Board of Directors Monthly Meeting1-6-15

Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2014

January 6, 2015 at Locke Lord, 111 S. Wacker Drive, 41PPstPP Floor, Chicago, IL 60606 / Chapter Planning Goals:
1) ENHANCE & ELEVATE the Quality of Education Offerings;
3) EXPOSE IFMA to the Business Community & EXPAND its Reach.
These Goals will be reviewed monthly in order to keep the Board on task.
Reminder: All committees to follow the meeting minute’s template. A copy of all monthly meeting minutes to be filed with the administrator’s office. / NEXT MEETING:
February 3, 2015 at Locke Lord, 111 S. Wacker Drive, 41PPstPP Floor, Chicago, IL 60606
X / Jerry DiCola, CFM / BrinksGilson & Lione / U1T1T / 312.321.4724
X / Mark Radtke, CFM / CDH Proton Therapy / U1T1T / 630-669-9912
X / Nicole Satterly / Locke Lord / / 312.443.0426
X / Debbie Breclaw / 1PPstPP & Fresh Catering/Aramark / U1T1T / 219.808.3773
X / Kevin Corrigan, CFM / Levenfeld Pearlstein / U1T1T / 312.476.7543
Mike Joyce / 3MD Relocation Services / U1T1T / 708.681.2000
X / Anna Koutoupis / Khloros LLC / U1T1T / 0T0T312-330-3406
Career Services
X / Linda Murdix / Greeley and Hansen / U1T1T / 312.578.2407
X / Kristine O’Hollearn / SpaceTrak / U1T1T / 619-884-7093
X / Drew Bishop / milliCare by Floor Innovations / U1T1T / 312.550.9899
X / Tyler Ullrich / Gensler / U1T1T / 312.577-7165
Community Service
X / Wayne Shulman / Newmark Grubb Knight Frank / U1T1T / 312.224.3229
Dawn Greer / Desks Inc. / U1T1T / 312.334.3329
X / Nancy Miller / Golub Capital / U1T1T / 312.256.9848
Russ Benson / Innovative Hospitality Solutions / 1T1T / 224-201-8765
X / Pamela Coan / GRM Information Management Service / U1T1T / 312.226.8110 x 207
Mary Basel Christopher / Haworth / 1T1T / 312-494-7411
Professional Development
X / Christian Swiencki / The Office Connection / U1T1T / 312-698-4368
X / Mike Rich / Teknion / U1T1T
X / Justin Moore / Guaranteed Rate Inc. / U1T1T / 773-516-6377
Jessica Delgado Hess / LinkedIn / U1T1T / 0T0T312-999-4377
Chris Glatz / Glatz Mgmt Services / U1T1T / 815.806.4908
Michelle Fowler / Glatz Management Services / U1T1T / 312.236.0900
Call To Order
1-1 / Welcome
Jerry DiCola welcomed the board members to the first board meeting of 2015.
1-2 / Minutes
Nancy Millermade a motion to approve the meeting minutes of December 2, 2014; Pamela Coanseconded the motion. Motion passed. / All / Closed
1-3 / Treasurer’s Report
Kevin Corrigan commented on the phone bill and if the charges are necessary and if anyone is actually calling it or using the phone number at all? Deb mentioned she would discuss with Michelle to get an understanding of how many calls per month and the use of it. Discussion around the room included possibly either eliminating it or changing the number for it not to be so costly or use the Glatz line or get a cell phone to keep the same number. Deb and/or Admin to present the use in detail at the next Board meeting. Tyler looked it up online and saw that it indeed is on our website, just need to search for it.
UUMonth-end Financials
Deb Breclawprovided a summary of the December 2014 financials. As of December 31, 2014 the Chicago Chapter has $80,901 in total assets.
Checking account has $24,498; balance is in savings.
Kristine O’Hollearn made a motion to approve the December 31, 2014 treasurers report. Kevin Corrigan seconded the motion. / Breclaw / Closed
Old Business
1-4 / Still discussing the Podcasts – it was determined that we need a subcommittee of the Communications Committee to manage this. Names brought up that were interested in doing this was Justin. Drew will ask Justin to confirm if he would begin investigating costs, sources, getting another quote for comparison.
President’s Report
1-5 / Jerry recapped previous discussion about podcasts. A subcommittee will be formed and further research will be completed before a recommendation is made to go forward with this idea.
Charity Partner archi-treasures will be present at the holiday party and will be managing the Giving Tree fundraiser.
Jerry announced the Board Member Appreciation Dinner date has been moved from Thursday, January 22 to Tuesday, January 20 due to schedule conflicts. The 5:30pm dinner will be held at Wildfire. The dinner will be subsidized by the Lettuce Entertain You frequent diner point rewards earned from lunch programs at Petterinos ($1,000).
The 2015 committee goals have been submitted. Each committee is responsible for tracking their progress to report to the board at a future date. / DiCola / Open
1-6 / Unique Member Experience Event
Anna presented the concept of the interactive cooking class event for all members to offer a unique member experience. Details are BYOB, cuisine is ours to choose. Location is close to the loop for easy access. Structure of the class is ours to manipulate. Cost would be around $80-$100pp. Some felt this was too steep. Others agreed the intimate time you can spend with each other would be worth the cost. Jerry asked that she fill out a event budget report. A few commented they had done this before and it was fabulous. Board asked that Anna get a couple more proposals to compare prices. Various discussions occurred around the price for Professionals vs Associate members. Kevin suggested all prices be the same for everyone. Anna mentioned the fact that many Associate members have budgets for entertaining. Deb commented that Associate members could possibly bring Professional members as their guest. The group can be as minimal as 20 and maximum 50 or so but Anna is going to confirm these details as well. Looking to do this in late February due to other scheduled programs/events.
Golf Outing
Deb reported the golf outing date is May 21 and will be at Harborside International Golf Course. Nicole will contact Golf Digest to make sure we can use them for the registration in conjunction with the Charity.
Associates, Sponsorship and Community Service need to get together before the next board meeting to discuss roles and responsibilities. / Joyce/Koutoupis
Breclaw/Shulman / Open
Career Services
1-7 / Linda Murdix spoke about the postcard having the mentor program on it and that their committee goal is to mentor 4 people in 2015.Linda also noted that July 29PPthPP has no current topic so asked if Mentorship could be the topic. Mentors could talk as a panel and mentors and mentees could discuss successes.
Kristine O’Hollearn reported the DisruptCRE event we were asked to participate in is on January 29PPthPP. It’s a free sponsorship offer, which would give us a table and free tickets for those working the table. Hours for the trade show booth are lunch time and right after work. It’s a Commercial Real Estate/Technology event. IFMA members can buy tickets for 30% off the $65 price. Mark looked on the website and currently there are 18 sponsors. Deb brought up, why not do it, its FREE advertisement and brand awareness since we had several associate members on the board willing to work the booth?! Deb also mentioned we would need to get the banner or logo table linen from Michelle and all our sales collateral for the table. Kristine will get an email out to everyone with the exact times asap so we can make a decision if we are doing it or not. / Murdix/O’Hollearn
Murdix/O’Hollearn / Closed
1-8 / Drew said sponsors are up to date on the website now. He still needs pictures for board members profiles however this detail is all updated as well. Regarding the Podcasts, discussion was the need for a subcommittee chairperson to handle this. David Copeland has info regarding the microphone and Tyler found a SURE Mic would be best if we purchase ourselves to save money. Deb requested other proposals to compare and Jerry mentioned that we have a couple audio people in our membership to go to.
Drew will reach out to others for the microphone information and Podcasting and that we need to understand what WE need before we get more proposals for the Podcasts. / Bishop/Ullrich / Open
Community Service
1-09 / Wayne discussed the archi-treasure’s Giving Tree at the Holiday event on Thursday & that there will be two representatives from archi-treasures handling this. Jerry suggested thecommittee promote & encourage people to give throughout the evening. Jerry mentioned giving IFMA bucks to those who donate and Nicole suggested in incremental values based on their donation. Everyone agreed. / Shulman/Greer / Closed
1-10 / Nancy Miller stated the reason theholiday party venue changed from Bellwether to Vinyl was due to a water pipe breakage. The venue offer a deal at Vinyl,and Tim Farmer handled the change. Nancy proposed the chair networking game idea and all approved.
February 10PPthPP is the new member reception at Herman Miller. Pamela said Membership will do the orientation and wants one member from each committee to talk at the beginning of the orientation, along with having all committee members invited to be there early for the orientation. There was a lot of discussion around timing of the orientation and who if anyone should pay to attend and where the money would go, such as to the charity. Final decisions are as follows: 5-5:30pm – New Member Orientation with all new members AND all committee members invited. 5:30pm event begins for all attendees. No charge to attend, however $20 for no shows. A special invite will be sent to the committee members to attend at 5:00pm. / Miller/Benson / Closed
1-11 / Pamela Coan reported the committee continues to reach out to new, renewed and expired members.
The committee will be focusing on the February 10PPthPP new member orientation presentation. / Coan/Basel / Ongoing
Professional Development & Education
1-12 / Christian Swiencki reported the next program is a Brainy Bite on January 28PPthPP. She commented the calendar is filling up very fast. / Swiencki / Ongoing
1-13 / Mike discussed that M&J Asphalt is a NEW Platinum Sponsor! Idea Paint may be interested in another type of upcoming sponsorship – Deb suggested the Golf Outing.
Derek is Stepping down from his role as chair person. Mike is new Chair – Vice Chair is an open position. Committee member Caree Marten may be interested in being the Vice Chair. / Rich / Closed
1-14 / Jerry reported on behalf of the committee. He announced that Jessica Delgado Hess of LinkedIn will be stepping up as Vice Chair of the Sustainability Committee. / Moore / Closed
Volunteer Director
1-15 / Nicole reported that member Julie Turner, Office Depot,has been placed on the Associates committee and Wendy Spreenberg, SITE REsolutionsis with the Membership committee. / Satterly / Ongoing
New Business
1-16 / None reported
A motion to adjourn was made by Drew Bishop; Linda Murdix seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Debbie Breclaw

Chicago Chapter of IFMA
