Spring 2016 - MW 2:00-4:50 PM, ENV. 241
Dr. Reid Ferring
Office: 242 ENV
Office Hours: M-T 11:00-12:30PM (or appointment)
Text: Soils: Genesis and Classification, 5th ed. (Buol, et al. 2003). Plus additional readings to be suited to your thesis and/or interests.
Course objectives
- To acquire knowledge and understanding of 1) The nature and properties of soils, 2) the processes which govern the formation of soils, 3) the classification and distribution of soils, 4) the methods of soils analysis, and 5) the significance of soils to other disciplines, including environmental science, Quaternary geology and geomorphology and archaeology.
This course carries four semester hours credit. You will receive one grade for this course, according to the following distribution:
Item Percent of course grade
Exam I 15%
Exam II 15%
Exam III (final) 15%
Labs 25%
Paper 30%
Your lab grade will be based on your average grade for all labs (100 points each). Although you will participate in the labs with the undergraduate students, you will be asked changed/added questions pertaining to each lab. We will find a time for weekly “recitations” for us to discuss the topics in more detail, and for you to present results of your individual readings.
Guidelines for papers will be distributed separately. Papers are due 2 weeks before the final exam.
Notes: 1) The Department of Geography does not allow any extra credit assignments
2) A grade of incomplete will be assigned only in the event of unavoidable, adverse circumstances
Disability Accommodations
The Department of Geography, in cooperation withy the Office of Disability Accommodation, complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for students with qualified disabilities. Please present your written accommodation request before the 12th class day (January 27, 2014).
Classroom Environment
Students are expected to respect the teaching environment, especially as it relates to those around them. Behaviors that disrupt the class will not be tolerated. Use of cell phones during the class, including text messaging, is strictly prohibited, and cell phones must be turned off and out-of-sight. Disruptive activities may result in the student being listed as absent for that class.
Attendance to labs and lectures is required. Labs will include both on-campus exercises and short trips in personal vehicles to local soils exposures. The precise schedule of labs and lectures may have to be adjusted, according to weather conditions.
Academic Dishonesty
Students who cheat or plagiarize on any exam or lab (see UNT Undergraduate Catalog for definitions), will be given a grade of F for the course, and will be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for possible further penalty.
SOILS GEOMORPHOLOGY (GEOL 5630.001) Spring 2016
MW 2:00-4:50 241 ENV
Course Outline
20 Introduction 1
25 Soil Morphology 2
27 Lab 1: soil color, texture
1 Soil Composition, Profiles, Horizons 2
3 Lab 2: FIELD sandy soil profile
8 Weathering and soil forming processes 3
10 Lab 3: Soil Horizons and Subhorizons
15 Parent Materials and Topography 3
17 Lab 4: FIELD Soil Parent Materials and Catenas
22 Soil Ecosystems: Climate 4
29 Soil Ecosystems: Organisms 4
2 Lab 6: Climate and Texas Soils
7 Soils in Space and Time 5
9 Lab 7: Soil chronosequences
21 Soil Taxonomy 6,7
23 Lab 9: Taxonomy Denton Co. Soils
28 Alfisols and Mollisols 8,15
30 Lab 9: FIELD Mollisol Profile
6 No lab
11 Aridsols and Vertisols 10,19
13 Lab 10: FIELD Alfisol Profile
18 Late Quaternary Soils lecture
20 Lab 11: FIELD: Elm Fork Trinity Soils
25 Soil phosphorous, potassium and micronutrients handout
27 No lab
2 Soil Nitrogen and Sulfur handout
4 No Lab
9 Last (FINAL) Exam 1:30-3:30 PM