HL7 Generation of Anesthesiology Work Group Meeting Minutes – Anesthesiology DAM Project
HL7 Anesthesiology DAM ProjectMeeting MinutesLocation: Teleconference: Phone Number: (770) 657-9270
Participant Passcode: 745698 / Date: 2011-04-26
Time: 10:00pm-11:00am Eastern Time
Facilitator / Team / Note taker(s) / Anita Walden
Attendee / Name / Affiliation
Mitch Burman
x / Guy Dear / Duke
x / Heather Fredrick / Duke
Christof Gessner / HL7 Germany
x / Martin Hurrell
Lance Mueller / Anesthesia Quality Institute
x / Terri Monk / Duke
Alan Nicol
John Rhoads / Philips Healthcare
Rafael Richards / John Hopkins Medical Institution
x / Ellen Torres
x / Anita Walden / Duke
Mead Walker
x / Jan Wittenber / Philips Healthcare
Agenda Topics
- Roll Call - 5mins
- Review of Agenda - 2mins
- HL7 Mtg in May – 10mins
- Review of Data Elements - 40 mins
- Next Steps
- Agenda for next mtg
- End
1.Roll Call
2.Review of Agenda
No new items to add
3.Meeting at HL7 in May
•The agenda for the Orlando meeting was discussed. The team will use the time originally set aside for ballot reconciliation to review the data elements in detail and finalize them and discuss the activity diagrams.
•The project team is meeting Sunday Q3 and Q4 (afternoon)
•Those new to HL7 can attend the 1st time attendees mtg that takes place on Sunday or Monday.
•Sunday 15May Quarter 3&4 - Orlando Mtg Agenda for the Preoperative Anesthesiology DAM Project Team mtg: Review of Data Elements in whole finalize document. Start working on review of Activity Diagrams.
•The Hilton may be full. There is a Holiday Inn next door.
•There is a HL7 New Attendee Tutorial on Sunday and Monday.
•Should we try to get together for dinner on Sunday evening?
•The main Orlando meeting agenda for GAS is on the wiki
4.Review of Data Elements
•The team reviewed the Data Element list made some changes to the definitions and permissible values.
•Check the drop box for the latest version. The green highlight represents where we left off in the review process.
- The team completed consensus and review up to data element airwayScoreSystemCode (line 29)
•We will pick up here next meeting.
5.Next Steps
Continued work on the spreadsheet
6.Agenda for next meeting
- Review Data Element Spreadsheet
- Go back to meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesdays for now.
- Answer HL7 mtg Questions
Next Meeting / Preliminary Agenda Items- Reviewing data elements
Next Meeting is scheduled for 10May11 Last mtg before Orlando WGM
at 10am EST.