HOA Yearly Meeting Minutes
March29, 2006
Board Attendees: Bud Willard, Rich Willard, Camilla Giles, Gerardina Kenney
and Stephanie Saxton
Introduction by Bud Willard
- Discussed the Proxy vote and quorum to vote.
- With the people in attendance plus the proxy’s received = the quorum, Bud was elected for three more years.
- We asked is anyone opposed and no one did.
- Introduced the Board members.
- Bud seeking reelection.
- Discussed 2005 Expenses and 2006 Budget.
- Discussed that homeowners still were past due on their HOA dues and will be taken to District Court.
- Explained the bid process for Landscaping.
- Advised recycle lids will be delivered to homeowners’ doors.
CERT Presentation by Tom Thomas
- Tom described what CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) was and how it could help our development in case of an emergency.
- Asked for volunteers.
Website/Communication by HOA presented by Steph Saxton and Rich Willard
- Explained the website and will hopefully be up and running soon.
- Discussed new email list for future communications
- Paper newsletters will still be available to those who do not have a computer.
Bud opened the floor to comments/suggestions
- Social Committee advised they were going to host a Village Clean-Up Day.
- A homeowner expressed anger toward the social committee and their asking of donations for a needy family when there are many other charities that people belong to and support.
- Cheryl Hanson advised the audience that she and Kelly Kelly had put together a list of documents to be sent to Dilsheimer about all the things they promised us from the beginning. Bud Willard asked why they did not contact the HOA board about this and let us review before sending.
- Discussion arose about the trash and recycle problem in the development. A letter will be written to express our discontent with York disposal.
- Cheryl Hanson and Stephanie Hayner brought up the speeding issue and how they want to see about getting the speed limit reduced to 15 mph. Steph Saxton brought up that her father was a police officer and advised that the naked eye can not predict the speed of cars. Only a trained eye with two points of reference can predict the speed of cars. Plus, 25 mph appears fast to the average person.
- Many homeowners raised concerns about the increase in the level of dog poop showing up on their properties and in the open spaces. The HOA board advised them to inform the dog owner if they see it happening. Cheryl Hanson and Steph Hayner advised that maybe we should consider putting bag stations throughout the development.
- Cheryl Hanson brought up that May 7th is the Auto show, Soap Box Derby and Day in the Park for EastFallowfieldTownship. Rain or shine.
Bud thanked all in attendance and meeting was adjourned.