Horace MannElementary School PTO
Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2015; 8:15am
Teachers’ Lounge
Meeting Attendees:
Jenny Ruland / Kathy Rolfes / Sara YountVenus Hurd-Johnson / Katie Korrison / Sanjay Patel
Mary Ann Bender / Faith Cole / Ellen Maliff
Val Desiderio / Doug Rainey / Laura Davidkhanian
Martina Bostedt / Gretchen Kenagy / Jen Harden-Finn
Liz Ragen / Beth Siegel / Mary Kostopoulos
1)Welcome and Introductions:
- Meeting attendees introduced themselves.
2)Approval of Meeting Minutes:
- A motion to approve the October1stmeeting minutes was proposed and seconded. The October1stmeeting minutes were approved by a voice vote, without opposition.
- TheOctober1stmeeting minutes willbe posted to the PTO website.
3)Principal’s Report:
- Our school’s photography company is going to take pictures of and make posters of Mann students modeling Mustang Motto behaviors. The posters will be displayed around Mann School.
- The Student Council is coordinating a blanket drive. The blankets will be given to homeless individuals in Chicago. Our school’s goal is to collect 150 blankets. Students will work together to make ‘no-sew’ fleece blankets. All types of clean, gently used blanket donations are welcome, as well. This is a community-wide project involving other schools and many organizations, throughout Oak Park and River Forest.
- There has been some discussion about having the Halloween parade next year on Friday, even though Halloween, 2016 will fall on a Monday.
4)Student Support Specialist’s Report:
5)Presidents’ Report:
- Mann would like to offer a summer Math programfor Mann students entering 3rd-5th grades. A take-home workbook component would be available to all students entering grades 3 -5.Students can also sign up for an optional three-week, in-school class (two hours per day, four days per week) taught by Mann teachers. There would be a registration fee for the class.
- Dr. Kelly would like the building principals to be in classrooms observing and supporting the classroom teachers. The goal is for the Principal to be in every classroom for an observation session once per week.
- A technology survey is coming from the district. This tool will be important for gathering baseline information about how the district’s technology plan and investment are working for students and teachers.
- Beth Siegel and Val Desiderio will co-chair the yearbook.
6)Treasurers’ Report:
- Class fee collection is going well.
- The budget is on track.
7)Programs Report:
- MannPower programs are up and running for the fall session. Planning for the winter session will begin soon.
- Programs for thein-school assemblies are scheduled. The first assembly will be for all grades and is based upon the plays of Shakespeare.
8)Volunteer Coordination Report:
- The International Fun Fest needs volunteers! Another reminder about the Sign-up Genius will go out. Food, games, crafts, and fun. The Geography Bee follows.
9)Fundraising Report:
- Mannapalooza: The November school fundraiser planning is underway. Lots of great auction items! The online auction will go live about one week before the auction event.
10)Community Relations/Special Events Report:
- The planning for the 5th grade transition ceremony will start soon.
11)Green Initiative:
- Walk to school week went well. Next year the walk-a-thon will be moved to the afternoon of one of the days. School picture day will be scheduled during a time other than walk to school week.
- A Mannpower class is tending the school garden. It looks great.
12)Other Business:
- Book Fair was really successful. Thank you!
12) Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:20am.
Minutes prepared by Sara Yount