History Department

Staff Student Committee Meeting 2nd November 2007

Present: Layla-Roxanne Hill (1A Rep), Haileigh Robertson (1A Rep), Joby Howlett (1C Rep), David Talbot (1C Rep), Imran Aziz (2EM Rep), Julia Boehme (2EM Rep), Gillian Park (Level 3 Rep), Heather Cluness (Jun Hons Rep), Christopher Miller (Jun Hons Rep), Ian Taylor (Sen Hons Rep), Sally McAskill (Sen Hons Rep), Joni Allan (Sen Hons Rep), Sam Maddra (SSC Con), Phillips O'Brien (2AM Con), Don Spaeth (HOD), Donald Tait (Hist Lib), Lional Glassey (2EM Con), Marina Moskovitz (Hons Con).

Apologies: Marilyn Dunn (1A Con), Dauvit Broun (1C Con)

1.  Minutes last meeting

Minutes unavailable at the meeting but will be distributed among the Staff Student Committee when available.

2.  Election of Chair and Minutes Secretary

Election of Ian Taylor (Sen Hons Rep) as Chair and Joni Allan (Sen Hons Rep) as Minutes Secretary

3.  Courses


No issues to raise, happy with the way the courses are operating


No issues to raise, happy with the way the courses are operating


Issues were raised about the two essay deadlines. Some students feel it unfair that they have received the earlier essay deadline two years in a row; however reps have taken into account that this is necessary for resources. It was suggested that a system could be put in place, which ensures that those students that do the early essay the previous year get the later essay the following year. LG responded that the essay deadline is determined by tutorial group chosen by the student, and that they therefore could actually select which essay deadline they would have.

Also some students have enquired as to what has happened to PAL (Peer Assisted Learning), the drop-in session for exams and essays. DS responded that there are essay workshops running at the moment, IA said students wanted individual workshops to help them. DS explained that PAL was paid for by the central university but that the funding has been stopped now due to the take up for the PAL sessions not being great. However if there was a demand for it then there is the possibility to bring it back in the second semester. IA responded that it was only a few students; however DT said that PAL would be useful for international students. CM stated that the SRC found that the take up for essay writing workshops was better and attracted more students. DS said that in the workshops, tips on presentations were included, however if there was a demand from students, then we could possibly approach students from junior or senior honors to volunteer. JB raised the point that the essay workshop times conflicted with other subjects, the response was that there were no history courses at this time but that it will be taken into consideration.

Level 3

No Report

Jn Hns

CM raised the point that some students are finding that all their course work is due within a two week period due to the fact that a number of courses have a structure that starts with a period of lectures then ends with all the seminars at once. DS responded that the structure varies from course to course, some tutors want their students to establish a firm base of knowledge before the first seminar, and others feel it better to spread out the seminars. LG responded that he has found that there was an overwhelming demand for seminars to be concentrated at the end of the course, and this was shown in his course questionnaire where 75-80% of students wanted this. DS also suggested that if the student is aware that they have their coursework due within a certain period then they should really forward plan.

Sn Hns

IT raised the point that it is expensive to print off materials for Specialist Subject? seminars. JA thanked the department for crediting the senior honors class with printing credits. DS responded that this was due to money left over from the previous year. DS asked the Sn Hns reps how were they finding the year, given that with the new 20 credit modules they were only having to take 1 module over the year,? SMcA responded that there was a lot of work. DS asked how the extra time was being spent and whether the module was being taken in the first or second semester. IT responded that there was a mix between specialist subject and dissertation and taking module in first semester but said it was good that it was a personal choice to take the module in the first or second term.


Title of proposed Honours Subject: Patriarchy, sex and gender in early modern Europe. Dr Alex Shephard is course convenor.

No objections

Title of proposed Honours Subject: Violence and civility in Greater Britain, c. 1550-1750. Dr Alex Shephard is course convenor.

No objections

Title of proposed Honours Subject: Saints, Relics and Pilgrimage in Norther Europe, c. 1400 to c. 1550. Dr Harry Schnitker is course convenor

SM suggested that the first two points in the Course Aims should go into the Intended Learning Outcomes, therefore course aims need to be tightened up.

Title of proposed Honours Special Subject: Law, crime and society in England, c. 1580 – c.1700. Dr Alex Shephard is course convenor

No objections

LG introduced Dr Shephard as a new tutor and that her courses fill a gap in the curriculum, he further noted that they are very good courses and that he looks forward to this new curriculum. DT has had Dr Shephard previously and felt she was a good lecturer and that Dr Shephard’s course on Patriarchy, sex and gender in early modern Europe looks interesting. DS asked the committee whether there would be a big gap in the curriculum if a course was not offered in late 19th and early 20th British diplomatic relations, CM responded that this module was well taken up and would leave a big gap.

IT enquired whether there was anything about a specialist in the Doomsday Book to be employed in the history dept. LG and DS responded not at the moment. Enquiries about non-Western history were raised as there are not many options in this area offered by the department. LG responded that the dept has had experts in the past on African history however they are weak in this subject area and in other non-Western and U.S. history.

5.  Library Report

DT reports that there is disruption on level 4 at the moment and that the computers on level 8 are now up and running. Inquired about the book situation with 2EM, whether there are enough books on this subject, if not will see about buying in extra copies of popular texts or getting the books on to electronic form. IA responded that with the two essay deadline dates and various essay titles there is no blockage in obtaining books. CM responded to putting prescribed texts as electronic resources would help subjects where only a few copies of a book are available.

6.  Matters Arising

JA reported that many students have found that the computers on level 8 are blocking valuable study space and that at exam time this could prove problematic. DT responded that the arguments for computers were more than those for study space and that levels 10 and 11 were being preserved as study areas. He also stated that many course materials were now digitized. As DS agreed, resources are very much digitized and it is productive to use computers and books side by side. CM suggested that DISH lab was available. DT responded that after the Level 4 stock clear out more study space would be available

This committee is to reconvene via e-mail at a date to be arranged.