Holly Sterling
New Manchester High School
Cell: (404) 771-7220
Course Description:
The purpose of Psychology is to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the methods psychologists use in their science and practice.
Student Expectations:
- Be Present for class. Being Present is more than just showing up every day. It is essential that you come to class ON TIME, complete your homework, bring the needed supplies, and prepare to discuss any readings from homework or previous classes.
- Participate in class and take notes. By participating in a discussion about what you are learning, the teacher will be better able to identify the areas which will need more intensive review, and the student can use ideas generated in discussion and the notes from lectures as learning tools.
- Visit the class website daily. It is our virtual classroom and will have everything you need to be successful in class.
- ASK FOR HELP! If you are struggling to understand something or would like to receive extra help from the teacher, just ask! I will do my best to arrange a time to meet with you as soon as possible.
- Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.
- Conform to Douglas County and New Manchester High School behavior guidelines.
A failure to follow any these will result in a write –up.
- Show Respect for Authority Figures
- Do Not Be Tardy to Class
- Follow the Dress Code
- No earphones or ear buds at any time for any reason.
- No Offensive Language
- Do Not Distract from Instruction
- Stay awake and keep your head up
Tardy Policy:
Unexcused tardies will result in an immediate take home detention. After the unexcused third tardy, you will receive a discipline referral. You are tardy if both of your feet are not inside the classroom when the bell rings.
If you or your parents would care to donate to Mrs. Galm’s classes, we are always in need of the following items, and having extras in class will make everyone’s year better!
-Glue Sticks- Facial Tissue - Pencils/Pens
-Hand Sanitizer- Markers - Loose-leaf paper
Units of Study:
UnitFoundations and Research
Sensation, Perception and Consciousness
Learning and Memory
Mini-Unit: Stress
Mini-Unit: Development
Abnormal Behaviour
Social Psychology
Grading System:
The final course grade will be determined through a variety of assignments and assessments. It is important to do your best on every assignment! Grades will be posted on Infinite Campus. Please understand that some assignments may take longer to post than others – I want to take the time grading that your hard work deserves!
Tests, Essays and Projects / 45%Daily Work, Quizzes, Notebook / 45%
Final Exam / 10%
The EOCT grade will be weighted 20% of your grade and will be averaged in with your class average to obtain your final overall grade.
Expectations for Graded work:
- Work will be considered turned in when it is handed to your teacher or placed in the basket that corresponds to your class period.
- All work is to be done INDIVIDUALLY unless specifically noted in written instructions or by your teacher. This includes homework, projects, essays
- All assignments are posted on the class website which is updated DAILY. It should be the first place you look when you need help.
- Students are expected to do their best work at all time. While grades are important, true learning is the most important. Students will also be assessed on their personal progress of the content taught in class.
- Cheating, in any form, is considered academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated! All acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero with no opportunity to make-up the assignment or re-take the test. Cheating includes copying another person’s work on a test, class work, or homework as well as PLAGERISM. REMEMBER, LETTING A CLASSMATE COPY YOUR WORK OR COPYING A CLASSMATE’S WORK IS CHEATING!
- Assignments may be turned in late (unless previously indicated otherwise), but 10 points A DAY will be deducted automatically. That is 10 points for each DAY (not class). If it was due Monday, and a student doesn’t turn it in until they come to class again on Wednesday, that’s 2 days/20 points. Weekends DO count as days late also. Long-term assignments are NOT allowed to be turned in late (see handbook).
- Attendance is absolutely necessary to succeed in this class. If you are absent, you are required to turn in any previous work upon your return. Absences on the day preceding a known test date will not excuse students from scheduled tests and quizzes. In order to receive credit, make-up tests, quizzes, and projects must be turned in within three calendar days after the due date. Students MUST provide an excused absence in order to make-up tests and projects; otherwise the student will receive a ZERO. Students who are absent are responsible for obtaining any work they may have missed.
Academic Integrity:
As an educator at New Manchester High School, I believe that the best academic environment is one that holds personal integrity and responsibility in the highest regard. While in Ms. Sterling’s class, students are expected to exhibit honest, responsible and ethical behavior at all times. Students will take credit only for ideas and efforts that are their own. By signing below, you acknowledge the existence of a Student Honor Code in this class. You understand that the Student Honor Code supports and environment that values integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct for all students participating in this class. Any issues with academic honesty will be dealt with according to Douglas County School District Policies and Procedures.
Film Release Signature:
As part of our study of United States history, film clips are used in class that may contain violence or language relating to war, the civil rights movement, terrorism, etc. Since some of these film clips may carry a rating of PG-13/ R for violence or language, the United States history teachers require a parent or guardian signature giving permission for their student to view these historical film clips. If you have any questions, please e-mail your student’s teacher.
I give permission for ______to view any United States history rated PG-13/R film clips (possible violence or language issues) that may be shown in class as part of the instruction.
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______
Parent, Student, and Teacher Signatures:
We have read the above syllabus and expectations and are prepared to participate in this learning experience. We promise to ask for help when needed, work together to teach and learn US History, and keep positive attitudes this year! We promise to do all that’s possible and necessary to help reach the goals stated above.