O’Banion Middle School

Bison Band Program




Monday, August 22, 2016

Dear Band Parents and Students,

It is back to school time in TEXAS! Welcome back!! We hope you had an exciting and relaxing summer. We are looking forward to a great school year and contest season. There are many activities over the next few weeks we need to communicate with you. We have done our best to organize the events to where we can get things done as efficiently and effectively as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me if you need any further clarifications.

There will be few fees incurred by your student to ensure our band program runs smoothly and that your son/daughter is properly outfitted in band attire. Some may need to pay all the fees and others may only have to pay the band fee.

1.  The band fee is $30.00 this year for all band students. Each band student will receive a band t-shirt, a band binder with sheet protectors and other necessary items needed for band class. Shirts can be worn with jeans throughout the week on designated days. If your student has not paid for their band fee yet, please send that money as soon as possible. The band fee is due on Thursday, September 1st to the OMS Band Office.

2.  All students need to turn in their Consent Page and Medical Release Form from this handbook as soon as possible.

3.  Parents and friends are invited to purchase t-shirts as well. T-shirts are available for $10.00 and can be purchased through the band office. Please email, call, or/and send a note and the money with your student if you are interested in purchasing a band shirt. The band t-shirt deadline will be Friday, September 9th to the OMS Band Office.

4.  Students renting instruments from O’Banion Middle School Band will need to pay a rental fee of $25/semester ($50/year). Please send that money as soon as possible. If you are unable to pay at this time, please let us know when the money will be available and we will plan accordingly. The band rental fee is due on Thursday, September 1st to the OMS Band Office.

5.  Tickets for The Garland ISD Band Programs Festival of Bands will be on sale in the O’Banion MS Band Office beginning Friday, September 16th for $4.00 each. This is a fundraiser for us as well. The Garland ISD Band Programs will present their annual Festival of Bands on Monday, October 10th beginning at 6:30 pm at HBJ Stadium located at 1209 E Centerville Rd in Garland. Each high school marching band and Honors Middle School Band in the district will be performing at this great event. We encourage parents, guardians, friends, relatives, students, and supporters of The O’Banion Middle School Band Program to attend this great evening of music.

6.  The OMS Band Fall Concert will be Tuesday, October 11 at 6:30 pm at the OMS Big Gymnasium. All OMS Bands (Beginning, Concert, Symphonic, and Honors) will be performing for this event. All OMS band students are required and expected to attend this great event. Attire will be band shirt and jeans. The call time for students to be in their designated location with their instrument and music will be 6:15 pm. We encourage parents, guardians, friends, relatives, students, and supporters of The O’Banion Middle School Band Program to attend this great evening of music.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the above information, please contact me. I will be happy to visit with you about it. The calendar for the 2016-2017 school is printed in the back of the handbook. Please make sure you mark your calendars and plan accordingly.

I hope that you are getting as excited!! I am looking forward to a great year.

Musically yours,

Chauvin D. Aaron

Director of Bands

O’Banion Middle School

700 Birchwood Drive

Garland, TX 75043

972-279-6103 ext. 50816

Bison Band Members,

My name is Mr. Jayson Burscough, and I am the new Assistant Band Director at O’Banion Middle School. I have met some of you, and I look forward to meeting the rest of you. I will be taking on the beginning brass classes, as well as team teaching the Honor and Symphonic Bands with Mr. Aaron. I want to tell you a little bit about myself – I am originally from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma and am a graduate of Broken Arrow High School. I attended the University of Tulsa and graduated with degrees in Music Education and Horn Performance. Shortly after my time at Tulsa, I attended the University of North Texas and graduated last May with my Masters in Horn Performance. I have spent the last seven years in school getting ready to pursue my career in music education, and I am ready for a great start at O’Banion Middle School!

See you soon,

Mr. Burscough

O’Banion Middle School Band Staff


Mr. Chauvin D. Aaron

Director of Bands

O’Banion MS

Beginning Flute (1), Symphonic Band (2), Honors Band (4),

Beginning Saxophone (5), Concert Band (6), Beginning Clarinet (7)

Office 972-279-6103 ext. 50816

Mr. Jayson Burscough

Associate Band Director

O’Banion MS

Beginning Trombone (1), Symphonic Band (2), Honors Band (4), Beginning Trumpet (5), Beginning Euphonium/Tuba (6),Beginning Horn (7)

Office 972-279-6103 ext. 50816

Mr. Joe Robinson

Assistant Band Director

Percussion Instructor

South Garland HS/O’Banion MS

Symphonic Band (2), Beginning Percussion (3), Honors Band (4)

Office 972-279-6103 ext. 50816

Mr. Gary Burch

Associate Band Director

South Garland HS

Honors Band (4)

Office 972-279-6103 ext. 50816

Mr. Mike Beasley

Director of Bands

South Garland HS

Office 972-279-6103 ext. 50816

O’Banion Middle School

Band Booster Officers


President-Ms. Kristi Griffin

Vice President-Ms. Jenifer Dreyer

Secretary/Treasurer-Ms. Secklia Bolden

Community Liaison-Ms. Pauline Arnold

O’Banion MS Mission Statement

O’Banion Middle School is an innovative, educational institution geared towards meeting the diverse needs of the student body, raising the standards of achievement for every learner served, and preparing our students to be successful members of a highly competitive globalized society.

O’Banion MS Vision Statement

Build a growth mindset culture for everyone

O’Banion MS Band Vision Statement

To promote and foster a stand of excellence in music making through interactive and innovative practices by developing cultural awareness, positive social interaction, and leadership skills in an ever changing globalized society.

O’Banion MS Band Creed

We are the O’Banion Band. We are successful because every day we strive to be better than we were yesterday. We are conscientious and detail oriented, always focused on what is best for the team. We are the best because we always give our best. We are bison!

O’Banion MS Alma Mater

Our loyalty we pledge to you,

O’Banion Middle School;

Proudly we sing of orange and white

Our colors we always raise high.

With pride we stand behind our school

Our hearts are filled with joy!

Hail to our alma mater true

O’Banion Middle school!

Course Descriptions

Beginning Band:

O’Banion offers nine beginning band classes that together form the O’Banion Beginning Band. Placement and permission are required prior to enrolling in these classes. These classes focus on the fundamentals of tone, embouchure, playing/hand position, tonguing, musical expression, and music theory are meant to prepare students for further study in advanced bands.

Beginning Band students have a separate list of experiences specifically designed for beginning instrumentalists. Private lessons are highly encouraged as they ensure the greatest level of success for each student. Although practice is important for every student, proper practice is extremely important for beginning students. Furthermore, students and families should look for as many opportunities to play and perform as possible. Please see calendar at the end of the handbook for performances, events, and activities for this ensemble.


Percussion students will be working very closely with Mr. Robinson during their assigned class, rehearsals, sectionals, and master classes scheduled before and after school. It is important to note that the O’Banion Percussion Department prides itself on precision and professionalism. Students will maintain their membership in this section by exhibiting an attitude of excellence at all times.

Concert Band:

The Concert Band is an Intermediate Band course designed for 7th and 8th Grade students to reinforce their fundamental musical knowledge and skills. The students in this ensemble class are expected to refine basic performance skills in the area of tone, embouchure, playing/hand position, tonguing, musical expression, and music theory as they perform music as an individual player as well as an ensemble. Please see calendar at the end of the handbook for performances, events, and activities for this ensemble.

Symphonic Band:

The Symphonic Band is an advanced band course designed for 7th and 8th Grade students to reinforce their fundamental musical knowledge and skills. The students in this ensemble class are expected to refine basic performance skills in the area of tone, embouchure, playing/hand position, tonguing, musical expression, and music theory as they perform music as an individual player as well as an ensemble. This ensemble will perform as a Non-Varsity ensemble in UIL Competition. Please see calendar at the end of the handbook for performances, events, and activities for this ensemble.

Please Note: Students will have to pass-off materials to determine eligibility to perform for select events. The O’Banion Band Staff reserves the right to determine whether or not a student is prepared to perform or travel with the O’Banion Bison Band Program.

Honors Band:

The Honors Band is the most advanced band course designed for 7th and 8th Grade students offered on our campus and requires a high level of commitment and performance from students enrolled in the class. Students in this ensemble class are expected to perform challenging music at a high level as an individual player as well as an ensemble. This ensemble will perform as a Varsity ensemble in UIL Competition. Please see calendar at the end of the handbook for performances, events, and activities for this ensemble.

Please Note: Students will have to pass-off materials to determine eligibility to perform for select events. The O’Banion Band Staff reserves the right to determine whether or not a student is prepared to perform or travel with the O’Banion Bison Band Program.

Bison Band Policies

Failure to comply with these rehearsal and attendance rules may result in lowering of the student’s grade, detention, parent conference, dismissal from the rehearsal, or permanent dismissal from participation in the ensemble.


1. Be on time.

2. Be ready.

3. Be aware of others.

4. Be responsible and attentive.

5. Be prepared.

BAND ROOM standards for the O’Banion Band are as follows:

1.  Only members associated with the band are allowed to enter the band room without the advanced permission of band faculty.

2.  Absolutely no gum.

3.  No food or drink is allowed in the band hall especially during rehearsal times with the exception of water. Other than water, the only food or snacks permitted are those items that the band has purchased and distributed before, during, and after rehearsals.

4.  At the beginning and end of each rehearsal, the band room will be cleaned and all trash will be disposed of properly.

5.  Only instruments, music, and rehearsal materials will be permitted in the band set-up. All other materials/personal belongings (including cases) will be organized in and around the instrument storage areas.

REHEARSAL standards for the O’Banion Band are as follows:

1.  Each student must be on time to rehearsals. To be early is to be on time and to be on time is to be late. At the start time of rehearsal, students must be in their assigned seat with their instrument and prepared to successfully complete the rehearsal. Meaning that all maintenance concerns with their instrument have been previously resolved and they have on their person all music and materials required to have a successful rehearsal.

2.  Should a student have a specific concern that does not concern or benefit any other member of the ensemble, he or she may first discreetly get the attention of the band director assisting with the rehearsal (if there is one), not the director on the podium conducting the band.

3.  Socializing during instruction (rehearsal) in never permitted. This includes talking, texting (or anything else not band related on your smart device), or note passing during rehearsals. Students will be asked to work regularly with each other in various activities by the director.

4.  Each student must present their best efforts during rehearsals at all times. This means that each member will have practiced ensemble music prior to rehearsal and will strive to make the best sounds they can make at all times.

EQUIPMENT standards are as follows:

1.  Members will treat any and all property associated with the O’Banion Band, whether it is owned by the school or by individual members, with the utmost respect. A member will never intentionally cause damage to any property of this nature and will accordingly be held financially responsible for any damages that the band faculty and school administration determines to be at their fault.

2.  School instruments are available for $25/semester ($50/year). This fee will be used for instrument maintenance and supplies.

3.  It shall be the individual’s responsibility to have the correct accessories, for example: valve oil, slide lubricant, cork grease, four good reeds, etc.

4.  Students must make sure their instrument is in good playing condition.

5.  Accessory items (oil, reeds, etc.) can be purchased at an area music store or through the band office. Please keep charges to a minimum by thinking ahead, and having the correct change.

6.  Students will respect all uniforms associated with the O’Banion Band Program with respect. Uniforms are to be kept clean as well as ironed/pressed.


i.  The concert attire for Honors Band consists of the following:

* Tuxedo Coat-Boys (Provided)

* Tuxedo Shirt-Boys (Provided)

* Tuxedo Pants-Boys (Provided)

* Tie and Cummerbund-Boys (Provided)