewells for Fr. Michael. Fr. Kevin Rettig comes on July 1.
***The 11am Mass on June 11 celebrates all the anniversaries of our parish priests becoming priests.
- Committee reports:
- After action report Jog-a-thon, April 28: Jeff and Melanie Savarese
***It was a success. Changes this year included the per lap pledge, t-shirts, commercial competition. The music needs to be improved for next year.
***Close to $24,000.00 was brought in. Goal was $30,000.00. 92 kids had no participation other than what the parent contract called for. Discussion about how to improve that for next year. Trying to level the “playing field” for most laps/highest donations to determine winners.
***Close to $2,000.00 was donated via Gesture. Some grandparents donated on the day since they were there for Grandparents Day.
- After action report Grandparents Day, April 28: Sara Bitonti, Kimerlee Hernandez
***The event went well. The food was well organized by Maria Bitonti. Grandparents viewed artwork, visited classrooms. By 1:30 it was done.
- Father/Son Event ,May 21: Laura Romero, Valerie Calderon
***May 21, 76 tickes sold, significantly less than last year. Dodger game 1pm.
- Mother/Son Event: Kerri Christensen and Kara Pape
***Was rescheduled but had been on the calendar but it ended up conflicting with cub scout camp out so it was moved but not enough interest so it was postponed till fall. Donations are available for the next chairs.
- Open Forum
***Yearbook: be available May 31.
206 yearbooks sold for $8,310.00
70 ads for $4,895.00
Total of $13,216.00 will break even
- Meeting Adjournment
- Next CPTA - May 31 at El Portal in Pasadena, Installation dinner
XI. Closing Prayer: Melanie Savarese