@ HL7 WGM 2006 January – Scottsdale Arizona

(X73 2006-01 Scottsdale Devices-related schedule (v5).doc)

Updated: 2005-12-01

Pending Issues:

1.  Need to confirm Emergency Care SIG joint

2.  …

Quarter / Host Group / Jointly With / Content? / Notes /
Sunday 8th:
Q1 – Q4 / ü  International Affiliates Meeting / Should we make any sort of presentation during this meeting?
Monday 12 th:
Q1 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  Workshop for document prep
Q2 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  Workshop for document prep
Q3 / DEV SIG / X73[1] / ü  Agenda review
ü  Status Update
ü  -00000 F&O Review
Q4 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  -20200 Assoc Ctrl Function Review
ü  -20201 Polling Mode Review
ü  -20202 Async Baseline Review
ü  -20301 RCOP Review
ü  -10104 Virtual Attributes Review
Tuesday 13 th:
Q1 / DEV SIG / X73
CBHS / ü  HL7 v2.x ORI Review
OO / DEV / ü  Activity update to OO parent / Just requires one or two individuals to provide update.
Q2 / DEV SIG / X73
CBHS / ü  HL7 v2.x ORI Review
Q3 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  DEV SIG Co-Chair Elections
ü  HL7 v3 ORI Review / Structured Document vs. template discussion (Firl – possibly via net meeting)
[Note: CBHS meets separately Q3 & Q4]
Q4 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  HL7 v3 ORI Review
ü  Psychological Exam Report / X73 to HL7 Mapping
Exam report (Hirai) – incl. MFER type information integration, poss. w/ CDA R2
Wednesday 14 th:
Q1 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  TBD
LAB / ü  “address some commonalities in models and issues” / Firl – This where we will “We first need feedback from the Medical Devices Sig and OO on 3 or 4 reporting options that Hans and OO will help us to explore at the January WGM”
Q2 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  Conformance Testing Update (NIST) / Confirmed (Rivello)
Q3 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  JWG with Cardiology SIG (at 13:30)
ü  aECG Nomenclature Review
ü  IDC Nomenclature Review
ü  X73 v2 Nomenclature Update / The last item (v2 Nomenclature) should include a discussion of an XML representation, Database as a Standard, NLM mapping, CTS integration, etc.
[Note: CBHS with PC for educational session Q3 & Q4]
Q4 / DEV SIG / X73
GAS / ü  Anesthesia activities update
ü  SNOMED “join” discussion / (Monk & Hurrell)
Thursday 15 th:
Q1 / DEV SIG / X73
CANopen / ü  Review use cases that may motivate need for CAN and inter-system coordination; networked medical devices, etc. / (led by those who submitted use cases incl. ORF PnP, CAN/Bill Seitz, etc.)
Report from FDA “networked medical devices” workshop December 12 (Cooper / Wittenber)
Q2 / DEV SIG / X73
CANopen / ü  Technical review of issues and strategies for mapping between X73 upper layers, HL7 and CANopen / (Seitz)
Q3 / DEV SIG / X73
CANopen / ü  Technical Frameworks supporting use cases (Q1 discussion) / (Open discussion)
Q4 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  -20103 Clinical Context Management (CCoM) Discussion
ü  -00201 Profile Template / (Wittenber)
???Might be better to move -00201 discussion to start of Q3!
Friday 16 th:
Q1 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  -00101 RF Guidelines Project Update
ü  -30500 RF F&O Project Discussion / (Morrisey)
[Note: Q1 OO & IDC meet]
Q2 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  -30400 Inter-LAN Project Discussion / (Schnell / Wiley)
TC215 / DICOM / ü  Joint ISO TC215 / DICOM meeting
Q3 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  -30503 wLAN Project Discussion / (Wittenber)
Q4 / DEV SIG / X73 / ü  -30505 wWAN Project Discussion / (Morrisey)

[1] For this schedule, “X73” is shorthand for IEEE EMBS 1073 and ISO TC215 WG7.