History of Tobacco

1.  It is believed to have originated in the Western Hemisphere

2.  Nicotine tobacco contains more than 4,000 chemicals and over 19 known carcinogens (tar)

3.  It is believed to have been used by Natives of Central and South America for special ceremonies, medicinal purposes, and to alleviate hunger pains during famine.

4.  Columbus is credited with introducing tobacco to Europe

a.  Explorers and sailors introduced tobacco to other parts of Europe, Asia, and throughout the rest of the world

5.  Colonist introduced tobacco on the American continent in the early 1600’s

a.  It became a major crop and trading commodity of the Jamestown colony, probably saving the original colonies from financial ruin

b.  By 1776 it expanded from Virginia to North Carolina and Missouri

c.  Slaves were brought in for the plant, cultivation, and harvesting because it had become so big.

d.  It was used as a cash advancement to Spain in order to attain a loan for the revolutionary war against Britain

e.  Its social importance continued to grow over the years, especially among the wealthy

6.  Cigarettes

a.  Invented in 1614

b.  Didn’t become popular for 2.5 centuries, cigars and pipes most popular form of use

c.  Grew in popularity during the Civil War but were more expensive because they had to be hand rolled

d.  Prices fell after American James A Bonsack patented the rolling machine, It could roll 10,000 per hour.

e.  By 1919 they were more popular than cigars

f.  By 1960 over half the United States adult population smoked

7.  Health Effects

a.  Cigarettes cause nearly 90% of all lung cancer

b.  Smokers are 4-5 times more likely to develop oral and laryngeal cancer.

c.  Emphysema is the most common chronic lung disease

d.  Is the number on health related cause of death in the US