FacultyofDESIGN310103kt 190203
Director of Faculty
Professor Helena Hyvönen, Textile Art and Design
office hours: Tuesdays 9.00 – 11.00 hrs
room 6092, phone 7563 0358,
Textile and Fashion DesignProgrammes ?
Tekstiilitaiteen ja vaatetussuunnittelun ja pukutaiteen koulutusohjelmat
Utbildningsprogrammen för mode- och textilkonst
Hämeentie 135 C, 00560 HELSINKI
Phone (09) 7563 0357, telefax: (09) 7563 0355
Teaching staff
Director of textile and fashion programmes
Hirvonen Pirjo, lecturer, Fashion and Clothing Design
office hours:
room 6113, phone 756 0603,
Erholtz Ritva, lecturer, CAD, commercial couses
office hours: Wednesdays 13.00 – 14.00 hrs
room 6114, phone 7563 0356,
Heimola Norma, lecturer, Textile Art and Design,
textile art
office hours: Tuesdays 12.00 – 13.00
room 6103, phone 7563 0325
Jokinen Raija, basic knitting,
Kellomäki Kaarina, lecturer, (part-time)Textile Art and Design,
office hours: Mondays 11.00 – 12.00 hrs
room 6119, phone 7563 0337,
Keskinen Merja, (part-time) (H. Lupari), weaving
Lappalainen Piippa, professor, Fashion and Clothing Design
office hours: Thursdays 13.00 – 14.00 hrs
room 6093, phone 7563 0429,
Lupari Helena, lecturer, Textile Art and Design, woven textiles,
office hours: Tuesdays 12.00 – 13.00 hrs
phone 7563 0332,
(absence 1.1.-30.6.2003)
Pellonpää-Forss Maija, lecturer, Textile Art and Design, printed textile, technological subjects, virtual university
office hours: by appointment
room 6118, phone 7563 0336,
Pesonen Jaana, lecturer, (part-time) Textile Art and Design, knitwear design,
office hours: by appointment
room 6117, phone 7563 0334,
Salolainen Maarit, (part-time( (H. Lupari) international students tutoring, specially textile,
Tenhiälä Heljä, lecturer, BA degree program in Fashion and Clothing Design
office hours: Tuesdays 12.00 – 13.00, room 6112, phone 7563 0354,
Priha Päikki, professor, research, Textile Design and Research
office hours: Mondays 10.00 – 12.00 hrs
room 6094, phone 7463 0331,
Nuutinen Ana, research assistant
office hours: Wednesdays 11.00 – 12.00
room 6105, phone 7563 0353,
Härkäsalmi Tiina, room 857, phone 7563 0309
Hölttä Raija, ,
Lukkarinen Leena, room 6105, phone 7563 0353,
Administrative and technical support
Suonsilta Helena, amanuensis (resource management)
room 6069, phone 7563 0333,
Tolvanen Kaija, amanuensis (educational affairs, international student tutor)
room 6098, phone 7563 0357,
Aarni Petri, planning officer, technical support, virtual university,
room 6115, phone 7563 0317,
Ekström Helena, workshop master, phone 7563 0533,
Haikarainen Sari, workshop master, phone 7563 0350,
Huttunen Anja, workshop master, phone 7563 0350,
(absence 1.1.-30.9.2003)
Jousi Osmo, workshop master,
Kokko-Vuori Päivi, workshop master, phone 7563 0350,
Wasenius Hannele, workshop master, phone 7563 0586,
Evaluation board for Textile and Fashion Design Diploma Works:
Professor Päikki Priha, Pirjo Hirvonen, Heljä Tenhiälä, Maija Pellonpää-Forss, Kaija Tolvanen, (+postgraduate student).
The objectives of Fashion and Textile Design Programmes
The objective of Fashion and Textile Design Programmes (Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts) is to trainskilled and knowledgeable professional artists, designers and researchers for the needs of future society. The education in Fashion and Textile Design aims to ensure for the individual a creative development of her/his personal and artistic expression in an international, multivalued, critical and entrepreneurial atmosphere in interaction with distinguished professionals within design area. Teaching and research are innovative, utilizing a unique culture. Sustainable development is taken into consideration in all teaching and research activities.
General information about the studies
The education in Fashion and Textile Designprovides student with learning environment of versatile knowledge and skills for the profession of a textile and clothing designer. Through the practice and projects related to the studies the student becomes acquainted with practical working life. International exchanges and projects give the student possibilities to assemble an individual study programme. The VirtualUniversity ensures flexible study practices. The education gives an ability to develop individual professional skills throughout ones professional life. Skills in entrepreneurship and communication are also included. The students have possibilities to develop direct contacts with the surrounding professional society early on in their studies.
The objectives of the Degree Programme
The objectives of the MA program in Textile Art and Design are to increase the professional skills studied at the BA level to specialize the student in a specific area of her/his choice and to work as an independent entrepreneur, an employee and/or a member of a strategic planning team, an independent artist, designer or researcher. The core areas are textile arts, industrial and commercial textile design and research.
Core areas
MA studies1-2 yearCommon studies
/Advanced level studies
Joint studies of the design departments
Other studies common to programmes /Comma 2 cr
Joint project 2 crTheoretical and conceptual seminars I 1 cr
Preparation for Final Thesis seminar I 1 cr
Diploma work seminar II 1 cr
Studia Generalia 1 cr
Polar Visions 4-16 cr
Entrepreneurship 1 cr
Legal and professional practices 1 cr
Practical training 0-4 cr
Textile Art
/Studies orienting towards Textile Art 16/32 cr
/Textile Art 4 cr
Special techniques 2-4 crIntroduction to printing studio work 1 cr
Exhibition project 8-10 cr
Industrial-commercial textile design
/Studies orienting towards industrial-commercial textile design (16/32 cr)
/Textile Design collection 2 cr
Planning of commercial textile 2 crRetail collection planning project 10 cr
Entrepreneurship 1 cr
Legal and professional practices 1 cr
/Studies orienting towards research 16/32 cr
/History of Finnish textile art 1-2 cr
Studia Generalia 1-2 crResearch project 4-10 cr
Optional studies in research methods 2-6 cr
Optional other research studies 8 cr
Diploma Work
Minor subject studies
Studies required by the Degree programme
Advanced level studies (40 credits)
Joint Studies of the Design Departments (8 credits)
Objectives: The main goal of the joint studies of the design departments included in the MA degree is to develop the students´ conceptual thinking and knowledge of research methods. The objective of the joint studies is also to develop knowledge and skills in interaction and working as part of a group. The joint studies of the design departments (8 credits) (including the Diploma Work seminar arranged by the Department) are compulsory for everyone. The student can select his/her other studies from the offered study periods so that a minimum of 16 credits is made up from professional subjects from a study module (art focused, industrial-commercial or research focused). It is possible to include a study module of minor subject studies (16 credits) into the studies.
06021 Comma (2 credits)
06022 Co-operation project (2 credits)
06023Theoretical and Conceptual seminar I: A sustainable development course (1 credit)
06007Diploma Work seminar I (1 credit)
06024Theoretical and Conceptual seminar II: A theoretical framework (1 credit)
14025 Diploma Work seminar II (1 credit)
Joint Studies of the Design Departments 2002-2003 ( 8 cr) (JSDD II)
Orientation and Director course 29.-30.8.2002. Orientation is organized by study affairs during morning, Director course will be held at 13-17, 6th floor (Dpt of Fashion and Textile Design)
06021 JSDD1
COMMA 2 cr (compulsory) (29.-30.8.2002 Director); 2.-13.9.2002 (see separate program)
Objectives: To speed up and bring closer the MA studies of different degree programmes and to bring together students from design departments and to develop the students’ readiness for team work and conceptual and analytic thinking. The aim is also to help the students to think about design in larger connections and to identify the quick changes occurring in studies and professional practices. The course is a basis for the joint projects of the design departments, which begin directly after the course. In addition, the aim of the course is to familiarise students with the Director program as a tool for design and presentation.
Contents: Students will practise different methods of information collecting and observation, they draw up a draft of a joint commission. The draft will be visualised and presented with the help of the Director program.
06022 JSDD2
Joint Project 2 cr (compulsory) (presentation of projects during COMMA, forming groups during COMMA); 13.9.2002-12.12.2002. Interim checks 15.11. at 13-17 hrs. Final presentation 12.12. at 13-17 hrs.
Objectives: To support analytic and conceptual thinking, to develop methods connected with the design concept, to develop process orientated work methods, co-operation and communication skills.
Contents: Students of the design departments form teams, which work independently with the corporate joint projects. The leaders of the projects are the professors and tutors of the departments, with whom students have regular meetings. The project work uses an electronic learning environment FLE (future learning environment). Presentation of FLE during Comma course.
06023 JSDD3
Theoretical and Conceptual Seminar I: Course in sustainable development 1 cr (compulsory) (week 46/2002)
Objectives: To familiarise students with the environmental effects and the possibilities of contributing to a more environmentally friendly design.
Contents: To introduce the environmental factors in production and the environmental effects of the products’ life span. From the designer’s point of view to study the environmental effects of products and the changing role of the designer and to become familiar with the terminology of sustainable development.
06007 JSDD4
Diploma Work Seminar I 1 cr (compulsory) (7.-10.1.2003) (see separate program)
Objectives: The aim of the seminar is to get the participants to outline the topics, objectives and implementation of their diploma works. The course will develop the practical skills, knowledge and requirements necessary for doing the diploma work.
Contents: Among the topics of the course are: choosing the subject for the diploma work, formulation of the problem, structure and planning, diploma work as a process, scheduling the work, knowledge acquisition and criticism of sources, documentation and drawing up a report. The graphic format of the diploma work and oral presentation. The University’s / departments’ directions for diploma work.
06024 JSDD5
Theoretical and Conceptual Seminar II: Theoretical terms of reference 1 cr (compulsory) (week 8/2003)
Objectives: To introduce to participants the important theoretical and conceptual possibilities and sources in terms of their personal diploma work.
Contents: Teachers of the design departments and outside experts will give lectures on the theoretical frame and concepts used in design and on concept formation. The course covers the essential traditions of the main disciplines and describes how they have been utilised in design and in design research. In addition to art history, these disciplines include social sciences, ergonomics and technological sciences.
14025 JSDD6
Diploma Work Seminar II 1 cr (compulsory) (2003)
Objectives: In their second year the students will participate in the Diploma Work Seminar II. The aim of the seminar is to help the students in specifying the subject of their diploma work, in planning and achieving their goals.
Contents: Taking part in seminar work will complete The Diploma Work Seminar II. In the seminar the students present their diploma work plans. The presentation of the plan gives the participants a readiness for preparing and analysing extensive productions. The tool is the electronic learning environment FLE. The seminar includes the attending and reporting of three diploma work presentations.
14029JSDD6/JSDD 2001-2002
Diploma Work Seminar II 1 cr (compulsory) (2002)
For students who started their JSDD studies autumn 2001 (see departmental programmes)
Joint studies of the Design Departments 2002-2003 (8 cr)
MODULE / COURSEJoint Studies of the Design Departments
(8 cr)
(credit here = opintoviikko, NOT ects) / 06021 JSDD1
Orientation and Director 29.-30.8. 2002
COMMA 2 cr (compulsory) 2.-13.9.2002
(see separate program)
06022 JSDD2
Joint Project 2 cr (compulsory) (presentation of projects during Comma, forming groups during Comma)
13.9.-12.12.2002. Interim check 15.11. Final presentation 12.12.,
06023 JSDD3
Theoretical and Conceptual Seminar I: Course in sustainable development 1 cr (compulsory) (week 46/2002)
06007 JSDD4
Diploma Work Seminar I 1 cr (compulsory) (7.-10.1.2003) (see separate program)
06024 JSDD5
Theoretical and Conceptual Seminar II: Theoretical terms of reference 1 cr (compulsory) (week 8/2003)
14025 JSDD6
Diploma Work Seminar II 1 cr (compulsory) (2003)
Area of specialisation: theoretical and conceptual thinking
Other studies common for Textile and Fashion Design programmes
11137 Polar Visions (4 – 16 credits) (also as minor subject studies)
14033Knowledge in Entrepreneurship (1 credit) (F)
14027Legal and Professional practices (1 credit)(F)
09020 Practical training (0 – 4 credits)
14001 Studia Generalia - series of personal portraits (1 – 2 credits)
Studies orientating towards Textile Art (16 credits)
Objectives: Studies contain the personal individual expression and narration through textile arts. They develop an open and critical approach, as well as adapt and realize the textile’s wide possibilities in the field of art.
Contents: Art studies, textile arts, an exhibition project, special techniques. The co-operation partners and professional practices of an artist. The core area of expertise is textile arts.
Optional, this can also be passed as 32 credits subject to separate agreement.
The study module contains the following study periods:
09097 Textile Arts (4 credits)
09071 Special Techniques / Tufting (2 – 4 credits) a year
09071 Special Techniques / Jacquard weaving (2 – 4 credits) a year
09061 Orientation towards working in printing studio (1 credit) a year
09071 An exhibition project (8 – 10 credits)
Studies orientating towards industrial-commercial textile design (16 credits)
Objectives: in the future the textile designer will often act as an employee of a marketing company, as a subcontractor in a network or as an independent entrepreneur. The designer needs both the visual and oral skills of communication with modern equipment. She/he masters the basic principles of commercial activities starting with the company strategies and is able to relate his/her own special skills to the greater whole of commercial activities.
Contents: The study module helps the student to develop a holistic viewpoint ofthe already acquired professional skills. This will serve in learning commercial activities,providing a readiness for a designer to work as an independent entrepreneur; as a designer of concepts, materials, colors and surfaces for the industry of consumer products.
The study module contains the following study periods:
09117 Pattern design (2 credits)
11127Commercial textile design (2 credits)
14033Knowledge in entrepreneurship(1 credit)
14027Legal and professional practices (1 credit)
09119 Planning a commercial range (project) (10 credits)
Studies orienting towards research and reporting (16 credits)
Objectives:To develop ones knowledge of research methods and to use them in the mapping out and analysing of different areas in textile design.
The adaptation of a research orientation, and compilation of a written Diploma Workand the preparation for possible post graduate studies.
Contents: The use of research methods, to produce a written research report and to control the different stages of a research project independently through the realized research work.
Optional, this can also be passed as 32 credits subject according to a separate agreement.
The study module contains the following study periods:
09023 The history of Finnish textile art (1 – 2 credits)
14001 Studia Generalia - lecture series of personal portraits (1 – 2 credits)
09120 A research project charting Finnish textile art (4 – 0 credits)
00000Optional studies in research methods (2 – 6 credits)
Other optional studies in research and reporting (8 credits)
Maturity test
The Diploma Work (20 credits)
Other studies
Minor subject studies
Objectives: to give the student the possibility to increaseher/his professional ability by choosing a study module offered by another Department at UIAH, or another University, or a minor subject module offered by the department (Polar Visions, 16 credits and a multi scientific study module of crafts and art, 15 credits). The possibilities of minor subject studies are discussed individually with the teacher responsible for the degree programme as well as with professors at the Department (see also the item Minor subject studies in the Study Guide).
Supplementary studies
The purpose of the supplementarystudies is used in case the student has not fulfilled the language study requirementsin his/her earlier studies, or art subjects required for the BA degree, or if s/he wishes to broaden hers/his specialization. As studies supplementing the earlier (degree) studies in art, art theory, language studies or professional studies in the field can be required (0 – 8 credits/study module). (The study modules: art studies, studies in art theory, language studies or professional studies).
The objectives of the degree programme
The objectives of the degree programme is to deepen the previous fashion studies and to give a variedability for all different working practices within fashion design, as well as in product design, industry, retail sales, entrepreneurship and in research. The MA degree in Fashion and Clothing Design consists of three advanced level parts: the core areasartistic and design skills, commercial knowhow and research skills.
These parts include projects. There are also possibilities to take minor subject studies or participate in an international student exchange.
The studies required by the degree programme
Advanced level studies (40 credits)
Joint studies of the design departments (8 credits) (see above)
Objectives: The main objectives of the studies common to the design departments included in the MA degree are to develop the students´ conceptual thinking and control of the research methods. The objective of the joint studies is also to develop among others a wide scope of knowledge in interaction and working as part of a group. The common studies of the design departments (8 credits) (including the Diploma Work seminar arranged by the Department) are compulsory for everyone. The student can freely select his/her other studies from the offered study periods so that a minimum of 16 credits is made up from professional subjects from a study module (art focused, industrial-commercial or research focused). It is possible to include a study module of minor subject studies (16 credits) into the studies.
Other optional and joint studies - (see above)
Core areas / Module / CourseAdvanced level studies / MA studies 1-2 years
Common studies
Theoretical and conceptual thinking / Joint Studies of the Design Departments / Comma 2 cr
Joint projects 2 cr
Theoretical and conceptual seminars I 1 cr
Final thesis seminar I 1 cr
Theoretical and conceptual seminar II 1 cr
Diploma Work seminar II 1 cr
Other studies common for programmes / Studia Generalia 1-2 cr
Polar Vision 4-16 cr
Entrepreneurship 1 cr
Legal and professional practices 1 cr
Common projects
Artistic and design skills
Core area A / Design studies 16/32 cr / Folklore and design 6 cr
Accessories 2 cr
Creation and Design 6 cr
Imago and Branding 2 cr
Commercialism in Fashion and Design
Core area B / Commercialism in Fashion and Design studies 16/32 cr / Commercial project (and theory) 2-4 cr
Marketing 2 cr
Commercial-international project 2 cr
Entrepreneurship 1 cr
Legal and professional practices 1 cr
City Woman 6-8 cr
Core area C / Research oriented studies 16/32 cr / Artistic research 2 cr
Psychology of Fashion 3 cr
Polar Visions 4-16 cr
Diploma Work
Minor Subject Studies
A. Artistic and design skills