HLTA Application Form

This form is for the 3 day preparation and assessment route only, for those seeking preparation for subsequent assessment against the Higher Level Teaching Assistant Standards.

Completed applications should be returned to:

Laura Monaghan

Pre-enrolment Officer (Direct Admissions Team)

Pre-enrolment Services

Sheffield Hallam University

City Campus, Howard Street

Sheffield S1 1WB

T; 0114 225 4159



You are required to submit:

·  Completed application form;

·  Completed Self Review (separate form);

·  Copy of certificate for your Level 2 Maths / Numeracy qualification;[1]

·  Copy of certificate for your Level 2 English / Literacy qualification; [2]

·  Completed statement of support from Headteacher (Part 4:application form)

·  Indication of payment source (Part 3:application form)

For further help or information please contact the Arundel Helpdesk:

Tel. 0114 225 3636 or email:


Candidate Application Form

Candidate Details:
Forename: / Surname:
Title: / Mobile No:
Home Address: / E-mail address:
Home Phone:
Postcode: / Gender:
Is it appropriate to contact you at home? / Yes / No
Do you have any special needs that you wish to declare / Yes / No / If yes, please give details:
School details:
Name of School: / Head Teacher:
Address: / Telephone:
Your school-based e-mail address:
Postcode: / Key stages that you work with: / F 1 2 3 4 5
(Please circle)
Do you work in a special school/other educational setting? / Yes / No / If yes, please give details
What days/hours do you work in school? / Local Authority
qualification: / A / Date achieved:
qualification: / A / Date achieved:

Please see attached list of accepted level 2 qualifications

Please send COPIES of your certificates with your completed application

IMPORTANT: You must have your original level 2 certificates (or official replacement certificates from the awarding body) before you can commence a HLTA programme

Current role / Start date
If current post has been for less than two years, please give brief details of previous experience in schools, including voluntary work
In your current post, how much time, if any, have you spent working in the classroom with the following?
None / 12 months or less / 1 – 2 years / 2 years or more
Early years pupils (foundation stage)
Primary school pupils (KS1 & 2)
Secondary school students (KS3 & 4
Post 16 students
In the past six months have you had responsibility for advancing pupils’ learning when taking
Yes, when a teacher is present / Yes, when a teacher is not present / No
a.  Individual pupils?
b.  Small groups of pupils?
c.  Whole classes?
If you have answered No to any of the above – is your school planning to give you opportunities for all of these? Please give brief details.
Part 2 – Candidate Statement
Please write a brief statement of approximately 100 words on each of these three topics (please attach an additional sheet if necessary):
Evidence of your Professional Attributes (standards 1-7)[3]
Please give very brief overview (i.e. of your professional qualities)
Evidence of your Professional Knowledge and Understanding (standards 8-16)
Please give very brief overview (i.e. of your use of policies, etc)
Evidence of your Professional Skills (standards 17-33)
Please give very brief overview (i.e. of your role in teaching and learning activities)

Part 4 – Declaration

I understand that an electronic record will be created using the supplied information and give my permission for this information to be shared only within the HLTA National Assessment Partnership

I am aware that the cost of the preparation is £370 and the assessment fee is £450 (total of £820)

I am paying the full fee myself Yes [ ] No [ ]

My school is paying the full fee Yes [ ] No [ ]

My school and I are splitting the fee (please state who is paying what amount)

Candidate amount:......

School amount:......

Name of person at school who the invoice should be sent to:......

School Name:

School Address:




*Please note we are unable to release the assessment outcome until the assessment fee has been paid in full – invoice will be sent between day 2 and day 3.

I have read and agree to the declaration above.

Signature: Date:

Print Name

Part 5 – Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form


The HLTA National Assessment Partnership is fully committed to equal opportunities for all and applicants are asked to complete this form as fully as possible. Your response will not influence the outcome of your application.

Please tick any relevant boxes

Ethnic Origin

White- British Black or Black British – Caribbean

White- Irish Black or Black British – African

White- Scottish Asian or Asian British – India

Irish Traveller Asian or Asian British – Pakistani

Chinese Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi

Other white Background Mixed – White and Black Caribbean

Other Black Background Mixed – White and Black African

Other Asian Background Information Refused

Other Mixed Background

Other Ethnic Background


In order for us to provide appropriate support and/or make reasonable adjustments it is important that you give us details for your needs.

No known disability Mental health difficulties

Specific Learning difference, Unseen, please specify:

e.g. Dyslexia or please specify ……………………………………………….……


Blind / Partially sighted Multiple disabilities

Deaf / Hearing impaired Autistic Spectrum Disorder /

Asperger Syndrome

Wheelchair user /

Mobility difficulties Disability not listed, please specify:

Personal care support ………………………………………………………..

This document provides guidance on the literacy and numeracy qualifications required of potential HLTA candidates in order to meet standard 11 of the professional standards for higher level teaching assistant status. This states that a candidate must “Have achieved a nationally recognised qualification at level 2 or above in English/literacy and Mathematics/numeracy.”

What are acceptable qualifications?

Acceptable level 2 qualifications to meet standard 11 include:

Qualification type / Literacy / Numeracy
GCSE / English A*- C
English literature A*- C / Mathematics A*- C
CSE / English grade 1
English Studies CSE grade 1 / Mathematics/arithmetic grade 1
GCE O-level pass / English language
English literature / Mathematics
CEE / English literature
English grades I, II and III / Mathematics grades I, II and III
Basic skills / Certificate in adult literacy level 2 / Certificate in adult numeracy level 2
Key skills / Communication level 2 / Application of number level 2
English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) / Skills for life qualifications level 2
Functional Skills / English level 2 / Maths level 2
Level 2 or above results checker / Literacy level 2
Providers such as Learn Direct, OCR, Edexcel and AQA may be able to offer locally, controlled testing whereby a candidate undergoes a diagnostic test under exam conditions and provides evidence that the candidate is working at that level or above. This is acceptable evidence but only when supplied with proof from the centre that the report was generated under exam conditions and relates to the person submitting it. / Numeracy level 2
Providers such as Learn Direct, OCR, Edexcel and AQA may be able to offer locally, controlled testing whereby a candidate undergoes a diagnostic test under exam conditions and provides evidence that the candidate is working at that level or above. This is acceptable evidence but only when supplied with proof from the centre that the report was generated under exam conditions and relates to the person submitting it.
Equivalency Test Certificates / Level 2 test certificates from http://www.equivalencytesting.com/
Or other approved equivalency tests – contact your RPA for more details / Level 2 test certificates from http://www.equivalencytesting.com/
Or other approved equivalency tests – contact your RPA for more details

Acceptable level 3 qualifications to meet standard 11 include:

Qualification type / Literacy / Numeracy
GCE A-level / English language
English literature
English language and literature / Use of mathematics
Further mathematics
GCE AS-level / English language
English literature
English language and literature / Mathematics
Use of mathematics
Further mathematics
Pure mathematics
Applied mathematics
Discrete mathematics
Key skills / Communication level 3 / Application of number level 3

Statement of Provisional Results/Certificates

Some individuals have a ‘statement of provisional results’ document rather than a formal certificate. These statements issued by appropriate awarding bodies are acceptable evidence for Standard 11.

Titles of mathematics and English awards varied across awarding bodies and over time. Mathematics titles included (but were not restricted to) ‘applicable mathematics’, ‘mathematics and theoretical mechanics’, ‘pure mathematics and probability’, ‘commercial mathematics’, ‘general mathematics’, ‘modern mathematics’, ‘technical mathematics’, ‘mathematics and statistics’ and ‘mathematical studies’. For the purposes of standard 11 therefore, O-level passes or CSE grade 1 in mathematics or arithmetic or variations thereof are acceptable. However, O-level/CSE subjects with some mathematical components, e.g. business/commercial studies or accountancy, are not acceptable. Similarly, there may be some variation in the actual titles of English awards.

When will I need to provide evidence of meeting standard 11?

Before undertaking a preparation course, you must be judged to be meeting all of the standards, including standard 11. A candidate should not have any gaps in their knowledge or experience at this stage as they will be preparing for their actual assessment. Candidates are required to bring their original level 2 qualification certificates to day 1 of preparation.

Regional providers of assessment (RPAs) will also want to be confident that you have acceptable literacy and numeracy qualifications before the school assessment visit is arranged. Your provider of preparation (PoP) will send the RPA copies of your certificates on your behalf, or your RPA will check them directly on day 1 of your course.

If you feel that you can demonstrate all of the standards except standard 11, you will need to achieve appropriate qualifications before applying for preparation. Your school or LA may be able to assist you with this.

I was educated outside the UK. Are my qualifications acceptable?

The National Recognition Information Centre (NARIC) for the United Kingdom provides a service for individuals seeking information on comparability between international and UK academic qualifications. UK NARIC is only able to assess overseas awards which constitute national standards in the country of origin. A letter of comparability from UK NARIC together with the original certificate is acceptable evidence for standard 11. You can visit: www.naric.co.uk for further information.

I can’t find my certificates. What should I do?

If you are unable to find your original certificates you can apply to your awarding body for replacement certificates or a confirmation of results letter. Awarding bodies normally make a charge for this service.

Some older examination boards may be subsumed within current GCSE awarding bodies. The table on the next page lists current GCSE awarding bodies together with a list of former examination boards whose records they hold. If you follow the web link for these awarding bodies you will be able to find the procedure for obtaining replacement certificates.

You can also visit http://register.ofqual.gov.uk/ for details of recognised awarding organisations and regulated qualifications

Awarding body / Web reference / Former examination boards /
Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) / http://web.aqa.org.uk/ / Associated Examining Board
Associated Lancashire Schools Examinations Board
Joint Matriculation Board
North West Regional Examinations Board
Northern Examinations and Assessment Board
Northern Examinations Association
Northern Regional Examinations Board
South Eastern Regional Examinations Board
South West Regional Examinations Board
Southern Examining Group
The West Yorkshire and Lindsey Regional Examinations Board
Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Examinations Board
Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (NICCEA) / www.ccea.org.uk / Northern Ireland Examinations Board
Edexcel / www.edexcel.org.uk / East Anglian Examinations Board
London Regional Examinations Board Metropolitan and Middlesex Regional Examinations Board
University of London Examinations Board
OCR / www.ocr.org.uk / East Midland Regional Examinations Board
Midland Examining Group Oxford and Cambridge Examinations and Assessment Council
Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examinations Board
Southern Regional Examinations Board
Southern Universities’ Joint Board for Schools Examinations
The West Midlands Examinations Board
University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate
University of Oxford Delegacy of Local Examinations
Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC) / www.wjec.co.uk/

I went to school in Scotland. What about me?

Qualifications in Scotland are regulated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The four countries of the United Kingdom recognise each other’s nationally accredited qualifications. Acceptable Scottish qualifications are:

Qualification type / Literacy / Numeracy /
SEB / Until 1985, C or better on the ordinary grade of the Scottish Certificate of Education. In or after 1986, grade 3 or better on the standard grade of the Scottish Certificate of Education. Higher grade English: C or better in Certificate of sixth year studies English. / Until 1985, C or better on the ordinary grade of the Scottish Certificate of Education. In or after 1986, grade 3 or better on the standard grade of the Scottish Certificate of Education Higher grade mathematics: C or better in Certificate of Sixth year studies mathematics.

I would like to progress to ITT. Is there anything I should be aware of?

Some HLTA candidates may wish to progress to qualified teacher status in the future. All entrants to ITT will need to demonstrate the achievement of a standard equivalent to a GCSE pass at grade C in English and mathematics, and from 1 July 2013 the same in Science for those training to teach in Primary or KS2/3 (7-14 year olds).

Key skills and the certificates in adult literacy/numeracy would not normally meet the entry requirements for ITT. This is because there is not sufficient breadth of subject coverage in these qualifications. Candidates considering progression to QTS would therefore need to demonstrate a wider knowledge than that required to meet HLTA standard 11. They could do this by achieving appropriate GCSEs or, if this is acceptable to their chosen provider, completing other qualifications or equivalency tests.

I have checked my qualifications against this guidance but I am still unsure if what I have is sufficient for Standard 11. What can I do?

If you are still unsure, you can contact your Regional Provider of Assessment for further guidance. Details are available on the website www.hlta.org.uk

Where can I found out about gaining level 2 qualifications?