Agency User Manual

Task Card

Entering a Promotion against a vacancy advertised by another agency.


This Task Cardguides APSjobs users through the process of notifying a promotionwhen in cases where the vacancy has been advertised in the Gazette by another agency.


The process for entering a promotion notice is detailed below.

Step 1 – Work Tray

Once logged into the APSjobs system your work tray will be displayed.

Select ‘Search Vacancies’from the menu list

Once the Search Vacancies option is selected the user will be able to use the search options shown below to search for vacancies advertised by other agencies in the last 12 months. When a relevant vacancy is found the user should make a note of the Notice Number and publication date of the vacancy.

Once a suitable vacancy has been identified the user can return to the Work Tray and select ‘Enter new Promotion, Engagement or Assignment/Movement’ from the menu list as shown below.

Once the ‘Add new Promotion, Engagement or Assignment/Movement option has been selected the ‘APSjobs Outcome Notification Wizard’ will automatically be activated.

The Wizard is divided into 6 separate sections.Throughout the Wizard all mandatory fields within the system are highlighted in bold.

Step 2 - Action an Existing Notice:

This stage of the Wizard links the original employment vacancy notice to the new promotion notice. *Please note that employment decisions can only be lodged in the weekly Public Service Gazette*.

To progress to the next section of the wizard the user should enter the required information into the above fields. The user should then click on the ‘Continue’ button on the right hand side of the screen.

Once the existing notice number and Gazette issue details are entered the wizard will automatically populate a summary of the original notice as outlined in the screen capture below.

The ‘Notify Outcome’ section shown below provides several notice options that can be entered into the system. This example relates to notifying a promotion.

Please Note the following changes:

From 1 December 2016 agencies are no longer required to notify the following employment decisions:

  • Engagement of an ongoing employee
  • Engagement of a non-ongoing employee for greater than 12 months, or
  • Movement or assignment of duties of an ongoing employee following a selection process.

Do not proceed if you are notifying one of the above employment decisions.

Agencies are still required to notify:

  • Promotion decisions
  • Engagement of an ongoing Parliamentary Service employee into a higher equivalent APS classification
  • Employment decisions following an Independent Selection Advisory Committee recommendation
  • Termination of employment for breaching the Code of Conduct, and
  • Cancellation of any of the above notified decisions.

When the user clicks on the ‘Notify Promotion’ button the Wizard will automatically populate a drop down list that identifies valid weekly issues of the Gazette for the user to choose from (as shown in the screen capture below).

To progress the user must select which issue of the Gazette the notice will be published in and then click on the ‘Continue’ button on the right hand side of the screen. The Wizard will automatically progress to the next section.

Step 3 –To Agency Details

This stage of the Wizard relates to Agency Details as shown in the screen capture below.

Field 1 –Department/agency:

This field displays the details relating to the gaining Agency (the Agency the employee is moving ‘To’).

In cases where the vacancy was originally notified by another agency the user will have to select their agency from the drop down list .

Field 2 -Classification Details:

This field needs to be completed with the classification outlined in the original vacancy notice.

To continue to the next stage of the Wizard select the ‘Next’ button.

Step 4 – From Agency Details

This section requires the user to enter information relating to the agency and APS classification the employee is moving from.

Field 1 –Department/agency:

This field contains a drop down list of APS agencies. The user will have to select the relevant agency from the list.

Field 2 -Classification Details:

This field requires the user to select the current APS classification of the employee being promoted. The Wizard will not allow the employee to be promoted to a lesser or equivalent classification.

To continue to the next stage of the Wizard select the ‘Next’ button.

Step 5 – Person; Position

This section requires the user to enter information relating to the employee and position details. Required fields are in bold.

Field 1 – Employee Details
First Name

Enter the employee’s first name in full as it appears on the birth certificate or citizenship certificate.

Family Name

Enter the employee’s family name in full as it appears on the birth certificate or citizenship certificate.

Field 2 – AGS Number

Enter the employees’ unique Australian Government Service Number (AGSN). Care should be taken when entering the AGSN as using an incorrect AGSN can result in record keeping difficulties.

Field 3 - Position Details

Information in the Division, Branch,Section, Position title, Position number, Expected vacancy, ISAC and RecruitAbilityfields will automatically be populated from the original vacancy notice.

This field also details the physical location of the employee and the user will be required to validate the postcode for the location that the employee will be employed in. This is an amendment to the previous process when location details were entered by free text.

Notes - Any other information that the user wants included in the published notice should be entered in the Notes field. For example this may include an ISAC reference number.

Field 4 – ISAC and RecruitAbility

This field records whether an ISAC or RecruitAbility measures were used in the assessment process for the filling of the position. These details will pre-populate according to what was entered in the original employment vacancy but can be altered if required, for example if an ISAC was used to assess the applicants but hadn’t originally been scheduled.

Additionally if the ISAC box is selected in pre-populates some text in the PRC details of the next screen. This text notes if the promotion decision is subject to review.

To continue to the next stage of the Wizard select the ‘Next’ button. Alternatively the user can select the ‘Save as Draft’ button and return to the incomplete notice through the ‘My Saved Notices’ option in their Work Tray at a later time.

Step 6 – PC; Admin Details

The next sectionallows communication between agency administrators and APSjobs administrators.

Field 1 – Agency and Classification Details

The information in this field is pre-populated from the original vacancy notice and the information entered in previous steps.

If it is known the user can note the former Position title of the employee that is being promoted but this is not a mandatory field.

Field 2 -PRC details

If the ISAC button has been previously ticked or the promotion applies to a classification above the APS 6 classification then this field will pre-populates text detailing that these promotion decisions are not subject to review.

Field 3 – Administration Information

Notes placed in the ‘Editorial Instructions’ box are visible to agency registered users and System Administrators but are not part of the published notice. This field can be used to make any notes pertaining to the notification. An example of text that may be noted here is ‘Although this notice is being published more than 12 months from the date of the original vacancy notice, the delegate made and documented their decision prior to the 12 months elapsing’.

To continue to the next stage of the Wizard select the ‘Next’ button. Alternatively the user can select the ‘Save as Draft’ button and return to the incomplete notice through the ‘My Saved Notices’ option in their Work Tray at a later time.

Step 7 - Review

This stage of the Wizard relates to reviewing the details of the draft notice as shown in the screen capture below.

This screen allows the user to view the notice as it will appear when published and identify any changes they might want to make to the notice.

If the user submitting the notification is satisfied the draft notice is ready for publication the user can progress to submitting the notice for approval by clicking on the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the screen.

If the user wishes to make changes to the notice they can click on the ‘Previous’ button and amend the content of the notice as required.


This stage of the Wizard relates to submitting the draft promotion notice to another APSjobs user within the agency for approval.

The process for the submitting and approving a notice can be divided into 2 roles – the user and the approver.

The user

In this screen the user is prompted to select another user from within their agency to approve the notice in the ‘Registered user’ field. A list of registered users is available from the drop down list.

After an approver has been selected the user can forward the notice to the approver for consideration by selecting the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the screen.

The approver

When a registered user is sent a draft notice to approve they will automatically be sent the following e-mail. They will also receive a notification in their APSjobs Work Tray.

Approval of promotion notice

Subject: Approval review for <Notice ID> - <Notice type>

Dear <Firstname

Notice <Notice ID> - <Notice type> has been allocated to you for approval by <User>

Please logon to your APSjobs account and action this notice.

This is done via the My Action Items on the Work Tray menu.

The process requires you to review the notice and either approve it for publication or return it to <User> for further action.

If you have forgotten your password, the Login page has a Forgotten Password function which will send you a new password.

Thank You.

APSjobs Support

The nominated approver will be able to see the draft notice in APSjobs as shown below:

If the approver is satisfied that the notice is ready for publication they can select the ‘Approve’ button at the bottom of the screen.

This approves the notice for publication. Approvers should be aware that no further amendments can be made to the notice after it has been approved.

If the Approver identifies amendments or further information they want included in the notice they can make a note of these in the ‘Editorial Instructions’ field. These comments will be forwarded to the user when the notice is rejected.

In the case of a rejected notice the original user can amend the notice details and then resubmit the notice to the Approver for reconsideration.