Holocaust Project Requirements
All students must write a one page typewritten report that is accompanied by a separate bibliography sheet that cites at least two sources, one being an Internet site. Students have been given information on how to write a bibliography and they have a handout.
The first option for a project is to do a tri-fold poster. I have shown the students several examples of these. The cover should be consistent with the topic the student is researching.
The inside of the first tri-fold should contain the report and bibliography. It will also contain a timeline of either the Holocaust or the topic they’re researching. It will be put together using the “Timeliner” computer program at school.
The second tri-fold should contain pictures found during research or any drawings or designs a student wishes to do. Each picture or drawing should also have a caption describing how it relates to the topic being researched.
The inside of the third tri-fold should include two original poems about the Holocaust or their topic. They may include other poems that they find, but two must be their own original work. Each poem should also be illustrated.
Another project option is to do a model of something that they are researching. Several students in the past have done a marvelous job recreating concentration camps from pictures or floor plans that they found. All models still must be accompanied by a report.
The last option is to write and put on a play or create a play on video. This play must be at least 15 minutes long and remain on the topic they researched. If your child decides on this option, I must approve a written script no later than Tuesday, January 3rd. Separate reports and bibliographies must also be written for this project type.
We have given students computer lab time to research and will give them one or two more to type their material if needed.
Projects are due onFriday,January 31st.
Holocaust Research Topics
Adolph HitlerHeinrich Himmler
Elie Wiesel Anne Frank
Auschwitz-BirkenauDachau (CC)
Lodz ghettoBlitzkrieg (Lightning War)
Bergen-Belsen(CC)Josef Mengele
Joseph StalinGestapo/SS/etc.
D-DayNazi Party
Sobibor (CC)Chelmno (CC)
Treblinka (CC)Ravensbrueck (CC)
KristallnachtBuchenwald (CC)
Corrie ten Boom German bombing of England
German air ships used Oskar Schindler
In WWII/Hindenburg
Aircraft used during WII
Jewish children/HolocaustTheresienstadt (CC)
Weapons used during WII
German defeat at
Nazi Youth GroupsStalingrad (USSR)
(CC = Concentration Camp)
You may also research any other topic you and your parents feel comfortable with as long as it deals with World War II and you get my approval.