HOA Advisory Notes with CMS 5-4-2016
Need 212 and we are at 205.
7 homes left to be sold and closed.
Like to give 30 days notice so we can hit the quorum number (Lee will research that). Everyone will get a letter and an email.
Fall/winter turn over at the latest.
CMS is interested in continuing management.
Either way they are prepared to help us transition either way.
MI will be responsible for paving roads and items in the covenants after we take over. When MI is done building it will be turned over to the city of Indianapolis for maintenance.
Thompson Road entrance will most likely be last paved since it has construction traffic that damages the road. They are trying to keep damage to a minimum.
No plans for a street light at Thompson. Has been talks for landscape lighting at that entrance.
No more street lamps will be put in. No lights will be placed on Franklin Rd. Municipalities require fewer lights.
Ponds-will be cleaned regularly and contract started in April.
MI committed to putting in a fountain. At this time the homeowners have not signed off on electricity being routed to pond to run fountain. So awaiting homeowners to agree this is okay. This is two homes near the pond.
Sludge from one pond moved to other pond (pond with problems).
ASAP aquatics pull the fountains out in late October and put back in late March or early April. This costs $350 to store for winter.
Rip wrap won’t help with algae. MI says rip wrap was not supposed to go into this pond. Because it is shallow the depth drops quickly. So you can’t install rip wrap where pond will come off when it goes down. There is no erosion at the bank of the pond. Rip wrap helps with erosion not with structure. Ron addresses safety concerns for children and need for rip wrap. Lee has spoke to residents on pond and they were more concerned with appearance. This pond does have a ridge for safety. Depth of ponds are based on watershed of homes by it. If water level stays up it is easy to treat the algae, if the level continues to lower then we need to use an alternative chemical.
Drain has one grate place on it for safety reasons.
Construction trash will be communicated to MI so that it can be addressed.
Mary will work to get dead trees on Thompson and replaced by the end of the month. Weather has affected many plants and it continues to get worse.
Certapro will paint signs this spring.
They will put up yard signs on Monday May 30th and ads will be placed in the Informer and the Indy Star.
Can we hire someone to trim the trees by the sidewalks? No money in the budget to that, it will be the homeowner’s responsibility.
Tree trimming service that is recommend is Green Arbor. Green Arbor will do group discounts.
Website is owned by the community. Marlin Meadows owns the domain so we can continue to have it. It is $350-$400/year.
Guard shack will be cleaned and locked up.
Mary has had 3 years of experience. She has been with CMS for 7-8 months. She will be more attentive and communicate more effectively than previous staff. Was assigned to this account was because of the lack of communication in the past was poor.
Recommend every other month advisory meetings to get more comfortable with transition. They want to bring MI to talk about remaining issues.
Annual meeting will be in fall.
Questions for MI:
Does MI continue to pay for lots they own after it is turned over.
Will ask about lights on Franklin Rd. and Thompson Rd.
How to rectify depth of this pond?
Drain has one grate place on it for safety reasons.
Send us plot map and which homeowners need to have electricity for the fountain.
Inform us what the plan of action is as far as the damage to the lawns.
When will connection road (Hornady Dr.) be made for construction traffic so they do not have to go by playground?
Give Gretchen access to send minutes in an email blast and put notes on website.