IGNITE QuestionnaireCode Number ______For reminders

The following questions ask your thoughts and opinions about returning genetic research results to research participants. There are no right or wrong answers. We are interested in what you think. In each question, follow the instructions and please choose whichever option fits you best.

You are being contacted because you or your child has taken part in the IGNITE research study (Orphan Diseases: identifying Genes and Novel Therapeutics to Enhance Treatment) or in its predecessor study AMGGI (Atlantic Medical Genomics and Genetic Initiative)research study. IGNITEand AMGGI have a central aim to understand the genetic causes of rare medical conditions. In searching for the genetic cause it is possible to discover information about genes in conditions other than the one under study. The following questions ask about if and how best to tell you or your child about results of genetic research.

All questionnaires will be confidential, so that neither you nor your family member nor your physician can be identified. The questionnaire should take about 20-30 minutes to complete.

We thank you in advance for your voluntary participation.

If you DO NOT want to take part in this questionnaire, it would be helpful for us to know a little bit about the people who decide not to take part. Please go to page14 and answer questions beginning at question number 28.

If you DO want to take part in this questionnaire, start here:


These first few questions are about taking part in the IGNITEgenetic research study.

1. Who in your family has taken part in the IGNITE research study?

(Please circle all that apply)

  1. Myself
  2. My child(ren) Ages: ______
  3. My partner (for example wife, girlfriend, boyfriend)
  4. My brother or sister
  5. My parents
  6. Others ______

2. What led to your decision to take part in theIGNITE genetic research study?

(Please check one box only in each row)

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a. I thought it would help me or my family learn about the cause of the condition under study
b. I thought it would help me or my family get information about treatment options
c. I thought it would help make life better for others with the same condition
d. I thought it would not take too much time
e. I trusted the person who offered me the study
f. The study was easy to understand
g. I am not worried about potential impact of genetic results upon future life insurance
h. I am not worried about potential impact of genetic results upon the ability to get work

3. This question asks about whether or not you were told you could get the results from the IGNITE study you took part in.(Please circle the answer or answers that best describe what happened)

a.I was told when I would get the results

b. I was NOT told when I would get the results

c. I was told who would provide me the results

d. I was NOT told who would provide me the results.

e. I was told how the results would be provided

f. I was NOT told how the results would be provided

g. I was told that I could get the results but cannot remember the details.

4. Have you received genetic results from theIGNITE study?

  1. Yes go to 4a.
  2. No go to 5.

4a. If you receivedthe genetic results from theIGNITE study, were you able to understand them?(Please circle one answer only)

a. Fully

b. Partially

c. Not at all

4b. If you received the genetic results from the IGNITE study, did you get any assistance from a health professional in helping to understand them?(Please circle one answer only)


b. No

c. I do not remember

4c. If you received genetic results from the IGNITE study, would you choose to receivethe results again?(Please circle one answer only)

a. Yes

b. No (If no, please explain whynot?)______

These next few questions are about genetic research in IGNITE for your CHILD.

5. Did your child take part in IGNITE research?

(Please circle one answer only)

a. Yes, go to question 6

b. No, I declined to give consent for my child, go to question 7

c. No, my child was not asked to take part, go to question 8

d. Don’t Know, go to question 8

6. If you gave consent for your child to take part in IGNITE, what led to your decision? (Please check one box only in each row)

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a. I thought it would help me or my family learn about the cause of the condition under study
b. I thought it would help me or my family get information about treatment options
c. I thought it would help make life better for others with the same condition
d. I thought it would not take too much time
e. I trusted the person who offered me the study
f. The study was easy to understand
g. Other (please state here)

7.If you did not consent for your child to take part in IGNITE, what led to that decision? (Please circle all that apply)

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a. I thought it would NOThelp my child
b. I did not want my child to be a “guinea pig”
c. I thought it would NOThelp others
d. I thought it would take too much time
e. I thought the results might cause problems for insurance for my child in the future
f. I thought the results might cause problems for work for my child in the future
g. Other (please state here)
The next questions ask about being offered the results of genetic research that are discovered as part of the IGNITE study.
Genetic research may be very complicated. It may show the cause of the condition being investigated in your family. It may also show unexpected findings that would suggest that you are predisposed to other genetic conditions that may arise later in life. It may show that you are a carrier of a genetic condition that you could pass on to your child. Sometimes, the research can find a genetic condition for which there is treatment and sometimes no medical treatment may be known.
Please answer the following questions, even if it is not known if the condition in your family has a genetic cause.

8. How reliabledo you think that genetic results are when obtained in a research laboratory compared to a clinical laboratory? (Please circle one answer only)

a. A research lab is more reliable than a clinical lab

b. A researchlab is equally reliable as a clinical lab

c. A research lab is not as reliable as a clinical lab

d. I do not know.

9. a. Genetic research may lead to results that help us to understand you or your child’s genetic condition.

Do you feel that you have a right to get these types of results?

(Please circle one answer only)

a. Very strong rights

b. Strong rights

c. Few rights

d. No right

9. b. Genetic research may lead to results that are unrelated to you or your child’s genetic condition but tells us about other genes in their body that may not be working well.

Do you feel that you have a right to get results that are unrelated to the original reason that you or your child took part in the research? (Please circle one answer only)

a. Very strong rights

b. Strong rights

c. Few rights

d. No right

Sometimes the results of genetic research show a clearly abnormal finding for which everyone is affected. Sometimes the genetic research results are less clear in terms of how they might impact the health of individual people. It is possible that many abnormal findings will be identified that are potentially relevant to a person’s future health. The following questions relate to this topic.

10 a. Consider a situation where the health impact of a genetic research result is potentially serious. For example, the genetic result means an increased risk of cancer or death.

Which of the following do you feel is the best approach for returning genetic research results to participants if the result is serious?

(Please circle only one answer)

a.Participants should be routinely notified ifall are expected to get the condition.

b. Participants should be routinely notified ifmore than three quarters will get the condition.

c Participants should be routinely notified ifmore than half will get the condition

d. Participants should be routinely notified ifmore than a quarter will get the condition

e. Participants should be routinely notified even if only very few (less than 1 in 20) will get the condition

f. Participants should not be routinely notified- this is only a research finding

11. What do you believe are the best ways to deal with results that have uncertain impacts upon participants?(Please circle one answer only)

a. The researcher should decide whether or not to give back the results.

b. The researcher and the participant should decide together.

c. All results should be returned to participants, even if the meaning is uncertain.

d. An independent committee made up of members of the public and scientists should decide if the results should be offered to research participants.

e. Other ______

11a. If a researcher or an independent committee makes the decision about giving genetic results back to participants, do you:

1. Want to know that a decision not to give results back has been made (circle Y or N)?

a. Yes b. No

2. Want to be able to challenge a decision not to give results back (circle Y or N) ?

a. Yes b. No

12 a. Should genetic counselling be offered prior to a sample being taken to do genetic research?(Please circle one answer only)

a. Always

b. Mostly

c. Sometimes

d. Never

e. I am uncertain what genetic counselling is

12 b. Should genetic counselling be offered prior to research results being returned to participants or their families?(Please circle one answer only)

a. Always

b. Mostly

c. Sometimes

d. Never

e. I am uncertain what genetic counselling is

13 a. Please consider a situation where genetic research results from a study YOU took part in were available to you through a confidential website. These results would give you all the potential diseases that you may be at risk for based on the genetic analysis of your sample.

Would you access such a site independently (without assistance from a health care professional)?(Please circle one answer only)

a. Very likely

b. Likely

c. Do not know

d. Unlikely

e. Very unlikely

13 b. Please consider a situation where genetic research results from a study YOUR CHILD took part in were available to you through a confidential website. These would give you all the potential diseases discovered that your child may be at risk for based on the genetic analysis of your sample.

Would you access such a site independently (without assistance from a health care professional)?(Please circle one answer only)

a. Very likely

b. Likely

c. Do not know

d. Unlikely

e. Very unlikely

14. In this question, children refer to young people who cannot provide their own consent for genetic research testing.

Please check one box only in each row indicating how you feel about the following statements

Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a. Children shouldbe able to take part in research testingfor genetic conditions that begin during childhood, even if there is no treatment that can alter the course of the condition
b. Children should be able to take part in research testing for genetic conditions for which there is a treatment that begins during childhood that can alter the course of the condition
c. Children should be able to take part in research testing for genetic conditions that start in adulthood and have no treatment that can alter the course
d. Children should be able to take part in research testing for genetic conditions that will arise in their adult years, only if there is treatment or prevention that should begin in childhood
An unexpected finding in genetic research is a result that shows you may have a predisposition to a genetic condition that was not being looked for. An example is finding a genetic result that shows you have an increased risk of breast cancer when the original reason you took part in the IGNITE project was to look for the genetic cause of cataracts.
This next section asks about UNEXPECTED results.

15. Please check one box only indicating how you feel about the following statements. These all refer to being offered UNEXPECTED results (findings that are not related to the main reason the study was done).

(Please check one box in each row)

I would want the UNEXPECTED results of genetic research: / Definitely Yes / Maybe
Yes / Maybe No / Definitely
a. only if the gene explains the condition that I or my family have
b. that shows a gene that could cause me to die at a younger age for which there is prevention or treatment
c. that shows a gene that could cause me to die at a younger age for which there is NO prevention or treatment
d. that shows a gene that
could have a health impact for my child for which there is prevention or treatment
e. that shows a gene that
could have a health impact for my child for which there is NO prevention or treatment
f. that shows a gene that causes a condition with only mild symptoms for my child.

16. Would you want to know the results of an UNEXPECTED findingfor which we are uncertain whether there is an effect on the health for you or your children? (Please circle one answer only)

a. Yes, I would want to know no matter how uncertain the effect on health.

b. Yes, I would want to know even if you were mildly uncertain of the effect on health.

c. No, I would not want to know if you were mildly uncertain of the effect on health.

d. No, I would not want to know if you were very uncertain of the effect on health.

16 a. Sometimes genetic research techniques may turn up more than a dozen different incidental findings that have potential relevance to a person’s future health. This may cause a great deal of psychological stress for an individual. Do you think that there should be a maximum number of incidental findings given to participants (with their consent)?(Please circle one answer only)

a. All relevant findings should be returned to participants, if they want to know

b. Only the finding relevant to the condition under study should be returned.

c. Only one or two serious findings should be returned

d. Up to ten serious findings should be returned

e. Other ______

17. Please indicate if you would want to get results back in each of the following situations. (Please check one box only in each row)

I would want the results of genetic research related to the condition under study in IGNITE: / Definitely Yes / Maybe
Yes / Maybe No / Definitely
a. that shows a gene that explains the condition that I have
b. that shows a gene that could cause me to die at a younger age for which there is prevention or treatment
c. that shows a gene that could cause me to die at a younger age for which there is NO prevention or treatment
d. that show a gene that
could have a health impact for my child during childhood for which there is prevention or treatment
e. that shows a gene that
could have a health impact for my child during childhood for which there is NO prevention or treatment

18. We would like to know what you feel is/are the best reasons to give genetic research results back to people who take part in research.

Please check one box per row toshow to what extend you agree or disagree with the following:

The best reasons to give research results back are: / Strongly Agree / Agree / Neither Agree or Disagree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a. Emphasizes how important the participant was to the research project
b. Provides information that may improve the quality of life of the participant
c. Provides information that may prevent future harm to the participant
d. Raises public awareness of the importance of research
e. Reduces secrecy surrounding research
f. Decreases the chance that the participant will feel used by the researcher
g. I don’t think that there are any good reasons to give research results back to participants

19. What do you feel is or are the most important issues parents should consider in deciding whether or not to get genetic research results?

Please check one box per row to show to what extent you agree or disagree with the following:

The most important issues parents should consider in deciding whether or not to get genetic research results are: / Strongly Agree / Agree / Neither Agree or Disagree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a. Distress knowing that there is a genetic cause to the condition.
b. Distress knowing that there are potential problems for other family members
c. Possible impact upon ability to get insurance in the future
d. Possible impact upon ability to get work in the future
e. Possible inaccuracy of the genetic results obtained in a research context
f. Possible unnecessary worry about genetic results not likely to cause harm
g. Possible danger in misinterpreting the meaning of a genetic result for a person
h. I don’t think that there are any good reasons not to give research results back to participants
Sometimes genetic research will turn up results in you that might be important to extended family or relatives. An example may be a genetic abnormality that shows an increased risk of breast cancer in an aunt.

20. What do you feel should happen when genetic research results for you show an increased risk of serious health impacts for extended family or relatives? (Please circle all that apply)