History of India (1757-1857)
Full marks :-100
- India in the middle of 18th century-forces of continuity and change.
- Final victories of the British in Bengal and Carnatic.
- Expansion of the British empire upto 1857war and diplomacy as instrument of expansion-relationship with the Marathas, Mysore, Awadh, Central India, Punjab, Sindh, Burma (First Phase).
- Growth of Administrative Apparatus- warren Hastings, Cornwallis, Bentick, Dalhousie.
- Economic change (1757-1857)
(a)Land Revenue Settlement-Permanent Settlement, Roytwari, Mahalwari.
(b)Decline of Indian industries.
(c)Commercialization of Agriculture.
- Introduction of English Education and the Rise of the New Intelligentsia with special References to Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
- Indian Resistance to British Imperial rule.
(a)Popular Resistance.
(b)Revolt of 1857 causes and Nature.
Suggested Reading:-
- H. H. Dedwell ed, Cambridge History of India, Vol. V
- P. Thompson and G.T. Garatte, The Rise and Fulfilment of British Rule in India.
- P.E. Reberts, History of British India.
- Majumdar, Roy Chaudhary and Dutta, An Advanced History of India, Vol. III.
- S.B. Chaudhary, Civil Disobedience Under British Rule, 1757-1857.
- L.P. Sharma, Adhunik Bharat (Hindi)
- Delhi University Publication, Adhunik Bharat ka Itihas (Hindi)
- D.R. Gadgil, The Industrial Evaluation of India in Recent Times (Relevant topics)
- S.N. Sen, Eighteen Fifty Seven.
- P.C. Joshi, ed, Rebellion 1857 : A Symposium.
- R.C. Majumdar, ed, History and culture of the India People (Relevant Volumes)
- R.C. Majumdar, The sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt Of 1857.
- V. C. Joshi, ed, Ram Mohan Roy and the process of Modernization in India.
- B.N. Mishra, The Indian Middle Classes.
- Bisheshwar Prasad, Bondage and Freedom, Vol.
- Chopra, puri and Das, Social, Cultural and Economic History of India Vol. III.
History of india (1858-1947) with special
Reverence to the freedom movement
Full marks:-100
- India’s Relation with Persia, Afganistan, Nepal, Tibet, Burma.
- British Policy towards Indian States.
- Problems of Decentralization-separation of judiciary from Executive Functions, Indianisation of Services.
- Imperial Adjustments: Administration of Ripon;Marley- Minto Reforms.
- Imperial Offensives: Lytton and Curzon.
- Imperial Adjustment (Next Phase)- Montague Chelmsford Reforms.
- Indian National Movement upto 1919.
(a)Early Political Association.
(b)Indian National Congress
(c)The Moderates,The Extremists, The Revolutionaries in Indian and Abroad.
- Indian National Movement, 1919 to 1939.
(a)Emergence of M.K. Gandhi.
(b)Khilafat Movement
(c)Non-Cooperation Movement
(e)Civil disobedience Movement
(f)Imperial Response:Suppression-cum-conciliation; the Government of India Act1935.
- India and the Second World War:
(a)Cripps Mission (b) 1942 Movement. (c) Cabinet mission.
- Muslim Politics Since 1930 and demand for partition
- Independence and Partition.
Suggested Readings:
- Bisheshwar Prasad, Foundation of Indian’s Foreign policy, 2 vols.
- W.P. adye, India and her neighbours.
- J.M. adye, India’s Frontier Policy.
- K.N. Panikkar, Indian states and Government of India.
- P. Thompson and G.T. Garratt. Rise and Fulfilment of the British Rule in India.
- R.P. Dutta India Today (also in Hindi)
- P.E. Roberts, History of British India.
- John R. Melane, Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress.
- Judith M. Brown, Gandhi’s Rise to Power, 1915-1922.
- Tarachand, History of the freedom movement in India.
- R.C. Majumdar, History of the Freedom movement in India.
- Ayodhya Singh, Bharat Ka Mukti Sangram (Hindi)
- Bisheshwar Prasad, Bondage and Freedom, Vol. II
- Majumdar, Roy, Chaudhary and Dutt, An Advanced History, Vol. III.
- A.R. Desai, Social Background of India nationalism (Hindi).
- Biban Chandra, Rise and Growth of Economic Nationalism in India.
- S. Gopal, Policy in India (1858-1905).
- Masiruj Hassan, Nationalism and communal politics in India.
- S,R. Mehrotra, Emergence of India Nationalism.
- Anil seal, the Emergence of Indian Nationalism.
- Sumit Sarkar, Modern India (1885-1957).
(a)history of the far- east (china, Japan) From MID-19th
century to MID-20th Century
Full marks – 100
- Opium Wars.
- Taiping Rebellion.
- Boxer Movement.
- The Revolution of 1911.
- Genesis and Principles of the Kuomintang Party
- The Career and Contribution of Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
- Rhe Career and Contribution of Chiang Kai Shek.
- Rise and Growth of the Communist Movement in China.
- Opening of Japan.
- Meiji Restoration.
- Modernization of Japan.
- Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95 and the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05.
- Washington Conference.
- Japan and Manchuria.
- Rise and Fall of Japanese Imperialism.
Suggested Reading:
- Euss. The Far-East.
- Clyde, The Far East.
- Crofts, A History of the Far East.
- Jean chesneaus, M Rastid and Gergere, China from the Opium Wars to the 1911-Revolution.
- Jean Chesneaus, China from the 1911-Revolution to Liberation.
- K.S. Latourette, A History of Far East.
- H.M. Vinacke, Asia ka Adhunik Itihas (Hindi).
- E.H. Norman, Japan’s Emergence as a modern state.
- J. Livingstone, J. Morse and F.M., ed,. Imperial Japan, 1800-1945.
- Immanuel C.Y. Hau, The Rise of Modern State.
- F.B. Beasley, Modern History of Japan.
- R. Storry, A History of Modern Japan.
Or, (b) History of west Asia (MID–18th to MID-20th) Century Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Leabanan, Palestine, South Arabia.
- Hamidian Despotism.
- Decline of the Ottoman Empire.
- Young Turk Movement.
- Establishment of the Republic.
- Kemalist Transformation of turkey.
- Foreign Policy of Turkey under Kamal Pasha.
- Condition of Iran before the accession of Reza Shah Pahlavi.
- Demostic Policy oof Reza Shah Pahlavi.
- Foreign policy of Reza Shah Pahlavi.
- British Mandate in Iraq.
- Rise of Nationalism in Iraq.
- French Mandate in Syria and Labanan.
- Palestinian Problem.
- Creation of the state of the Israel.
- Rise and Growth of Arab Nationalism.
- Modernisation of Saudi Arabia.
- Achievements of King Ibn Saud.
Suggested Reading:-
- Kirk, A short History of the Middle East.
- Lenzhorskky, The Middle East in World Affairs.
- Hary M Luke, Turki, Old and New.
- B. Lewis, the Emergence of Modern Turkey.
- Ferozuddin Ahmad, The young Turks.
- Hans Kohn, Nationalism in the Near East.
- D.N. Verma, Asia Ka Adhunik Itihas (Hindi).
- Ambika Prasad Sharma, Asia Ka Itihas (Hindi)
- J. C. Jha, Adhunik Paschchimi Asia (Hindi).
- D.E. Vebster, The Turkey of Ataturk.
- G. De. Goury, The New State of Israel.
Rise of the Modern West
(MID-15th Century to American revolution)
Full Marks-100
- Renaissance. Its Social Roots, City State In Italy, Crisis in feudalism, Humanism, New Learning and Artistic Standards.
- Early colonist Empires, Motives, voyages, Portguese and Spanish Empires, Beginning of the Lia of colonization.
- Origin of the European states-
(A) France-Luis XI, Francis X, Charles IX, Decline of the T Estate Ascendancy of king-in –council.
(B) Spain – Internal Unification, Charles V, Dynastic Aances, Territorial Unity, Revolts of the Knight and of the Peasants (1522).
(C)Britain- Tudor Despotism, star Chamber, Council, Parliament, Trade and Rise of Professional Administrators.
(D)Russia-Ivam the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Isolation from the West.
- Economic Developments of the 16th Century.
(a) Commercial Revolution.
(b)Influx of American Silver and the Price-Revolution.
- European Reformation : Origin, Brief Course and Isults, Luther, Calvin and the British Compromise, Count Reformation, Thirty Year’s War and the Rise of Swed.
- European Crisis in the 17thCentury: Economic and Political Aspect.
- The English Revolution of 1688: Origin, Social, Economic and Political Aspects.
- Nature of the British Revolutionary Settlement.
- Rise of Modern Science: Copernicus,
Kepler, Galileo Harvery Scientific Method and Organizational, Bace Descartes, Newton. - Mercantilism: Major Outlines ad development by 1684 practised for 150 years in the 17th and 18th Centuries.
- American Revolution : Origin Results and Significance.
- Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. Problems and Theories.
Suggested Readings:
- Parthsarthi Gupta, Rise of the Modern West.
- J.R. Hale, Renaissance Europe.
- G. Clark, Early Modern Europe.
- M.S. Anderson, 18th Century Europe.
OR, HISTORY OF U.S.A. (1776-1945)
- War of American Independence.
- Government of polity under George Washington.
- Jefforsonian Democracy.
- U.S. foreign Relations, 1800-1929.
- Jacksonian Democracy.
- Civil War Factors and Impact with Special Reference to Abraham Lincoln.
- Reconstruction After Civil War.
- Populist Movement.
- Imperialism and Emergence of the USA as a World Power.
- Spanish War: Causes and Effects.
- Theodore Roosevelt.
- President Wilson : Domestic policy, Role in World War 1 role in Paris peace conference.
- Isolationism and Internationalism of America, 1918 to 1933.
- Economic Depression (192-1933).
- F.D. Roosevelt. New Deal, Foreign Policy.
- Social and Cultural Progress in the 20th Century.
Suggested Reading:
- S.E. Morrison and Commager, The Growth of American Republic.
- R.N. Current and other, American History –A survey.
- S.R. Morrison, Oxford History of the United States.
- J.G. Ramndall and D. Ronald, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
- Pratt. History of the US Foreign Policy.
- B.P. Sexena, America ka Itihas (Hindi).
- Role of Russia in the Eastern Questions, Crimean War, Berlin Congress.
- Czar Alexander II, Reforms.
- Causes and Effects of the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05.
- Triple Entente.
- Russia and the Fiest World War Causes of Debacle.
- Bolshevik Revolution, October 1917. The Initial LKeigslation of the New Regime.
- Bolshevik Revolution March1917.
- The New Economic policy : Strategties for the Restoration of the National Economy : Foreign Policy.
- The Foundations of planned Economy-Collectivisation of Agriculture, Role of the communist Party, Foreign Policy.
- The Soviet Economy 1943-1953 : The Restoration of National Economy and the Programme of Communist construction.
- Soviet Diplomacy Prior to and During the Second World War : The Economy.
- Beginning of the Cold War. Factors and progress till 1953.\
Suggested Readings:
- H. Seton Watson, The Russian Empire.
- G.B. Henderson, Crimean War diplomacy and other Essays.
- G.T. Ronson, Rural Russia Under the Old Regime.
- H. Seton Watson, The Decline of Imperioal Russia. 1855-1914.
- E.H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923.
- M.Dobb, Soviet Economic Developments Since1917.
- I. Deutscher, Satalin : A Polution Biography.
- M. Deloff, The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, 1929-1941.
World history 1789-1943
Full marks-100
- French revolution of 1789 causes nature and significance.
- Rise and fall of Napoleon Bonapart.
- The Industrial revolution.
- The Triumph of nationality in the 19th Century.
- Translation from feudalism to Capitalism.
- Modern Imperialism.
- The American Civil War 1861-65.
- The China revolution 1911.
- Causes and Effect of First World War.
- Formation of the league of nation-its success and fall.
- Russian revolution of 1917, causes nature and significance.
- Rise, development and fall of Japanese imperialism.
- Modernization of Turkey under Mustafa Kamal Pasha.
- Rise of Fascism in Italy.
- Rise of Nazism in Germany.
- Gandhism-Ideology and Politics.
- Rise and development of communism in China.
- Circumstances leading to the second world war.
Principles of Economic Growth and Planning
Full Marks – 100
- Meaning and Measurement of Economic Growth.
- Factors of Economic Growth-Economic and non- Economic, role of State in Economic growth.
- Capital formation and Economic growth.
- Foreign capital and Economic growth.
- Population and Economic growth.
- Technology and Economic growth.
- Stages of economic growth.
- Planning-Need for planning, objectives of planning, Types of planning, planning by inducement and Planning by Direction Physical & Financial Planning, Capitalistic and Socialistic and Socialistic Planning.
- Planning in India-Strategy of Indian planning, Planning processes in India-Indian’s Planning Commission, National Development Council, Decentralised Planning.
Book Recommended:
- W. A. Lewis - Theory of Economic Growth.
- W.W. Rostow - Stages of Economic Drowth.
- R. Nurkse - Problems of Capital formation in under
Developed countries.
- Higgins -Economic Development.
- Mier & Baldwin - Economic Development
- Dubey &Baldwin - Arthik Vikas
- M.W. Hanof - Arthik Vikash Ke siddhant (Macmillan)
(Economic Development of U. K. U.S.A. U.S.S.R. & JAPAN)
Full Marks-100
Industrial Revolution – Causes and Consequences, Agricultural Revolution, History of Agriculture Since 1850, Commercial Revolution, Decline an Economic power of Great Britain.
American Economy, since 1914, Great Depression and New Deal, American Agriculture since 1914, American Industry since1914, Tariff Policy since 1914.
State Capitalism, War Communism, New Economic Policy, Scissor’s Crisis, Collectivization of Agriculture, Industrial Development during post-war period –Tenth and Eleventh five year plans of U.S.S.R.
Meiji Restioration-Industrial Development and Foreign trade since 1914.
Economic recovery of Japan after the 2nd World War-Small Scale Industries in Japan.
Books Recommended:
- Knowles - the industrial and commercial revolution in
Great Britain during the nineteenth century.
- M. Dobb - Economic Development of USSR since 1917.
- Sridhar Pandey - Mahan Desho Ka Arthik Vikash (Motilal
Banarsi Das).
- Mamoria, Sahay Evam
Kulshrestha - England Evam Rus Ka Arthik Itihas.
- G.C. Allen -A Short Economic History of Modern Japan.
- Folkner - Economic History of U.S.A.
- Allen -Economic History of Japan.
Full Marks-100
Definition and scope of statics
Measures of central tendency-mean, Median and Measures of Dispersion-Mean Deviation and standard deviation.
Census and Sample Methods of investigation, Primary and secondary data.
Index Number.
Books Recommended:
- D.N. Elhance -Fundamentals of Statics.
- B.N. Gupta -Statistics.
- B.N. Gupta - ………….
Optional Paper
Full Marks:-100
Nature and scope of Labour Economics, Labour Market, Characteristics and Peculiarities of Labour Migration, recruitment and working conditions of Indian labour, Market, Nature, demand and supply of labour wage determination collective Bargaining Trade Unionism, Nature and function and their role in Economic Development with reference to India.
Labour Welfare measures in India, social security in India.
Industrial Disputes-Measures for promoting Industrial Peace conciliation Arbitration and workers participation in management.
Book recommended:
- R. Lester - Economics of Labour.
- Reynolds - Labour Economics and Labour Relations.
- Nature and scope of Agriculture Economics-Role of agriculture in developing economy-Land use pattern-Land Reforms-Type of Farming (Peasant Proprietorship, Capitalist, Co-operative and Collective) Farm Management Practice.
- Agricultural Finance-Role of institutional financing in agricultural development (with special reference to India)
- Marketing structure and marketing agencies The problem of marketable surplus and the problem of price and market regulations.
- Farm productivity-Factors affecting productivity Technology and productivity, Instability in farm productivity Measures for stabilization of agricultural productivity.
- Agricultural Prices-annual, seasonal, regional and cyclical variation in prices. Price instability and income instability-Measures of price and income stabilization.
- Role of State in agriculture development-New strategy of agricultural development-Agricultural development programmes in India.
Books Recommended:
- D.M. Chauhan - Agricultural Economics
- C.B. Mamoria - Agricultural Problems of
Principles of modern industry- division of labour, standardization, scientific Management, Rationalisation integration and Combination-horizontal and Vertical–factors governing the size of Business unit, concept of optimum firm Combinations, Organization, Industrial ownership-partnership and joint stock companies, managing agency system, location of industries monopoly-causes of growth and effects, control of monopoly.
Features and evils of capitalism, allocation of resources under capitalism and socialism-problem of incentive-workers control and joint control, inequality of income.
Industrial organization in India-key industries
Development of important industries during the plan period industries in the private, public and joint sectors. The structure of public enterprises in India, Management of industries industrial finance in India-state policy towards industries in India.
Equation, Function, Limit, Differential Co-efficient, Determinant, Matrix, Elasticity of Demand and Supply, Price-theory: Mathematical analysis, Definition and scope of Statistics, Classification and Tabulation of data, Diagrammatic and Graphic Representation of data Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, Mode Harmonic mean and Geometric Mean, Measures of Dispersion: Range, Mean, Deviation and Standard Deviation, Analysis of Time series, Correlation, regression, index Numbers, Interpolation and extrapolation.
- R.G.D. Allen - Statistics of Economics.
- B. Gupta - Statistics.
- S.P. Singh - Principles of statistics.
Economics Problems of India
Full Marks-100
- Basic characteristics of Indian Economy.
- Poverty and its eradication- Twenty point programme population policy and Programme.
- Natural resources-Forest policy and Energy policy.
- Role of Agriculture in economic development.
- Land reforms, Land Ceiling, Consolidation of holding.
- Agricultural credit-Different sources.
- New strategy of agritcultural Development, Green Revolution.
- Agricultural Develop under five year plans.
- Industrial policy since 1956, 1977, & 1980.
- Small scale industries-Importance & Problems, Small scale and cottage industries under five year plans Growth and Problems of some large scale industries-iron steel, Cotton, Cement, Sugar.
- Industrial finance-IFC, IDBL.
- Foreign trade-Direction and Composition of India’s Foreign trade.
- Unemployment-Nature,
Problem and Employment Programmes.
Books recommended:
- L.M. Roy - Bhartiya Arthasashastra.
- Nathuramka -Bhartiya Arthasashastra.
- A.N. Agrawal - Indian Economics.
Philosophy of Religion
- Nature of Religion, relation of to Science, Morality, Theology.
- Religious Consciousness.
- Foundation of Religious Belief – Reason & Faith. Revelation and Mystic Experience.
- Forms of Primitive Religious – Manaissm, Totmism, Animism, Fetishism and Spiritism.
- God:-Proofs for the existence of God, cosmological, Ontological Causal, Teleological and moral.
- Attributes & Personality of god.
- Problems of Evil natural and Moral evil, Theistic solution of the Problem of evil.
- Proofs for the immortality of Soul.
- Unity of Religion and Religious Tolerance.
- Conversion and Secularism.
Social & Political Philosophy
Full Marks – 100
- Social Philosophy :– Its nature and relation to sociology, Civic duty, Individual and Society, Tradition and Modernity, Caste and Class Marriage and Divorce,Private Property andf the Doctrine pf Trusteeship.
- Political Philosophy:- Its nature and Distinction from political science Political Concepts, Rights and Duties, Liberty, Equaility, Justice Power, Influence and authority, Political Obligation, Political Ideologies, Democracy, Socialism, Marxism, Communism Monarchy, Anarchism, Sarvodaya, Satyagrah.
Books Recommended:-