Ken (49) and Jennifer (41) and children Braylon (11) and Lexie (19)

Address: 211 W. Franklin St., Clinton, MI 49236

Contact: Jennifer Abraham (mom)

Primary Telephone: 734-904-0961

Email addresses:


Braylon Griggs is 11 years old and lives in Clinton, Michigan with his Mom - Jennifer, Stepdad – Ken and his older sister, Lexie.When Braylon was only three years old he was diagnosed as autistic. As Jennifer shared with Angels of Hope, it took a few years to find the right type of education and program that worked for Braylon but then he began to thrive. He was doing great.

At the end of his fifth grade year, Braylon became ill. After many trips to the E.R. and numerous tests and scans, the devastating diagnosis of a brain tumor was made. Unfortunately, due to the location of the tumor, it is inoperable and the best course of action was to immediately begin an intense chemotherapy regimen. After the first three rounds of chemotherapy, Braylon was extremely ill and not handling the effects of the chemo very well. He required long term hospitalizations to deal with the debilitating side effects.

Jennifer has been at Braylon’s side during all of his hospital stays and treatments. She has been unable to work since his diagnosis. Ken continues to work and picks up extra hours when he can. Of course, working the longer hours means he is unable to be at Braylon’s bedside and he’s not there to support Jennifer. The family is struggling financially since the loss of Jennifer’s income.

Angels of Hope is happy to be able to assist the family, by paying some of their basic living expenses, while they support Braylon in his fight.

JENNIFER’S UPDATE ON BRAYLON: Thank you so very much! Being included in the Angels of Hope Christmas Program will be a huge help for us this year.With all of the added expenses for Braylon it’s been difficult. My husband has been able to continue to work but I can no longer work because of Braylon's treatment and care. Right now our boy is on a good streak health wise and has not had to be admitted back to the hospital in a few weeks so we hope that continues.


Shirt size:16

Pant size: 16 Husky

Shoes size: 8 1/2

Favorite color theme:Blue/Red

Items NeededItems Wished For

XL Underwear / Wii U Games (The Wonderful 101, Mario Party 10)
Socks / Headphones
Winter Boots / Pie Face Games
Pajamas / Science Project/Experiments
Science/Universe Books, Adult Reading Level

Shirt size:Small

Pant size: 5

Shoes size: 9

Favorite colors:Spartans (Green)

Need items: Wish List:

Colorful Socks / Leggings
Winter Boots / Spartans Crew Neck
Gloves / Beats
Hats / Bath and Body Lotion and Spray

Ken (Father) 49 YEARs OLD
Shirt size:3X

Pant size:44/34

Shoes size:12x

Favorite color theme:U of M

NEED Items: WISH List:

Tube Socks / U of M Hoodies
Slippers / U of M Ball Cap XL
Winter Stocking Hat / Movie Theatre Tickets
Kohl’s Gift Card

Jennifer (Mother) 41 YEARs OLD
Shirt size: Large

Pant size: 10 Misses

Shoes size: 9 ½

Favorite colors:Purple

Need items: Wish List:

Winter Boots / Bath and Body Lotions, Body Spray
Gloves / Movie Theatre Tickets
Pajamas / Kohl’s Gift Card
JC Penny Gift Card