St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff
Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315
Mass Intentions from Sat. 22nd Aug. to Sun. 30th Aug. 2015
Sat. 22nd Aug. [V] 7.00 p.m.:Ann Browne, Kiltimagh
Sun. 23rd Aug.10.00 a.m.:Breege Jordan
Mon. 24th Aug.10.00 a.m.:Special Intention
Tue. 25th Aug.10.00 a.m.:John & Elizabeth Ruttledge
Wed. 26th Aug.10.00 a.m.: Decd. members of Kilduff & O’Neill families
Thu. 27th Aug.No Mass
Fri.28th Aug.10.00 a.m.:Pat Murphy, Castle Cloghans (Anniv.) & decd. family
Sat.29th Aug.12 Noon:Liam Kelly (Month’s Mind)
Sat. 29th Aug. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Paddy Walsh (Anniv.) & decd. family
Sun. 30th June10.00 a.m.: Special Intention
CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass
READERS: 30th Aug. – [V] Gillian Sleater. [10] Patricia Kneafsey.
E. MINISTERS: 30th Aug. – [V] Ann Breslin. [10] Gerry O’Connor.
CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 8: Teresa Traynor, Mary O’Connor.
No Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: On Wed. 26th August.
Knockmore GAA Lotto: Draw in Clubrooms Sat. 22nd August.
Mini-Ceilí: Every Sun. night in the Mayfly Hotel, Foxford – from 8.30 p.m.
Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.
Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.
Conn Rangers Lotto: 17/08/2015. Numbers drawn: 4. 5. 25. 29. No Jackpot Winner. Season winners: Jack Dempsey, Nora Herbert, Enda Rochford. Weekly:Phil Davis, Davy’s Tool Hire, Michael Langan. Next Draw in Brogan’s Mon. 24/08/2015. Next Jackpot is €4,800.
Crisis Pregnancy Support Services: Cura cares! 1850 622 626.
Accord: Counselling for people experiencing difficulties in their marriage – 096 21478.
Bingo in Knockmore C. Hall: Mon. 24th Aug. at 9pm. €2,600 in prizes. Please Support.
Knockmore/Rathduff Over 60’s Night Out at McWilliam Park Hotel, Claremorris on Wed. 2nd Sept. Dinner and Cabaret €30 per person (subsidised price). Bus will leave Gala Ballina at 5.15pm, Knockmore at 5.30pm, Foxford at 5.45pm. Returning approx. 1am to Knockmore. Names by Sun. 30th August to Ann McHale (094) 9258412 or Martina Gardiner (094) 92 58160.
TAX REBATE 2014: As a registered Charity, Backs Parish is entitled to claim back from the Revenue Commissioners the tax paid by parishioners on their contributions to the various Church collections. To be eligible for 2014 tax rebate scheme, the donor must have paid Income Tax in 2014 and have contributed at least €250 to the church collections. If you completed the form last year, you don’t need to do anything. If you completed the form last year and did not pay income tax, please contact Fr. Flynn. This is very valuable income for the parish. If you have any queries, please contact Fr. Flynn.
Moyne College: 1st Year students only – Mon. 24th & Tue. 25th Aug. 5th Years – Thur. 27th Aug. All students – Fri. 28th Aug. All start at 9.10am. Places available on FETAC Level 5 Courses.
St.Muredach’s College: Thur. 27th Aug. 1st Years only 9.30am-1pm. Mass at 10am. Parents, guardians & family members welcome. Tue. 1st Sept. 2nd & 3rd Years return. Wed. 2nd Sept. 4th & 5th Years. Mon. 7th Sept. Transition Years & Repeat L.Cert. students return.
Moffatt School of Irish Dancing will recommence class in Knockmore resource centre on Thursday September 3rd at 4pm. Beginners welcome. Information from Sheila on 0879364504.
Western Care: Tour of Mayo Charity Cycle on Sun. 6th Sept. Conatact 094 9029144.
Bri Brain Information: On supports and services within the Mayo area, relating to an accident, fall or stroke. contact 087 168 5554.
Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015
Church of Christ the King, Knockmore
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – 23rd August 2015
Sat. 22nd Aug. [V] 8.00 p.m.:Vincent Coyne, Carragorru
Sun. 23rd Aug.11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish
Mon. 24th Aug.10.00 a.m.:Bridgie & William Butler
Tues. 25th Aug. 10.00 a.m.:Jimmy Foody, Ballinahaglish
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tues. 10.30am – 6.30 p.m.
Wed. 26th Aug.10.00 a.m.:Thomas & Mary Reape, Michael & Bridget Robinson
& decd. Reape family
Thur. 27th Aug. 7.00 p.m.:Kathleen & Patrick Lally, Tavanaghmore
Fri. 28th August 10.00 a.m.:Holy Souls
Sat. 29th Aug.10.00 a.m.:Josephine Reidy, Lisduovogue
Sat. 29th Aug. [V] 8.00 p.m.:John & Veronica McHale, Currabaggan
Sun. 30th Aug.11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish
CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Vigil Mass.
READERS: 30th Aug. [V] Teresa Brogan. [11] Padraig Corcoran.
E. MINISTERS: [V] J. Feeney & N. Barrett. [11]Mary Brogan & J. Walsh.
SERVERS: [V]Emily Martin & Natalie Martin. [11] Lauren Rice & Ella Gaughan. CHURCH CLEANING: Carragorru, Runagry & Calladashin.
COUNTERS: (August – Group D)
COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.
National Grandparents Pilgrimage: To Our Lady's Shrine, Knock, is on Sun. September 13th
Recent Deaths: Please remember in your prayers – Michael Noonan, Castletroy (brother of Joan Armstrong, Shraheen); Mary Doyle (nee Morrin), New Jersey and formerly of Killimor, Cong (sister of Patricia Breslin, Shraheen); all whose anniversaries occur at this time and all our faithful departed. May they rest in Peace.
Parking – Knockmore Church: Very limited spaces available – for those who need it most.
Lough Derg:One Day Retreats Continues on 23. 24. 25. 29. 30. 31st Aug. Sept. 5. 6. 8. 9. 12. 14. 15. 19. 20. Booking essential. 071 9861518 Email:
Thank you: To all who helped out and donated to Church Gate Collection 8th/9th Aug. in Knockmore for Mayo Roscommon Hospice. Total raised €265.23.
Recent Baptisms: We welcome into God’s Family – Tiernan Michael McNamara – Parents, Michael & Lorraine.
Also – Isabelle Catherine O’Hora – Parents, Damian & Kathleen.
After School Club: Beginning in Shraheen National School in September. Open to all Primary School children. Email for details.
Fr. Liam Lawton: Concert in St. Patrick’s Church, Ballina Fri. 28thAug. 8.30 p.m. Adm. €20.
Congratulations: To Jonathan Flynn, Mount Falcon, who has won a Medallion of Excellence representing Ireland - in Plumbing and Eating, at the 43rd World Skills Competition which took place in Brazil last week. Well Done!
Music Lessons: Are starting back on Sat. 5th Sept. in the Resource Centre. Please contact Geraldine - 087 2487757 for info.
Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.