The Wild, Wild Web - Heads Up! Caveat Empor! (Buyer Beware)

The Wild, Wild Web - Heads Up! Caveat Empor! (Buyer Beware)

The Wild, Wild Web - Heads up! Caveat empor! (Buyer beware)

Rate the credibility of your sources on a 3 point scale based on author, purpose, audience, and publication info. Use the following chart to help you. If you decide to use the site you have evaluated, make a comment summarizing why you are using it. (There are lots of reasons to choose to use a web site; just be conscious of the reasons you choose to cite a source in your research.)

1= site lacks credibility / thin

2= site has some credibility, but also some weakness

3= site is highly credible / robust

Web address:

1 / 2 / 3
Author:Who wrote the Web page? Is the person an authority on the topic? What credentials does the author/site have?
Purpose: What is the goal of the site? Is the information accurate? Does it fit the goal of your project? Why did the author publish this site?
Audience:Does the site clearly identify the audience? Are you part of the intended audience? Does the audience for the site match you as a researcher?
Publication:When was the site published or last updated? Is the information current? Are the links up-to-date?
Overall: Based on your answers to the previous questions, rate the site as a source for your project.

Web address:

1 / 2 / 3
Author:Who wrote the Web page? Is the person an authority on the topic? What credentials does the author/site have?
Purpose: What is the goal of the site? Is the information accurate? Does it fit the goal of your project? Why did the author publish this site?
Audience:Does the site clearly identify the audience? Are you part of the intended audience? Does the audience for the site match you as a researcher?
Publication:When was the site published or last updated? Is the information current? Are the links up-to-date?
Overall: Based on your answers to the previous questions, rate the site as a source for your project.

Web address:

1 / 2 / 3
Author:Who wrote the Web page? Is the person an authority on the topic? What credentials does the author/site have?
Purpose: What is the goal of the site? Is the information accurate? Does it fit the goal of your project? Why did the author publish this site?
Audience:Does the site clearly identify the audience? Are you part of the intended audience? Does the audience for the site match you as a researcher?
Publication:When was the site published or last updated? Is the information current? Are the links up-to-date?
Overall: Based on your answers to the previous questions, rate the site as a source for your project.

Web address:

1 / 2 / 3
Author:Who wrote the Web page? Is the person an authority on the topic? What credentials does the author/site have?
Purpose: What is the goal of the site? Is the information accurate? Does it fit the goal of your project? Why did the author publish this site?
Audience:Does the site clearly identify the audience? Are you part of the intended audience? Does the audience for the site match you as a researcher?
Publication:When was the site published or last updated? Is the information current? Are the links up-to-date?
Overall: Based on your answers to the previous questions, rate the site as a source for your project.

Web address:

1 / 2 / 3
Author:Who wrote the Web page? Is the person an authority on the topic? What credentials does the author/site have?
Purpose: What is the goal of the site? Is the information accurate? Does it fit the goal of your project? Why did the author publish this site?
Audience:Does the site clearly identify the audience? Are you part of the intended audience? Does the audience for the site match you as a researcher?
Publication:When was the site published or last updated? Is the information current? Are the links up-to-date?
Overall: Based on your answers to the previous questions, rate the site as a source for your project.