Animal Science
Updated 8-29-16
Mr. Tommy Reck ¨ Room 116 ¨
Course Description: Receive a more in-depth understanding of animal care and scientific procedures. Through hands-on labs and guided study, learn how to apply animal anatomy, genetics, reproduction, behavior, nutrition, and health to both household pets and large livestock. Basic veterinary procedures and jargon will also be introduced. If you are interested in a career with animals, then this is the course for you!
Course Objectives: As a result of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify the anatomy and describe the physiology of body systems.
2. Articulate ideas and participate in discussion related to animal welfare.
3. Determine the role of nutrients and the nutritional requirements for different stages of animals’ lives.
4. Evaluate and employ animal breeding methods.
5. Identify, evaluate and perform general animal care/welfare procedures based on animal’s use, species and life stage.
6. Administer care to animals in case of disease, accident or illness.
7. Conduct research on topics related to animal science.
8. Describe different careers within the field of animal science.
Classroom Procedures:
· Each day there will be a bellwork question on the board. As you come into class, please take your seat quietly and complete the question on your bellwork form.
· Any assignment given will be due at the beginning of the hour the next day (unless specified differently). Any late assignment is deducted 50% and is due before the assessment is given for that unit. Once the test is given for the unit, you need to have the assignment completed to retake the test (see requirements below), but you can no longer receive credit for the assignment.
· Absence Policy: Makeup Work - It is your responsibility to pick these assignments up upon return (they will be located in the basket at the front of the classroom). Please label absent work as ABSENT and place in the homework tray!
o If you miss class due to an excused absence, you are responsible for any notes and assignments. If it is a school function, get your assignment(s) ahead of time!
o If you miss a laboratory exercise, quiz or test, you will need to contact me to make arrangements to come in before or after school, at lunch or during flex time and complete it.
o For lengthier absences, I will make arrangements with you on an individual basis.
· Test Retake Policy: You may retake any test at any time during the marking period up until the date given to you in class. In order to retake a test, you must
o Have no missing assignments for the unit (even if it is for zero credit).
o Complete a retake review sheet.
o Set up a time outside of the normal class time to come in and take the test.
o In addition, the retake score will replace your first test score, and the retake test will be a different test than the original one given.
o If you fail your first attempt of a unit test (not the semester final), you will be assigned a retake test. Until this test is retaken, your score in the gradebook will show that you have not mastered the material by indicating a score of 0. This must be made up within 1 week. If it is not, you r parents will be notified and arrangements will need to be made. The above requirements still apply.
· Phones/Personal Devices: According to school policy cell phones and other unapproved electronic devices are not allowed in the class room. I expect students to be engaged in the lesson at all times and using class time to work on mastering material (i.e., studying) or catching up on homework from other classes. I will give you one warning if a device is seen; after that it will be taken away and you may pick it up in the office at the end of the school day.
Notes/Binders: You are expected to stay organized with your work in this class. Class notes are very important. You are strongly encouraged to add your own annotations to the written notes based on discussions we have in class. Classroom assessments will be based on information from your textbook as well as notes and discussion within class. During class, you will be responsible for taking notes, completing worksheets, activities, practice problems, etc., and organizing these in your binder. Keeping your notebook in good shape and keeping notes and homework in order NOW will save you a lot of time in the future.
Projects/Labs/Research Project: There may be one or more projects assigned each semester. They may require independent research, a written portion, visuals, and/or an oral presentation. As a part of this class students will participate in several labs that will include dissecting bones, hearts, lungs, stomachs, etc. of common farm animals. In the spring semester students will be required to complete a Science Research Project. This project is a summation of the key skills learned in science K-12. It requires the development and execution of an original research project, the analysis of the results and the reporting of their results in a lab report to their teacher, a verbal presentation to the class and a community presentation piece. This project is generally completed during the 3rd marking period.
Grades: Marking Period grades are determined as follows: 50% by assessment grades (tests and quizzes), 30% activities and labs, and 20% will be determined by homework/classwork score (this may include activities graded on participation).
Quizzes, Tests, Assessments 50%
Labs, Projects and Activities 30%
Homework and Daily Work 20%
Semester grades are determined as follows: each marking period grade is worth 45% of the final grade and the exam will be worth 10%. The semester grade determines pass/fail in the class, is used to calculate GPA, and is used to determine eligibility for scholarships/academic awards.
Marking Period 45%
Marking Period 45%
Exam 10%
SLHS Grade Scale: 100-93% A 86-83% B 76-73% C 66-63% D
92-90% A- 82-80% B- 72-70% C- 62-60% D-
89-87% B+ 79-77% C+ 69-67% D+ Below 60% F
Classroom Expectations:
1. When one person is talking, EVERYONE else is listening.
2. Show respect to others. Please be courteous, listen, and show respect to the teacher as well as other classmates. The same respect shall be given to you as well.
3. The teacher dismisses you, NOT the bell. Do not congregate by the door. Class ends at the bell, not 3 minutes before. Use your time WISELY.
4. Students are to be in their seats, working on the bell work at the ring of the bell.
5. Show respect to the property in the room. If any lab equipment or class material is broken or damaged due to negligence or horseplay, a fine will be charged to the student.
6. Please take care of bathroom, hunger, thirst, etc. before coming to class.
You should be prepared for class each day and bring the following items:
· Writing Utensil and Paper
· Any homework or assignment due that day
· Textbook
· Binder/Notes
· Calculator
I will be following the student regulations laid out within the student handbook code of conduct. Discipline will be handled accordingly. In many cases, prior to enforcing discipline at the administration level, students will be closely monitored through my classroom action plan.
Contact Information Sheet: 2015-2016
STUDENT NAME:______HOUR:______
I have carefully read over the syllabus and classroom expectations and understand my responsibilities.
Name of Parents and /or Guardians:
If there is a problem academically or behaviorally, I want to contact you ASAP. My conference period is Mon from 1:14 – 2:05 or Wed and Fri from 11:50 – 1:22____ or __6th _Hour. Please provide a number where I can reach you during this time. If it is easier to talk before school( 7:30 -8:00) or after school (3:00- 3:30), please let me know in the space below. Please provide an email address that is checked frequently, as sometimes the most effect way to communicate!
Phone Number:______I will be calling Mom/Dad.
Alternative time and phone number______
*** Parent’s Email address______
***Second Parent Email(if necessary)______
Parent Signature:______
Thank you for filling out form! I want your student to be successful in my class. The best way to ensure your student reaches their maximum potential is if WE WORK TOGETHER! If there are any problems, please don’t hesitate to call me at 681-2500. I look forward to working with both you and your student this school year!