Historical & Architectural Review Commission

Minutes - July 28, 2015


Chairman, Terry Pierce, called the meeting to Order on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 5:30 PM. The Chair welcomed everyone and stated HARC is a recommending body to the City Council and the Council will have the final decision for petitions/proposals at their next regularly on August4, 2015.


Members Present were: Terry Pierce, Kim King, Ritch Alexander, Karen Raines,Paula Hagnauer and LaDonna Walden. Unexcused absenceJennifer Flores-Melton. Also present were: Jon Ferry, Economic Development Director, Zoning Administrator Steve Willaredt, and Granite City’s Building Inspector Ralph Walden and Alderman Dan McDowell.


HARC chairman Terry Pierce asked Petitioners and Recipients of TIFgrants to stand and be sworn in.


A motion to approve the Minutes from the previous meeting (JUNE 23,2015) and this evening’s Agenda was made by Paula Hagnauer and seconded byKim King. Voice vote. All ayes. Motion carried.

PETITIONER (1): Barbara Whitehead

Barbara Sales

1371 Niedringhaus Ave

Recipient of Downtown T.I.F. Grant and her proposal

Kimbera Harper daughter of Barbara Whitehead (owner of Barbara Sales) introduced herself and indicated that the grant would be used for facade to the front of the building, which would be an Cloth Awningwith aluminum frame. Color would be Brown or Khaki. There would be no advertising on the awning. No painting except around the window frames only. Replace cracked window and tuck pointing if needed.

MOTION to approve TIF grant proposal as presented was made by Kim King and seconded by Ritch Alexander. Roll Call vote. All ayes. Motion carried by unanimous consent.

PETITIONER (2): Chris Janek

Tank’s Total Fitness

1908 State St.

Recipient of Downtown T.I.F. Grant and her proposal

John Janek father of Chris Janek (owner of Tank’s Total Fitness) introduced himself and indicated that the grant would be used for front facade to the building. Mr. Janek passed out pictures of before and after of what the front of the building would look like. Mr. Janek indicated that there would be a new double entry door with side windows and eliminate the doors going to the upstairs. Possibility of sometuck pointing.

Kim King questioned what is the correct property address. TIF Grant Application states 1908 State St.

Mr. Janek addressed the property as 1906 State St. Jonathan Ferry-Economic Development Director stated he would check on the correct address for this application.

MOTION to approve the TIF grant proposal as presented was made by Paula Hagnauer and seconded by Karen Raines. Roll Call vote. All ayes. Motion carried unanimous consent.


Steve Willaredt-Building and Zoning Administrator passed out photographs in reference to 1822 State St for Galen Gondlfi- Fort Gondo, Inc., that is not in compliance with the city requirements set by HARC. If Fort Gondo Inc. does not comply there will be a stop work order posted.

Motion to adjourn by Paula Hagnauerand seconded by Karen Raines. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Willaredt

Administrator, HARC