Table of contents
1Pre-season information 2008-2009
1.1Operational information
1.1.1National expeditions
1.1.2Non-governmental Expeditions
1.2Visits to protected areas
Annex 1 Pacific Blue
Annex 2 Bark Europa
Annex 3 Oceanwide Expeditions – Professor Molchanov
Annex 4 Oceanwide Expeditions – Aleksey Maryshev
Annex 5 Oceanwide Expeditions – Professor Multanovsky
Annex 6 Oceanwide Expeditions – Grigory Mikheev
Pre-season information 2008-2009
1.1Operational information
1.1.1National expeditions
No stations will be operated by Dutch governmental organisations.
No vessels will be operated by Dutch governmental organisations.
No aircraft will be operated by Dutch governmental organisations.
DResearch Rockets
No research rockets will be launched by Dutch governmental organisations.
No military personnel will participate in Dutch governmental activities.
The Netherlands will not operate or place any type of military equipment in Antarctica.
1.1.2Non-governmental Expeditions
AShip-based Operations
Name of operator(NL) / Mr. P.S. Visser / Rederij Bark Europa / Oceanwide Expeditions
Name of vessel / Pacific Blue / Bark Europa / Professor Molchanov / Aleksey Maryshev / Professor Multanovsky / Grigory Mikheev
Country of registry of vessel / Netherlands / Netherlands / Russia / Russia / Russia / Russia
Number of voyages / 1 / 5 / 11 / 12 / 11 / 7
Planned departure dates /
- 1-1-2009
- 19-11-08
- 12-12-08
- 04-01-08
- 27-01-09
- 20-02-09
- 04-11-08
- 24-11-08
- 04-12-08
- 14-12-08
- 24-12-08
- 04-01-09
- 22-01-09
- 09-02-09
- 27-02-09
- 08-03-09
- 02-11-08
- 21-11-08
- 01-12-08
- 20-12-08
- 30-12-08
- 09-01-09
- 19-01-09
- 30-01-09
- 17-02-09
- 27-02-09
- 10-03-09
- 21-03-09
- 03-11-08
- 19-11-08
- 07-12-08
- 17-12-08
- 04-01-09
- 14-01-09
- 04-2-09
- 14-2-08
- 24-02-09
- 14-03-09
- 24-03-09
- 03-01-09
- 21-01-09
- 31-01-09
- 10-02-09
- 19-02-09
- 28-02-09
- 10-03-09
Ports of departure and arrival to and from Antarctica /
- Puerto Williams - Puerto Williams
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia – Ushuaia
- Ushuaia – Cape Town
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ascension
- Ushuaia - Puerto Madryn
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Port Stanley - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Cape Town
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
- Ushuaia - Ushuaia
Areas of operation including proposed landing sites and the dates landings will take place / See Annex 1 / See Annex 2 / See Annex 3 / See Annex 4 / See Annex 5 / See Annex 6
BLand-based Operations
IMAU (Institute for Marine and Environmental Research, Utrecht) / Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, The Hague (NWO)Name of expedition / IMAU / NWO
Method of transportation to, from and within Antarctica / Airplane / Airplane
Type of adventure/activity / Scientific: to monitor climate and ice velocity / Informing VVIP-party about scientific research
Location / Larsen C Ice Shelf / Rothera Station
Logistic facility Fossil Bluff
Dates of expedition / 01-11-08/
15-12-08 / 1-1-09/
Number of personnel involved / 2 / 5
Contact address / Princetonplein 5
3584 CC UTRECHT / PO BOX 93510
Web-site address / /
1.2Visits to protected areas
IMAU / NWO / Rederij Bark Europa / Oceanwide ExpeditionsName and number of protected area / None / None / #4 Deception Island (63o56’S:60 o40’W) / None
Number of people permitted / - / - / 60 / -
Date/period / - / - / 26-11-08
27-02-09 / -
Purpose / - / - / Touristic / -
Annex 1, Pacific Blue, intended itineraries season 2008-2009
Date / Intended areas of operation including the names of landing sites1-5 January 2009 / Puerto Williams, Drake Passage
5-10 January 2009 / South Shetlands, possibly Livingstone Island, Greenwich Island (Chilean Base) or King George Island
10-13 January 2009 / Deception Island
13-20 January 2009 / Danco Coast, Gerlache Straite (Heavy Ice: Brabant and Anvers Islands. Possible Anchorages: Cuverville Island, Waterboat Point, Enterprise Island
20-31 January 2009 / Lemaire Channel (ice permitting) visiting Hovgaard and Pleaneau Islands (possible Vernadsky Base and Fish Islands-Flounder Island)
1-15 February 2009 / Lemaire Channel, Wiencke Island, Paradise Bay, Melchior Islands
15-20 February 2009 / Puerto Williams
Annex 2, Bark Europa,intendeditineraries season 2008-2009
DateVoyage 1 / Voyage 2 / Voyage 3 / Voyage 4 / Intended areas of operation including names of landing sites
19-nov-08 / 12-dec-08 / 4-jan-09 / 27-jan-09 / Ushaia
20-nov-08 / 13-dec-08 / 5-jan-09 / 28-jan-09 / Ushuaia Beagle Channel
21-nov-08 / 14-dec-08 / 6-jan-09 / 29-jan-09 / Drake Passage
22-nov-08 / 15-dec-08 / 7-jan-09 / 30-jan-09 / Drake Passage
23-nov-08 / 16-dec-08 / 8-jan-09 / 31-jan-09 / Drake Passage to South Shetland Islands
24-nov-08 / 17-dec-08 / 9-jan-09 / 1-feb-09 / Barrientos Island
25-nov-08 / 18-dec-08 / 10-jan-09 / 2-feb-09 / Livingston Island – Hanna Point
26-nov-08 / 19-dec-08 / 11-jan-09 / 3-feb-09 / Deception Island
27-nov-08 / 20-dec-08 / 12-jan-09 / 4-feb-09 / Trinity Island
28-nov-08 / 21-dec-08 / 13-jan-09 / 5-feb-09 / Entripres Island, Neko Harbour, Errara Channel
29-nov-08 / 22-dec-08 / 14-jan-09 / 6-feb-09 / Paradise Bay Paradise Harbour
30-nov-08 / 23-dec-08 / 15-jan-09 / 7-feb-09 / Peltier Channel, Lemaire Channel, Penola Strait, Argentine Island
1-dec-08 / 24-dec-08 / 16-jan-09 / 8-feb-09 / Petermann Island
2-dec-08 / 25-dec-08 / 17-jan-09 / 9-feb-09 / Lemaire Channel, Peltier Channel, Port Lockroy Bay, Wiencke Island, Jougla Point
3-dec-08 / 26-dec-08 / 18-jan-09 / 10-feb-09 / Wiencke Islands – Dorian Bay, Damoy Point
4-dec-08 / 27-dec-08 / 19-jan-09 / 11-feb-09 / Melchior Islands, Drake Passage
5-dec-08 / 28-dec-08 / 20-jan-09 / 12-feb-09 / Drake Passage
6-dec-08 / 29-dec-08 / 21-jan-09 / 13-feb-09 / Drake Passage
7-dec-08 / 30-dec-08 / 22-jan-09 / 14-feb-09 / Drake Passage
8-dec-08 / 31-dec-08 / 23-jan-09 / 15-feb-09 / Beagle Channel
9-dec-08 / 1-jan-09 / 24-jan-09 / 16-feb-09 / Ushaia
10-dec-08 / 2-jan-09 / 25-jan-09 / 17-feb-09 / Ushaia
Voyage 5 / Intended areas of operation including the names of landing sites
20-feb-08 / Ushuaia
21-feb-08 / Ushuaia Beagle Channel
22-feb-08 / Drake Passage
23-feb-08 / Drake Passage
24-feb-08 / Drake Passage
25-feb-08 / Drake Passage
26-feb-08 / Barrientos Island, Aitcho Islands, Halfmoons Island, Hanna Point
27-feb-08 / Deception Island, Telephone Bay, Whalers Bay, Pendulum Cove
28-feb-08 / Astrolabe Island
1-mrt-08 / Hope Bay
2-mrt-08 / Brown Bluff
3-mrt-08 / Devil Island
4-mrt-08 / Snow Hill Island
5-mrt-08 / Paulet Island
6-mrt-08 / Elephand Island
7-mrt-08 / Sailing
8-mrt-08 / Sailing
9-mrt-08 / Sailing
10-mrt-08 / Sailing
11-mrt-08 / Sailing
12-mrt-08 / Sailing
13-mrt-08 / South Georgia
14-mrt-08 / South Georgia
15-mrt-08 / South Georgia
16-mrt-08 / South Georgia
17-mrt-08 / South Georgia
18-mrt-08 / South Georgia
19-mrt-08 / Sailing to Tristan da Cunda
20-mrt-08 / Sailing to Tristan da Cunda
21-mrt-08 / Sailing to Tristan da Cunda
22-mrt-08 / Sailing to Tristan da Cunda
23-mrt-08 / Passing Antarctic convergence zone
Annex 3, Oceanwide Expeditions – Professor Molchanov, intended destinations season 2008-2009
Planned dates / 2Nov 2008 until 3April 2009Intended areas of operation including the names of proposed landing sites (alphabetical) / Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Sound
Baily Head
Beagle Channel
Brown Bluff
Deception Island
Drake Passage
Half Moon Island.
Hannah Point
Hope Bay
King George Island
Lemaire Channel
Melchior Islands
Neko Harbour
Neptune’s Bellows
Neumayer Channel
Paradise Bay
Paulet Island
Penguin Island
Port Stanley
Prion Island
Salisbury Plain
Seymour Island
Snow Hill Island
South Georgia
South Orkney Islands
South Shetlands Islands
Weddell Sea
Annex 4Oceanwide Expeditions – Aleksey Maryshev, intended destinations season 2008-2009
Planned dates / 2 Nov 2008 until 3April 2009Intended areas of operation including the names of proposed landing sites (alphabetical) / Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Sound
Baily Head
Beagle Channel
Brown Bluff
Deception Island
Drake Passage
Half Moon Island.
Hannah Point
Hope Bay
King George Island
Lemaire Channel
Melchior Islands
Neko Harbour
Neptune’s Bellows
Neumayer Channel
Paradise Bay
Paulet Island
Penguin Island
Port Stanley
Prion Island
Salisbury Plain
Seymour Island
Snow Hill Island
South Georgia
South Orkney Islands
South Shetlands Islands
Weddell Sea
Annex 5,Oceanwide Expeditions – Professor Multanovsky, intended destinations season 2008-2009
Planned dates / 2Nov 2008 until 3April 2009Intended areas of operation including the names of proposed landing sites (alphabetical) / Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Sound
Baily Head
Beagle Channel
Brown Bluff
Deception Island
Drake Passage
Half Moon Island.
Hannah Point
Hope Bay
King George Island
Lemaire Channel
Melchior Islands
Neko Harbour
Neptune’s Bellows
Neumayer Channel
Paradise Bay
Paulet Island
Penguin Island
Port Stanley
Prion Island
Salisbury Plain
Seymour Island
Snow Hill Island
South Georgia
South Orkney Islands
South Shetlands Islands
Weddell Sea
Annex 6,Oceanwide Expeditions – Grigory Mikheev, intended destinations season 2008-2009
Planned dates / 2 Nov 2008 until 3 April 2009Intended areas of operation including the names of proposed landing sites (alphabetical) / Antarctic Peninsula
Antarctic Sound
Baily Head
Beagle Channel
Brown Bluff
Deception Island
Drake Passage
Half Moon Island.
Hannah Point
Hope Bay
King George Island
Lemaire Channel
Melchior Islands
Neko Harbour
Neptune’s Bellows
Neumayer Channel
Paradise Bay
Paulet Island
Penguin Island
Port Stanley
Prion Island
Salisbury Plain
Seymour Island
Snow Hill Island
South Georgia
South Orkney Islands
South Shetlands Islands
Weddell Sea
--- End of Report ---