Holocaust and Genocide Research Midterm – 100 points
Objective:This project is designed to engage students’ interest and curiosity in the Holocaust. Students will research a topic on the Holocaust. Students will gain research skills, evaluate sources, and construct a thesis about their chosen topic’s impact on the Holocaust.
Project should answer at least one of the following research questions:
- Describe the role of your topic in the Holocaust?
- Analyze and evaluate the short and term impact of your topic on the Holocaust
- Analyze the actions of your topic during the Holocaust. Explain motivations of your topic
Students will have to complete the following requirements for the project
- Thesis statement that covers your topics importance to the Holocaust and answers the research questions
- Topic Web (counted as a classwork grade for MP2)
- Meeting of Checkpoints (counted as a classwork grade for MP2)
- Works Cited
- Visual Aid
- Interactive Gallery Walk during Mid Term Period
- Gallery Walk Graphic Organizer
Students will be given between 6-7class periods to work on the mid term. Students will be given a daily progress grade that will be counted toward to the second marking period.
Checkpoints: Checkpoints are in place to ensure that students use class time wisely and do not fall too far behind in creating project
Checkpoint 1: Select Topic, Conduct preliminary research, develop preliminary thesis (2 class periods)
Checkpoint 2: Conference with teacher on thesis, update and revise thesis, create topic web (2 class periods)
Checkpoint 3: Construct works cited, Select type of product to construct, construct project, project should be completed by the end of the final class (2-3 classes)
Useful Resources
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Select “Theme” and “Title” from the top bar to help search your topic
Online Exhibitions from the United States Memorial Holocaust Museum
Gale Student Resources in Context
Gale Virtual Reference Library
ABC CLIO – Modern Genocide Database
List of Project Ideas:
You may choose to create a product not on this list.
-video game re-enactment
-fake Facebook page / event page
-Tumblr blog / other Social Media page
-Baseball/trading card
-Teacher Activity
-Artifact re-creation
-Board game
-Scavenger hunt
-Mock trial
Possible Topics
-Joseph Goebbels
-Heinrich Himmler
-Martin Bormann
-Adolf Eichmann
-Reinhard Heydrich
-Herman Goring
-Rudolf Hess
-Hans Frank
-Josepf Mengele
-Ilse Koch
-Irma Grese
-Ernst Kaltenbrunner
-Albert Speer
-The SS
-T4 Program
Those who stood up to the Nazis
-Oscar Schindler
-Mordechai Anielewicz
-Bielski Brothers (Tuvia, Zus, Asael and Aaron) – Each can be one
-Adam Czerniakow
-Mordechai Rumkowski
-Claus Von Stauffenberg
-George Elser
-Janusz Korczak
-Sophie Scholl
Anti-Jewish Measures
-1933 Jewish Boycott
-The Nuremberg Laws
-Nazi Racial Science
Nazi Propaganda
-1936 Berlin Olympics
-Leni Rienfenstahl/Triumph of Will
-Julius Streicher
-Poisonous Mushroom
-Hitler Youth
-League of German Maidens
-Education of Children in Nazi Germany
-Children’s Toys/Games
Different Groups in the Holocaust
-Jehovah Witnesses
-Political Prisoners
-Gypsies (Roma)
-Mentally and Physically Handicapped
Category / Exceeding Standard / Meeting Standard / Approaching Standard / Below StandardProject
45 points / Finished product is extremely professional, well researched, and demonstrates outstanding effort.
Final product contains all information goals in a clear and concise manner / Finished product is professional, well researched, and demonstrates above average effort.
Final product contains most of the information goals in a clear concise manner / Finished product is semi-professional and democrats appropriate effort with a fair amount of research.
Final product contains at least half of the information goals in a somewhat clear manner / Finished product lacks professionalism, little research, and demonstrates minimal effort.
Final product contains 2-3 somewhat clear goals.
35 points / Shows full understanding of topic. / Shows a good understanding of the topic. / Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. / Does not seem to understand the topic very well.
Gallery Walk Participation
10 points / Student’s project is completely prepared for gallery walk. Student is able to get to almost all of the projects in fills out detailed graphic organizer / Student’sproject is prepared for the gallery walk. Student is able to get to most of the projects and fills out graphic organizer / Student’s project seems somewhat prepared, but it is clear that more work was needed. Student is able to get to some of the projects and fills out graphic organizer / Student’s project is not prepared. Student is only able to get to a few projects and does not completely fill out graphic organizer
Presentation/ Comprehension
10 points / Student engages the class. Student is able to accurately answer all questions posed by classmates/teacher about topic. / Student attempts to engage the class. Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the topic / Student makes little effort to engage classmates. Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student makes no effort to engage the class. Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the topic.