

August 22, 2007, 5:15 p.m.

Common Council Chambers

Second Floor, City Hall


71 Grand Street – Mansion H. D.

Owners: Mr. & Mrs, Paul Sayegh

Contractor/Applicant: Doug Alexander

Request for approval of the installation of a pair of large double-hung windows to replace the very large pane of glass that formed the front of the projecting “storefront” area of the bottom level of the façade until that piece of glass was broken by someone almost a year ago. A temporary window surrounded by plywood has been in place since the glass was broken. The space on the affected floor serves as an apartment.


1.“Jared Holt Site” – South End/Groesbeckville H.D.

Owner: Southend Associates, LP

Developer/Applicant: Omni Housing Development, LLC (Duncan Barrett)

Architect: Collins & Scoville Architects, P.C. (Edwin Anker, Clark Shaughnessy)

The applicants made an initial presentation to the Commission regarding this project at the 2/7 meeting. It consists of a cluster of 10 new housing units that is the first phase of a development planned for the entire block bounded by Broad Street, Third Avenue,


HRC Agenda – 8/22/07

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Clinton Street, and Fourth Avenue (part of which was the former site of the Jared Holt factory). The proposed plans call for wood-frame buildings of 2 to 3 stories faced mainly with brick veneer. Shared parking and green space will be located behind the buildings in the center of the block. The proposal includes the demolition of a single-family house at 114 Clinton Street. The Albany Housing Authority will provide tenants for the housing units. The applicants now are returning to seek approval of the proposed designs from the Commission.

2.399 State Street – Washington Park H.D.

Property Owner: Washington Park Condominium Association

Applicant: Charles Kuhtic (President of Association)

In October 2003, the Commission members approved the replacement of the windows in this large condominium building as follows:

  1. Each window that is visible from the street on the third through ninth floors will be replaced with an aluminum-clad wood double-hung simulated-divided-light unit that fills the entire opening and matches the existing light pattern, with all surrounding trim to be clad with matching pre-finished metal.
  1. Each window that is visible from the street on the first and second floors will be replaced with a wood unit (with no exterior cladding) matching the appearance of those on the upper floors, with the existing wood trim to be restored to its original appearance and painted to match the windows.

The window work has not yet been undertaken. Mr. Kuhtic now is returning to request that the members modify the original decision and extend their approval of the installation of clad products on the upper floors to the first and second floors as well.