September 2011

Mark your calendars

5 Labor Day, School Closed

6 WH PTA meeting, 7pm, Room 12, childcare provided

7 KidStuff Fundraiser Starts, Check your child’s backpack for information

12 School Spirit Day: Wear RED, WHITE, and BLUE in honor of 9/11

14 Back to School Night, Grades 3-5, 6:30 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room, PARENTS only

15 Back to School Night, Grades K-2, 6:30 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room, PARENTS only

20 Family Fun Event: Cold Stone Creamery Night, 5-9 pm. Come get Ice Cream created by your teachers!

28 SMILE!! School Picture Day at WH

29 No School for Students

30 School Spirit Day: Wear CD Rams Apparel or GREEN and WHITE for the CD vs. CD East Football Game

Welcome Back to West Hanover!!

Hope you all had a wonderful and restful summer vacation. PTA has another great year planned for our students, parents, and staff at West Hanover. Our newsletter is a major form of communication, so please take a few minutes to read over all the wonderful things we have going on over the next few weeks.

Notes from Mr. C

Welcome back to another school year at West Hanover Elementary! I hope all of our students and families had some fun this summer traveling, playing sports, reading or just relaxing with family and friends at home. With that being said, it is time to jump back onto the “educational saddle” and pick up right where we left off, educating our students!

West Hanover has started off the year with a bang! Thanks to Hurricane Irene, we started a day later on August 30 because the building had no power. We also have record enrollment this school year, as we have over 450 students this year, 25 more students than we finished the year with! In the last five years, we have grown by almost 100 students! Due to our growth, we are going to split our Back to School Night into two sessions as you see above and we apologize if this inconveniences anyone.

This year brings some new faces to WH. New to the building are: KPM-Carla Miller, 2nd grade-Suzi Heter, Learning Support-Ashley Oswald, Nurse-Margaret McConnell, Gifted K-3-Becky Lengle, Gifted 4-5-Christina Benton, and Peg Kalasky and Dawn McNeal (also our evening custodian), as our new kitchen aides . We would like to welcome the new staff to our building and wish all of our teachers and students at West Hanover a very successful and productive year.

I ask that the parents continue being a major part of our child’s education by reading to them, providing them with a quiet environment to do their school work, assist and monitor their homework completion and test preparation, and by communicating with and supporting your child’s classroom teacher. Let’s have a great year!



If you have any PTA related questions or concerns, please feel free to contact an officer.

Sue Pazuchanics president 469-1832

Melissa Van Eck vice president 991-1221

Carrie Criley treasurer 540-5168

Amy Rabin secretary 919-3200

Check out West Hanover PTA on the web!!! Go to under “organizations”.

Shop at Target?

Designate West Hanover Elementary on your Target Red Card. Donations from Target are placed in the principal fund to help pay for field trips throughout the year.

Consumer Rewards

Returning students, please remember to send in your Ziploc collection bags this week! Bags are due 9/6.

For new parents, we collect Box Tops, Campbell’s UPC labels, and Moo Money Milk caps from Turkey Hill. Please send these reward items in with your student in small Ziploc bags. Thank you for your support. More information to come home soon.

Giant A+

Did you know you can save money for your family and earn cash for West Hanover? It's true! GIANT will reward you and West Hanover each time you shop. Starting October 9, 2011 through March 31, 2012, our school will earn 1% of your total purchase each time you use your BONUSCARD.

Participation is simple! Register your card starting September 11, 2011 directly online using ID 01283 at bring your card to Back-to-School night to register, or return the information form to school (coming home soon) and we'll register your card for you. If you designated your BONUSCARD to West Hanover last year, you must re-designate our school again this year. Don't forget to ask your friends, family and co-workers for their support! Last year West Hanover earned $4,510.68. With your participation, our school can have another successful year and exceed last year's goal.

Karns Rewards: High 5 For Schools Week, September 19-25, 2011

Did you know you can save money for your family and earn cash for West Hanover? We have one week to earn cash starting September 19, 2011through September 25, 2011. Vouchers will be distributed to all West Hanover families. Vouchers should be submitted to the cashier upon check-out during the designated High 5 For Schools week. High 5 For Schools weeks run from Monday through Sunday, and shoppers may use multiple vouchers throughout the week. There is NO limit on the number of times a customer can shop to support our school during this week, however, a NEW voucher must accompany each shopping trip. Last year West Hanover earned $500. With your participation our school can have another successful year and exceed last year's goal.


The WH PTA will be selling KidStuff Books. Please check your child’s backpack on Sept. 7 for a copy of the book and details of the sale. Please help us reach our fundraising goal and support our students and faculty. Thank you!

SAVE the DATE: 4th and 5th grade evening Halloween Party

Our annual event is set for October 21 in the Multi-Purpose Room6:45 to 8:45 pm

Holiday Shoppe

We will be holding our annual Holiday Shoppe on Dec. 2nd and 3rd. This is a GREAT shopping experience for students and their siblings. We will be sending flyers home the beginning of November for volunteers and 5th grade student elves. If you have any questions, please contact Sherry Hess @ (717)379-0773 OR .

Dads and Doughnuts

West Hanover Dads, mark your calendar to come have breakfast with your child before heading off to a busy day. This year, Dads and Doughnuts will be October 17th and 18th. Look for information to be sent home with your child.

Homeroom and Party parents

Are you interested in planning a party for your child's class this year? Would you like to make yourself available as a homeroom parent for your child's teacher? Watch for information to come home about opportunities to host a party or be a homeroom parent. Sign-up sheets will be available outside the classrooms at Back to School night.


Attached to the end of the newsletter is a WH PTA membership form for the 2011-12 school year. Please join in support of our wonderful school, students, staff, and parents. Family membership is only $10.

School Spirit Committee
The School Spirit Committee is hard at work planning fun events for the 2011-2012 school year. Our first Family Fun Event for the year is the annual Cold Stone Creamery Night. Please join your fellow West Hanover families at Cold Stone Creamery on Rte. 22, Thursday, September 20 from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. We are looking for volunteers to help scoop ice cream. Shifts we need to cover are 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Please contact Jo Rusesky if you are able to help ( or717-645-9412). More details on the event will be sent home closer to September 20.

Service Project

Throughout the year, we collect glossy magazines for Ronald McDonald House. Magazines can be dropped off in the bin across from the office. We also collect soda can tabs for Susquehanna Service Dogs. Mrs. Dunkle is our coordinator for this project. Tabs can be bagged and handed in to the office.

Spirit Wear

Welcome back students and teachers! The Spirit Wear committee will be having a Wildcat Wear sale soon. Ideas for shirt logos will be revealed at the Sept. PTA meeting. Come out and give us your opinions on the new designs. If you have any questions, please contact Sherry Hess (717)379-0773 OR Sherryhess@

PAC (Parent Advisory Committee)

Pam Shafer is West Hanover’s PAC representative. Parent representatives from each school in the district meet monthly with school board members and administrative personnel to discuss any issues that parents may have regarding their schools and/or students. If there are any questions/issues that you have that you would like brought to the administration or school board, contact Pam at 541-5110 or . PAC ALTERNATE NEEDED: If you might be interested in serving as an alternate representative for West Hanover in the event Pam cannot attend the above meetings, please contact Pam via email. Thank you for supporting our school.

WILDCAT SKI CLUB:More info to come from Mr. C. in the Oct. Newsletter but get your skis and snowboard waxed now! Winter and a lot of snow is just around the corner!

Happy September Birthday to our staff….

5Cindy Wertz

17Steve Shingara

19Jennifer Poling

27Heather Hosler

Please See Membership form on the back of this page…


Your child can benefit from something no other child can,YOU! When you get involved, your child does better!!



Support the West Hanover PTA and all that we do for our students, staff and school. A West Hanover Family Membership* for both Mom and Dad is only $10.00.

Parent/Guardian Name #1 ______

Parent/Guardian Name #2 ______

Address ______

Phone ______E-mail ______

Student(s) Name(s) Teacher & Grade




Cash or checks accepted. Make check payable to West Hanover PTA. Return to School in an envelope marked “PTA MEMBERSHIP”. Thank you for your support!!

*single membership available for $5.00.