History & Citizenship 203-06 (room 202)

Teacher: Ms. Patterson


Course Objectives:

This general survey history course traces the historical and evolutionary development of man and civilization. The course is designed to facilitate development in the following subject-specific competencies, outlined in the Quebec Education Program (QEP) for Secondary Cycle One:

  • Competency 1 – Examines social phenomena from a historical perspective
  • Competency 2 – Interprets social phenomena using the historical method
  • Competency 3 – Constructs her/his consciousness of citizenship through the study of history


The topics students will be exploring through in-class work, assignments, homework, presentations, quizzes, tests, & exams are:

  • A New Vision of Humanity
  • European Expansion in the World
  • The French Revolution
  • Industrialization: An Economic and Social Revolution
  • Imperialism and Colonization
  • Winning of Civil Rights and Freedoms
  • Globalization: A Social Phenomenon of the Present


The course will look at the above topics with the use of the text My History Log: Knowledge and Activities B(Julie Charette, 2008)


Students are reqiured to attend every class with the following materials:

  • My History Log workbook
  • Binder with loose leaf
  • 3 PINK32 page Hilroy notebook (3 needed for entire year)
  • Pens, Pencils and highlighters
  • Agenda to write down homework

Please ensure that all of these supplies are in-class by Class #3- September 10

***Students are required tobring their workbook and supplies to EVERY class. They must keep all their materials in their binder. They will be asked to refer to material previously studied. They will also need to review all material covered in class for the final exam in June. ***

Student Responsibility:

Unlike your core classes, we only have class 3 times in a cycle. Hence, it is your responsibility to keep track of deadlines of assignments, as well as, quizzes, tests, and exams dates.

When you are absent, you should make the effort to get the notes from another student and/or e-mail me. Unless there is a medical reason, excuses for not being prepared will not be accepted and will result in a in-class detention.

If you miss a test or quiz, you will automatically write it the next class. No excuses will be accepted unless you have been absent for a prolonged period of time.

If you know you will be absent for a class a head of time, inform me and I will explain to you what you will miss. This demonstrates to me that you are responsible and trustworthy.

Homework Policy:

Homework will be checked regularly. When homework is not completed, it is recorded. After the third time homework is incomplete, parents are notified and the student will have to serve an in-class detention with myself.All homework will be posted on the Westmount High school Website. Go to and click on Teacher WebPages.

I look forward to working with you.