HKG Stevedoring EDI Download


Stevedoring EDI downloading for Hong Kong

Hong Kong has 3 different terminals which will be sending the loading/discharging information to their clients (shipping lines)

  1. HKHIT (HIT and SKM)
  • HKHIT will follow eBilling format which will consist of invoice data as well as container details
  1. HKHOK
  • HKHOK does not have any standard EDI and it will follow .txt format and this format will contain only the container information (no invoice data)
  1. HKYFT

HKHOK does not have any standard EDI and it will follow .xls format and this format will contain only the container information (no invoice data)

Afsys needs to download this info and needs to calculate the stevedoring charges based on the inbuilt stevedoring tariff table and then should show the discrepancies for the users. Also there should be a facility to post the details in to accounts based on the EDI info (this will be covered in Phase II)

Basic process flow

Detail process

EDI downloading

There will be 4 main directories based on each vender as follows

Each EDI directory will contain with following sub directories

Each Vender’s file should be copied to the respective receive file directory by TSL ITD team.

Once the file comes to “Receive” folder, Afsys will create a log and move the same in to “Process” folder automatically (using an auto job)

Then the files will be processed and will be moved to the success (if the details are processed successfully), failure (if the file has some issues)

Also the error file will be created in the Error_log folder and all these actions will trigger an auto email to the concern person

Also the acknowledgement file (for HIT/SKM) will be created in the “Upload” folder. This file should be moved to the respective vender’s ftp folder by TSL ITD team

If the file read in to the system successfully, then the EDI DB should get updated with the details and there should be a UI for the users to retrieve the uploaded information and then do the comparison

Getting ready with initial setups

I)Creating EDI type

Documentation  EDI  EDI Type master

There will be a unique EDI type created for each terminal

II)Creating map carrier

Master Data  Cargo Master entries  Carrier Master

For each terminal we have created separate map carriers

III)Creating map setup

Documentation  EDI  EDI Setup master for TSL

Against each EDI type, mapping setting needs to be done in the above mentioned setup

Also needs to correctly setup the DB directory names in order to receive the file (for the EDI automation)

IV)Creating mapping (for the fields updated as “Map required” in step III)

Equipment Control  EDI mapping

Vessel Map

Need to map the EDI’s vessel code (map carrier vessel code) with Afsys vessel code (Our vessel code)

Voyage Map

Need to map the EDI’s voyage code (map line voyage) with Afsys voyage code (Our voyage)

Port Map

Need to map the EDI’s port code (Map carrier port code) with Afsys port code (Our port code)

Service term map

Need to map the EDI’s service type (map carrier service code) with Afsys service type (our service code)

Freight term map

Need to map the EDI’s freight term (map carrier freight term) with Afsys freight term (Our POL/PD freight term)

Container move map

This has been used to determine the Afsys container move code

Based on the EDI’s operation type and status (map carrier move) need to map the corresponding Afsys move code (our move)

V)Finding the local movements and transshipment movements separately

Equipment Control  Equipment Master  Eqp. Movement report definition

While doing the calculation it is important to identify what are the local movements and transshipment related moves. Therefore the following definition has been used to segregate the moves

Local moves

Transshipment moves

System administration  General Setup  Common code master

Charge codes which needs to calculated during the comparison needs to be setup here

VI)Setting up cost tariff and other related masters for the calculation and comparison

Tariff setup  Costing masters  Move cost link

All the possible move codes related to stevedoring charges need to be setup here

Tariff  Cost masters  Port tariff charges setup master

This setup will be used to setup tariff against each and every terminal together with its validity

VII)Setting up email addresses to receive the EDI automated messages

User management  Module management Auto email process setup

Mail Type should be equal to the EDI type of that particular EDI

Based on the status of the file reading, user will receive auto email as per the email IDs setup in “Auto email process setup” (successful/failure readings)

EDI file loading in to Afsys


For the HIT, SKM and HOK, files will be process the EDI automation

Venders files will be moves from ftp to the Afsys DB folder’s receive folder

Afsys will execute an auto job every minute and will move files from receive to process folder

And then the files will be processed and will be moved in to success or failure folder based on the result of the file reading

Success file reading will trigger the below message




For YFT file reading there will be a separate program

Documentation  EDI  HKYFT Stevedoring EDI Downloading

User can select the EDI type and then select the file which needs to be downloaded

In case if any mapping errors are there, then system will generate the map error file in C:\Afsys folder

Once the mapping errors are cleared then the file will be loaded in to Afsys

EDI file comparison

Documentation  EDI  HKG stevedore EDI comparison

This UI has been used to do the comparison between data received from EDI and Afsys

User can use the Terminal, EDI creation date, Message type (INVHOK, INVYFT, INVCYI), Vessel, Voyage or the EDI file name to query the details

Now user can select the required record and then click the “Details” button to navigate to the details screen

If the selected records belongs to terminal HIT or SKM then the charge details section will show the details as per the EDI data, else this section will be blank

Charge – EDI Charge code

Charge Desc – EDI charge description

EDI - Currency – Currency code as per EDI

EDI – Rate – Rate as per EDI

EDI – Quantity – Number of containers as per EDI

EDI – Amount – Amount for that particular charge as per EDI

AFSYS – Rate – Rate as per AFSYS tariff

AFSYS – Quantity – Quantity as per the AFSYS calculation

AFSYS – Amount – Amount as per the AFSYS calculation

This button can be used to cross check the container numbers in the EDI against the container numbers in the manifest module

This button can be used to cross check the container numbers in the EDI against the container numbers in the EQC module

If any exceptions are there, then system will generate exception file as follows

This button will calculate the stevedoring charges based on the AFSYS port tariff and will show in the charge level section (under AFSYS Rate, Quantity, Amount)

Also if any setups are missing, then system will generate error log file for the users for the further verifications

This button will help the user to see how many containers are there in the EDI by the container type

This button will generate the calculated figures in to a report as follows
